A stench hits him.

But at this time, Ye Lingyue couldn't care less. She picked up the box and hesitated. In the end, Ye Lingyue still didn't open it. She just tore off a piece of robe and wrapped it up.

Gu Qinglong had collapsed at this time.

But it saw that Ye Lingyue did not open the box, but kept it properly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Although Ye Lingyue has a token of Lord Tiandao, Gu Qinglong is still skeptical of his character.

After all, Gu Qinglong saw Ye Lingyue's performance last time in Jiudang Ling Jueya.

How could this female teacher be so honest?

Ye Lingyue's heart, why not tangled.

What is the treasure in the box that Tiandao took out with all his might?

Ye Lingyue can open it now and take it as her own.

In this way, she has the power to compete with Heavenly Dao.

But after thinking about it, Ye Lingyue decided to give up the idea.

With his current cultivation level, even if he really got a treasure, he might not be able to control it, and he might be a blessing in disguise.

That being the case, it is better to honestly bring it back to Yun Ling, provided that he can go out.

Seventy-two ladies are not easy to deal with.

Ye Lingyue's eyes were dignified, ready to go, ready to fight to the death with the seventy-two ladies.


Ye Lingyue felt that the box she had just got moved.


Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

Something seemed to move in the box.

"Gu Qinglong, is there a living creature in this box?"

Ye Lingyue was puzzled and asked.

"I don't know about the old dragon. When I swallowed it, there was no movement."

Gu Qinglong was also puzzled.

Ye Lingyue took out the box.


Inside the box, there was more movement, as if something was about to break free from it.

Gu Qinglong's eyes widened, and Ye Lingyue's face became more and more solemn.

A piece of red light shot out from the box.

That red light, revealing a bloody smell.

This is!

Ye Lingyue looked at the red light that was getting stronger and stronger, and her pupils shrank heavily.

The red light in the unknown box was exactly the same as the red moon transformed from Liu Qibian's soul she had seen earlier.

Ye Lingyue's pupils were also turned red by this red light.

There was a roar behind him.

Gu Qinglong was also infected by this red light and became restless.

Even the Feijian of the seventy-two ladies who was guarding outside the secret room became restless.

Ye Lingyue's body suddenly felt a cold feeling.

Ye Lingyue only felt a shock in her body, and the red light in her eyes disappeared.

In the body, there is a bead that is slowly releasing power.

Chaos Orb.

Ye Lingyue woke up.

The chaotic bead that Ye Lingyue thought disappeared, actually reappeared.

The Chaos Orb that Yun Ling helped her integrate into her body, the Chaos Orb that had not moved for a long time, suddenly appeared at this moment.

Ye Lingyue has never found that Chaos Orb in her body since Yun Ling helped to fuse the Chaos Orb.

Not to mention, to find out the specific use of Chaos Beads.

But at this moment, the bead released its power without reservation.

At that time, Ye Lingyue also asked Yun Ling, but Yun Ling didn't tell her why.

She also asked Yangquan Palace Master.

The Yangquan Hall Master just told Ye Lingyue that some treasures can only be used after the master has reached the corresponding strength.

The chaotic bead that Ye Lingyue fused is much stronger than that fused by Xiao Wuji.

Xiao Wuji couldn't fully control it yet, Ye Lingyue obviously couldn't control the power of the beads, so the beads wouldn't show up.

There are only two ways to make it appear. One is that when Ye Lingyue's own strength matches the Chaos Bead, the beads will naturally appear for Ye Lingyue's use.

There is another situation, that is, the beads will appear when they are stimulated.

This situation is also divided into two reasons. One is that the beads themselves encounter opponents comparable to themselves, and they will be preemptive when stimulated.

Another reason is to encounter other Chaos Orbs.

Right now, Ye Lingyue's situation is obviously because of the treasure in the box, the Chaos Orb in Ye Lingyue's body is like a great enemy, and it is stimulated.

Really a blind cat met a dead mouse.

Ye Lingyue was both surprised and delighted. At this time, her whole body was covered with a faint holy light.

The light seemed to deliberately compete with the red light in the box.

The stronger the red light, the stronger it is.

Ye Lingyue also exudes a different majesty because of it.

The red light in the box changed from strong to weak, and later, as if it was suppressed, it quickly dimmed.

The movement in the box gradually disappeared, and within a quarter of an hour, the box returned to calm.

At this time, Gu Qinglong's eyes have also recovered a clear clarity.

"How can you have such a strong pressure on you?"

Gu Qinglong's head that was originally held high subconsciously dropped down at this moment.

Its dragon claws are crawling on the ground, lying on the ground, a gesture of five-body throwing a gift.

This gesture was not voluntarily by Gu Qinglong, but when the Chaos Orb in Ye Lingyue's body radiated power, Gu Qinglong felt it and made a conscious move.

"Coercion? Is this the coercion of the Queen?"

Ye Lingyue looked around her body.

She suddenly understood the function of this Chaos Orb. Last time, when she got the mask, that Chaos Orb could enhance her strength.

Yun Ling said that the Chaos Orb was the "Queen's Power", and after fusion, it possessed a part of the Queen's explosive power.

But the chaotic bead fused by Ye Lingyue of Bright Collar did not make Ye Lingyue feel the enhancement of her strength, but this layer of holy light around her can make people daunting.

This is the majesty of the queen?

The Queen of Kunlun is a noble existence on the top of Kunlun. She is a majesty to deter the world. Naturally, Ye Lingyue cannot be compared with her deity, but the coercion of this layer of queen also allows her to resist the bewitchment of the Queen of the Red Moon in the box. .

"Since it is the coercion of the Queen, then..."

Ye Lingyue thought of the seventy-two ladies outside the secret room.

Her heart moved, and she didn't know who was stronger in "Queen's Coercion" and Ghost-kun's mind control.

Ye Lingyue strode out of the secret room.

Seventy-two ladies and seventy-two flying swords were still waiting outside the secret room.

But this time, Ye Lingyue came out.

The ladies did not act rashly.

They hesitated.

Ye Lingyue took a step forward, and the ladies took a step back.

The ladies who were closer to Ye Lingyue were even shivering with fear, their knees bent down.

There is a play!

Ye Lingyue knew from this situation that these ladies were also afraid of the Queen's coercion.

Ye Lingyue simply rushed towards Feijian and the ladies. .

At this rush, those Feijian ladies were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and the dozen ladies in the front row even thumped and knelt down one after another, daring to resist at all.

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