On the wall, blood was constantly flowing out.

The four stood in place, closing off the five senses and six senses.

It looks like a clay sculpture, motionless.

The blood pooled into streams, accompanied by bursts of musical instruments and singing.

On the wall, those red and pink skeletons drilled out from the wall one by one.

They shook their white skeletons, bathed in blood.

Under the nourishment of fresh blood, flesh, tendons and skin gradually grew on their skeletons.

A graceful lady appeared in front of several people.

Although everyone closed their five senses and six senses at this time, they still felt a chill.

Next to the Emperor Chi, a lady walked by.

She was holding the pipa in her hand, with a beautiful face and a strange smile on her face. It was the skeleton who had attacked Chi Huang earlier.

She leaned over to the blazing emperor, like a cat, sniffing the blazing emperor's breath.

The smell of blood has not yet dissipated on the blazing emperor's skin.


A laughter like a silver bell came from the lady's mouth.

Her hand, a cold hand without a trace of warmth, fell on Chi Huang's face.

She touched Chi Huang's cheek, and her movements were very gentle.

The man's well-defined face remained motionless.

The maid raised her finger, and her sharp nails pierced the wound in Chi Huang's heart.

Her fingernails rattled, digging into the heart of the blazing emperor.

The blazing emperor's figure was very small, and he swayed.

It was with this flash that his five senses and six consciousnesses quickly returned to the cage like a tide.

The lady waved her hand, and the ladies beside her all gathered around.


At this time, behind him, in the direction of Daomen Bingxin, Bingxin swayed and took a step back.

Those ladies suddenly seemed to be facing the enemy, they surrounded the past and surrounded Daomen Bingxin.

The lady at the head was also the one who attacked the blazing emperor. Her eyes widened, and the pipa in her hand rattled.

However, on the strings, strands of thought power like silk threads quickly trapped Bing Xin's hands, feet, and limbs.

The other ladies did the same, and their psychic bondage bound Bing Xin into a silkworm cocoon.

They dragged Daomen Bingxin to the depths of the Queen's Tomb.

After a while, the music disappeared.

Xi Jiuye's figure flickered, and his eyes regained his vigour again.

"Tsk, Bing Xin was taken away."

Xi Jiuye's eyes darkened.

"That kid is here to save me."

Chi Huang's face is not very good.

At the wound on his body, the blood attracted those ladies.

"They went in that direction."

Immortal Emperor Jade Phoenix pointed to the ground.

But there was a thin bloodstain on the ground.

That was deliberately left by Daomen Bingxin.

"We have to save him, but the kid told us to wait until the funeral is gone before we go there."

The blazing emperor gritted his teeth.

He wanted to make a move earlier, but that boy Di Xin took advantage of the lady's attention and passed on the message to Chi Huang.

I don't know what medicine is sold in Di Xin's gourd.

Xi Jiuye frowned.

"Do as he says."

The witch god's order came immediately.

"What if that thing falls into Bingxin's hands?"

Xi Jiuye hesitated.

According to the witch god,

The treasure in this queen's tomb will not appear until the red and pink skeletons have finished their sacrifices.

Once the sacrifice is completed, it is not so easy for him to snatch Daomen Bingxin.

Although the witch god can give Xi Jiuye some hints.

But he couldn't actually help Xi Jiuye.

Xi Jiuye was not absolutely sure of defeating Daomen Bingxin.

"That Chaos Orb, Daomen Bingxin can't take it away."

The witch god's tone was very determined.

"Chaos beads?"

Xi Jiuye felt that the name sounded familiar.

He vaguely remembered that the bead, which Saintess of Taiyin had mentioned before, seemed to be the one she got from the Jade Shou Duzun couple. ""

"Just wait and see a good show."

The witch god wanted to see how Daomen Bingxin would react.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The mourning lingered in my ears.

In the crack of the sky, these twelve hours are like years for Yun Sheng.

Since Ji Rumo left, she has been waiting for that summoning formation to appear again.

But the strange thing is that the summoning formation did not appear again.

This made Yun Sheng a little anxious.

Fortunately, she quickly calmed down.

For the remaining twelve hours, Yun Sheng paid attention to the behavior of the stone statue.

What made Yun Sheng even more surprised was that twelve hours had passed.

Those stone sculptures that were activated every twelve hours and played mourning music did not activate again this time.

In the crack of the sky, it is quiet.

Yun Sheng realized that something was wrong.

Ji Rumo also lived like a year.

He was sent out of the sky by Yun Sheng first.

I thought that as long as Yun Sheng would follow soon.

Unexpectedly, the pair of men and women, to be precise, the man, would no longer draw a summoning formation.

He and the woman rested beside him.

Judging by the man's appearance, he seemed to be adjusting his breath.

Ji Rumo realized that it took a lot of energy for the man to draw those summoning formations and summon the living stone sculptures in the sky crack.

For now, we can only wait patiently.

As for those activated stone carvings, orders were also given.

"You go to patrol around and see if you encounter ancient clans or ancient beasts, you don't have to conflict with them."

Qin Qi recovered some of his thoughts.

In this old Kunlun site, there are still rules for its operation.

The power of his own body, but here is a place where heroes are useless. If it is just the power of thinking, Qin Chu is not much stronger than the eldest grandson Xueying and Liu Qibian.

That's why he went to great lengths to summon these stone sculptures.

Ancient people and ancient beasts?

After Ji Rumo listened to it, he remained calm. He mixed in with the stone sculptures and started walking around.

"It is indeed the old mountain area."

After Ji Rumo walked for a while, from the terrain and surrounding vegetation, he quickly determined that this is the old mountain area.

He was a little excited, but at the same time he was even more worried about Yun Sheng.

"First think of a way to leave Laoshan District and inform Di Nishang to see if there is a way to rescue Yun Sheng."

Ji Rumo secretly said.

He has been to the Laoshan District and is familiar with the terrain here.

Looking at the surrounding mountains, this area should not be deep in the old mountainous area, so it is not difficult to leave.

But don't wait for Ji Rumo to take a few steps.

His feet froze, but he saw his feet, from below the ankles, quickly began to petrify.

Ji Rumo was startled, and when she looked at her body again, the summoning array flickered continuously.

Could it be that the man's summoning array moved his hands and feet?

Ji Rumo realized that he was afraid that he would not be able to freely enter and exit Laoshan District.

Qin Qi is also cautious.

Although these stone sculptures have long since become warriors without masters, he still has a good eye, and he has left his spiritual imprint in the summoning formation of these stone sculptures.

As long as the stone carvings are separated from the controllable distance of Qin Qi's spiritual imprint, the stone carvings will quickly petrify and return to the appearance of a crack in the sky. .

Ji Rumo was shocked and realized what!

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