Gu Qinglong knew that he was in a bad way today, so he used the dragon's tail to sweep Ye Lingyue away, signaling her to leave quickly.

As long as he enters the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, Ye Lingyue will be safe.

Ye Lingyue quickly ran towards the city gate.

Gu Qinglong closed his eyes.

"Lord Tiandao, Laolong can no longer follow you in the future. I hope you can keep the old Kunlun site."

Gu Qinglong raised the faucet with the last bit of strength.

It is a noble ancient divine beast Gu Qinglong, even if it dies, it must die bravely and fearlessly.

"They hid in the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas."

Gu Yinglong and a group of ancient birds have approached the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City.

On Gu Yinglong's back, there is also the Qianlan Buddha.

As for the ghost gentleman, he disappeared temporarily, and he didn't know if he was entangled by the seventy-two ladies, or if he encountered other troubles.

"Sure enough, it's Concubine Yang, no wonder I felt something was wrong at the time."

It wasn't long before the Kianlan Buddha returned to the artisan dwarf tribe and was besieged.

The Blood Princess, the Six-Tailed God Weasel King and others scolded her for a while. It turned out that they had already seen through that the Qianlan Buddha was a traitor.

Especially the blood princess, she did not expect that the Qianlan Buddha would actually collude with the ghost king.

It was at this time that the Qianlan Buddha received the instructions of the ghost gentleman, asking her to confirm whether Yang Fei'er was still there.

Thinking of the Feng Yujun wearing a bucket hat earlier, Qianlan Buddha immediately understood.

She secretly regretted that she should have recognized Yang Fei'er as Feng Yujun earlier, and she would not have been mixed into the ghost mountain city.

Thinking of Princess Blood's distressed expression, the face of Qianlan Buddha was indifferent.

"Stupid, good birds choose wood to live in. Today's Taoist sects and Buddhist sects exist in name only. With our own strength, we can't fight against those city owners and pirates. Only by relying on the ghost king can we survive."

The Lord Buddha believed that as long as he could survive, what he did was a matter of course.

Just at that time, Gu Yinglong came and let her escape from the siege of the crowd.

"Everything is to blame for that damn Yang Fei'er. If she falls into my hands, I will definitely smash her to pieces."

The Qianlan Buddha looked down from a height and saw the ruined city of Thousand Buddhas from a distance.

"You can't kill that person yet, Ghost Master said, in addition to the eldest grandson Xueying, you must capture all the remaining masters on the jade list, especially the top 30. In the ruined city of Thousand Buddhas, not only Concubine Yang is here. There is also Zitang, these two must be captured alive.”

Gu Yinglong reminded.

Zitang is also in the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City?

The blue Buddha's expression darkened.

Anyway, wait until Zitang is caught first, and then intercede with the ghost to see if he can keep Zitang's life.

In other words, after catching Zitang by yourself, see if you can persuade Zitang.

It was only half a quarter of an hour away from the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, and at this time, Gu Qinglong was out of power and could not enter the city at all.

"It's close, the ancient beasts will arrive soon."

Cui Hong leaned against the city gate with a worried look on her face.

"That kid in Zitang is in the North Buddha Grotto."

Jiu Ming Buddha narrowed his eyes.

That kid seems to have been hiding in the North Buddha Cave after returning to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

In that place, he had already ordered someone to seal it up earlier, and Zitang hid in it. What was his intention?

"I'll go find him."

Ye Lingyue thought about it and went to the North Buddha Cave.

Unlike other ruined cities in the ruins of Hundred Cities that have been affected by war and become devastated, the ruined city of Thousand Buddhas, because of the special protection of the Buddha's seal,

Nothing in the scene has changed much, and it has not changed much from when the Nine Lives Buddha left.

The Buddha statues that Ye Lingyue repaired were also displayed next to them, standing quietly.

Ye Lingyue rushed all the way to the North Buddha Cave.

When she arrived at the North Buddha Grotto, she saw the entrance of the North Buddha Grotto at a glance, and the entrance had been opened.

She walked in quickly, ignoring the phantoms in the North Buddha Cave.

Inside the North Buddha Grotto, Zitang sat cross-legged.

"Is this what you call a retreat?"

Ye Lingyue's voice was full of dissatisfaction.

Zitang is not practicing in seclusion at all, and his mind power cultivation base is not able to break through by himself by seclusion.

Zitang sat there motionless like a wooden stake.

All his attention was focused on him.

A dead branch was stuck in front of him half an arm away.

"This is?"

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

That branch is not the dead branch that Zitang inserted into the ground crack earlier.

"Is it a linden branch?"

Ye Lingyue thought of the budding purple-leaf bodhi sapling.

Zitang did not answer.

He was still for a moment, his black eyes staring at the dead branch.

"Is this the dead branch in the Queen's Valley?"

Ye Lingyue looked at the dead branches and felt a little familiar.

At the beginning, in order to open the secret entrance of the Queen's Palace, Zitang planted this dead tree, and the dead tree was in spring, and they were able to enter the Queen's Palace smoothly.

It's just that the sapling quickly withered after sprouting because of the strong resentment in the ground crack.

"It's all that's left."

After a while, Zitang held back a sentence.

He originally had three dead branches, according to the meaning of the venerable, as long as any one of them came alive.

However, none of the three roots came to life, and he was entrusted with it.

Although the tree in the royal court of the Queen's Palace was rejuvenated, it quickly withered after the Chaos Orb in the Queen's Palace disappeared.

The tree on Jiudang Ling Jue Cliff, although it sprouted, only gave birth to a secret path for the ancient beasts to escape.

After the ancient beast escaped, it also withered.

The one in Zitang's hand was secretly entered into the fissure before he left the fissure, and retrieved when Liu Qibian and others were unprepared.

It also has only one dead branch left.

But this is the only one that Zitang can get back.

All the methods have been tried, but the dead branches still cannot germinate again.

Zitang could only go back to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas and use the last method.

If this time, he still fails, he will not be able to complete the entrustment of that honor.

There was a trace of unwillingness on Zitang's face that had never been expressionless.

"Don't tell me, you've been hiding here for this dead branch? You know, the sky has turned upside down outside."

Ye Lingyue pursed her lips.

Zitang this guy is really dead brains.

Since the purple leaf bodhi tree has withered, how can it be easily resurrected.

At the beginning, the sapling of the bodhi tree that her father gave her said that the purple leaf bodhi is a Buddha tree, which is difficult to grow and grow into a towering tree.

When she met the little sapling, she had to go through all kinds of hardships before she survived.

The taunting words that had already reached his lips, but after arriving at his master Zi first, Ye Lingyue swallowed the words back.

Zi Zi is Master Zi.

The Zitang in front of her is just like her back then.

There is only one thought in my heart, let Xiaoshu survive.

"It's useless, it's withered."

Ye Lingyue patted Zitang's shoulder. .

On Zitang's shoulder, he avoided Ye Lingyue's hand.

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