Ghost-kun's words seemed to be for Ye Lingyue's good, but after Ye Lingyue heard it, there was a thump in her heart.


Was it discovered by "he"?

The meaning of Ghost Lord is clearly to imprison Ye Lingyue and Gu Qinglong together.

Ye Lingyue thinks back on her words and deeds and doesn't know if she has any clues?

In fact, even though Ye Lingyue made a lot of nonsense, the half-truth didn't make the ghost king suspicious.

What really made Ghost King suspicious was that he did not find the Nine Lives Buddha.

Feng Yujun left with his forefoot, and the next moment Jiu Ming Buddha fled.

This makes Ghost-kun feel very wrong.

Of course, he did not see through Ye Lingyue, otherwise he would not simply imprison him, but directly kill him.

Ye Lingyue pondered for a moment, and guessed that Ghost-Jun did not intend to break up completely by himself.

"Then thank you Ghost-kun."

Ye Lingyue laughed dryly twice.

"You don't need to be polite, Feng Yujun, you and I are on the same boat. Let me remind you, don't run around, or my lanterns will kill you."

Ghost-kun's voice disappeared.

The smile on Ye Lingyue's face also disappeared.

Ghost-kun is warning.

So, there is something wrong with these lanterns?

She glanced at the colorful lanterns. Earlier, she hadn't paid much attention to these lanterns.

Being able to guard the ancient Qinglong and watch a "cemetery guard" want to come, Ghost King is very confident in these lanterns.

"Don't let me force it, I want to see how capable you are."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

She also knows that tonight, if she can't break out, then she, Gu Qinglong, even Jiu Ming Buddha and Cui Hong may be damaged here.

The Ghost Lord of the Destiny Clan...

Fourteen lanterns, two each of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, hang by the side.

This lantern is much more delicate than the earlier funeral lanterns. It looks like a palace lantern, with vermilion wooden beams and long tassels, each of which is about half the height of a person.

When there is no wind, the tassel will also wiggle slightly.

Each lantern has six sides, and on each side is a lady with a different look.

The six sides are combined together, which happens to be a complete set of dance moves.

"It's a flying lady again."

Ye Lingyue narrowed her eyes.

She tentatively took a step forward.

As soon as they took a small step, those lanterns responded quickly.

When one of the lanterns moved, the six flying ladies landed gracefully.

Ye Lingyue frowned.

Immediately, I thought of the unfinished flying ladies on the corridor earlier.

Shouldn't that guy, Ghost-kun, be able to control these flying ladies?

Ye Lingyue's suspicion was quickly verified. Seeing Ye Lingyue's change, the eyes of the six flying ladies flickered with cold light.

In front of them, a stream of light flashed, and six flying swords appeared.

With a flash of sword light, it flew towards Ye Lingyue.

Read teacher!

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Ye Lingyue was shocked to find that these flying ladies were also teachers.

Six reading teachers, and they are shooting at the same time with the skilled reading teachers, their strength should be between the advanced reading teachers.

The six flying swords arrived almost instantly, and each one blocked Ye Lingyue's retreat.

Ye Lingyue's reaction was also dissatisfied, she moved her footsteps slightly, her movement changed, and she also used her mind power.

The six flying swords collided with Ye Lingyue's thought power head-on.

Ye Lingyue took a step back.

The six flying swords flew back to the side of the six flying ladies.

The ground trembled for a while, the six flying ladies swayed, and a crack appeared on the ground, but Ye Lingyue used the power of the earth.

The expressions of the six flying ladies changed, and their bodies fell into the cracks.

"It's really difficult."

Ye Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately after looking at it, I saw that on a lantern, six ladies fell gracefully to the ground.

They flew up, and Bai Lian flew out from each of their hands, and Bai Lian pulled up the ladies in the crack.

Twelve flying ladies stood in front of Ye Lingyue.

Twelve flying swords flew out.

On the other twelve lanterns, the flying ladies also appeared and landed.


Ye Lingyue had no choice but to retreat.

Twelve lanterns, a total of seventy-two flying ladies.

The colors of their clothes are different, but the flying swords they can use are neat and consistent, and they can advance and retreat.

Apparently, they were also ordered by Ghost Lord not to kill "Feng Yujun". As soon as Ye Lingyue returned to the cell, the flying sword stopped and flew back as soon as it clicked.

"This ghost gentleman is too evil, and he can actually control those flying ladies."

Ye Lingyue touched her forehead, her hands covered in cold sweat.

She is also a high-level teacher, and she has no chance of winning with one enemy at seventy-two.

"Don't try, these ladies are very powerful."

He heard Gu Qinglong's incomparably weak voice behind him.

A foul smell came immediately.

Ye Lingyue hurriedly covered her nose.

It seems that the power of those thousand-year-old crotons is not trivial.

"Gu Yinglong had a conflict with them earlier, and he was almost never killed. They know how to form and work together, and their strength will not be worse than a ghost king."

Gu Qinglong just pulled a game.

Now my stomach hurts again.

As an ancient mythical beast, it was enshrined in the temple before, so how could it ever suffer such a crime?

"Do you still know how to form? Where did the ghost gentleman get these ladies?"

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

"He came to the Ghost Mountain City with him. The man is very mysterious. He also built this Ghost Mountain City overnight. This kind of strength can only be compared to when Lord Tiandao was still at his peak. "

Gu Qinglong is also a taboo when he mentions Ghost King.

"But if we don't go out, we can only be trapped here."

Ye Lingyue frowned.

At this time, a thought force fluctuated.

Ye Lingyue was shocked.

No, the Nine Lives Buddha and the Ghost Lord are likely to have already fought.

That thought power fluctuation was formed by the collision of the two thought powers.

If the strength of Ghost Lord is as Gu Qinglong said, Jiu Ming Buddha will be very dangerous.

"No, I have to go out."

Despite Gu Qinglong's dissuasion, Ye Lingyue still wanted to take a risk.

But as soon as she took a step, the flying swords of the seventy-two flying ladies were already on standby.

Ye Lingyue gritted her teeth.

"Those who block me will die. If you insist on blocking me, don't blame me for killing me."

Ye Lingyue took off the hat, and within her body, the ancient power of thought and the power of the earth in her body also rushed out.

But those flying ladies were indifferent.

In their eyes, only the ghost-kun's order is an order.

A fight is about to unfold.


At this time, Gu Qinglong's incomparably weak voice came again. .

A dirty box rolled to Ye Lingyue's feet.

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