Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

The fourth thousand four hundred and fifty-three chapters of the law of the dead wood to meet the sp

Zitang's face was full of indifference, and Ye Lingyue's expression was very cold.

"You killed it."


Ye Lingyue was about to blurt out a curse.

"The power of the earth here has been taken away by you."

Zitang's black eyes were full of anger.

"The power of the earth?"

Ye Lingyue was stunned.

"I'm sorry, I told him."

At this time, there was a sound from the ground, and Kunlun Demon Shoots carefully stuck out his head.

Ye Lingyue looked at the Kunlun magic bamboo shoots.

The latter shook the soil on his body embarrassedly.

"He found me and was tortured to extract a confession. I can only tell him that the power of the earth here is very small. But he doesn't believe it, so he must wait here."

Kunlun Demon Bamboo said bitterly.

Zitang, this guy's cold and frosty aura is really scary.

Kunlun Mosun suspected that if he stayed with him again, he would freeze to death sooner or later.

"The power of the earth helps trees sprout?"

Ye Lingyue lowered her voice and carefully asked Kunlun Demon Bamboo Shoot.

"I don't know. I'm just a bamboo shoot. But the power of Danmu is good. Danmu is known as the longevity tree, and it can still grow after so many years."

Kunlun Demon Bamboo said cautiously.

Danmu increases the power of the earth?

Ye Lingyue's heart moved.

She looked at the dead branch in front of Zitang again.

Ye Lingyue can be sure that relying on Zitang's "seeing to see through", this dead branch will never survive.

Ye Lingyue coughed a few times.

"Zitang, I have a way to make the dead branches germinate again."

Zitang originally ignored Ye Lingyue, but after hearing what Ye Lingyue said, he raised his head and glanced at Ye Lingyue.


The red eyes in the eyes are unbelievable.

"I can give it a try. It's better than waiting here. If you wait any longer, the entire Buddhist sect will be wiped out."

Ye Lingyue shrugged.

She just thinks it's feasible, and she can't say it will be successful.

But the most urgent task is to let Zitang cooperate.

Gu Qinglong outside can't wait long.

Gu Qinglong is the top priority for Ye Lingyue to open Yun Ling's knot, and Ye Lingyue must save him.

And Gu Qinglong's flying ability is much more useful than flying rune bones.

Right now, she needs to travel to and from the old mountain area, or even go deeper into the old mountain area in the future, Gu Qinglong is essential.

"State your terms."

Zitang did not hesitate.

Ye Lingyue didn't need to say it, he also knew that it was meaningless to collect dead branches.

He also tried other methods, but failed.

In this case, it is better to let Ye Lingyue die as a living horse doctor.

At least, in Zitang's eyes, Ye Lingyue is a cunning woman who puts her interests first in everything, but she is occasionally credible.

He took a risk and believed in this woman.

"The conditions are very simple. Join our camp and fight against foreign enemies. The time limit is before you leave the old Kunlun site."

Ye Lingyue thought about it for a while, and said neatly.

She must tie the big brother Zitang to her own boat.

Right now, the old Kunlun site is full of chaos, and any helper is very useful to Ye Lingyue.

"Your condition is a bit too big."

Zitang frowned.

This woman is really a lion.

"I thought it was important enough to you."

Ye Lingyue pointed to the dead branch.

Zitang glanced at Ye Lingyue.

For Zitang, there is nothing important in the world, except for this dead branch.

"Gu Yinglong is here, Gu Qinglong is in danger."

Cui Hong reminded outside.

"Save Gu Qinglong, my companion."

Ye Lingyue smiled and looked at Zitang.

Zitang walked out without saying a word.

Ye Lingyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Aren't you going to take a look? A powerful aura is approaching."

Kunlun Demon Bamboo murmured.

"No, Zitang has more than enough, but I have to think about this dead branch."

Ye Lingyue suppressed the smile on her face.

She thought about it and pulled up the dead branch that looked lifeless.

After checking it with her mind, Ye Lingyue shook her head.

It's really utterly dead.

"This thing really has a chance to live?"

Ye Lingyue said to herself.

She thought about it and found a piece of Danmu.

"What are you going to do?"

Kunlun Demon Bamboo said curiously.

In its view, that dead branch is indeed a slim chance.

"Have you heard of grafting?"

Ye Lingyue said suddenly.

Kunlun Demon Bamboo didn't say anything, obviously he didn't know.

"My mother used to grow some herbs when she was a child. Some herbs are prone to pests, but by grafting, they can resist pests and even produce high yields."

Ye Lingyue said, and began to graft the dead branch onto the Danmu.

At the beginning, Ye Beiming and Yun Sheng had just arrived in Bahuang.

The Eight Desolations are called the Eight Desolations, and they are really desolate.

There was a time when the weather was not good, and the land was barren, it was very difficult for the people there to live, let alone the medicinal herbs used by Yunsheng to cure diseases, even the basic crops were difficult to survive.

Yun Sheng also tried all kinds of methods for this.

But after asking the entire God Realm for advice, there is no way.

Later, Yun Sheng brought his family back to the present day by chance.

She finally found a way in modern society.

In addition to asking some gods to help transform the local climate environment and soil fertility, Yunsheng also made use of modern agricultural technology.

For some crops and herbs that did not survive well, Yun Sheng finally used grafting technology to make them survive in the Eight Wastelands.

Grafting technology has also been widely promoted in Bahuang.

Ye Lingyue grafted the danmu and the dead branch together, and then integrated a part of her earth power into the soil, and then planted the grafted tree.

"Hopefully, Danmu, as a sacred tree, can help the dead branches come back to life."

After Ye Lingyue planted the grafting tree, she could only pray in her heart.

Aside from the Zitang factor, Ye Lingyue also really wanted to take another look at the original Ziye Bodhi.

At this time, Zitang just walked in.

He looked at the nondescript grafted wood on the ground, his lips moved, but he didn't make a sound.

Gu Qinglong has been moved in by Zitang.

Speaking of which, it was a close call.

If Zitang was one step slower, Gu Qinglong would be captured alive by Gu Yinglong.

Outside the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, there was a thunderous roar.

It was Gu Yinglong's roar.

Outside the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, Gu Yinglong hovered above the city.

"No reason. Who is that guy, who dares to take food from the tiger's mouth under the eyes of my Gu Yinglong."

Gu Yinglong was furious.

Seeing that Gu Qinglong no longer has the strength to fight, it intends to humiliate that guy.

"Let me go down, I know him, and I may be able to convince him to hand over Gu Qinglong."

The Qianlan Buddha gritted his teeth.

She wanted Zitang to see the situation clearly. At the current Kunlun site, Nian Shi couldn't survive on his own.

Ghost Lord is the Master of Destiny, and only by following him can they survive. .

When Buddha Qianlan arrived in front of the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, she was also blocked by the city gate.

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