Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Four thousand four hundred and fifty-four chapters shortened Buddha roots

Kian Lan Buddha took a deep breath, and she raised her voice.

"Zitang, I'm Qianlan, can you come out and meet me?"

Even though she was very indifferent to her, in the eyes of Qianlan Buddha, her friendship with Zitang was still deeper than others.

In the city, there was no Zitang's voice, but the ironic voice of Qianlan Buddha floated out.

"Qian Lan Buddha, you are also a member of the Buddhist sect. You helped Zhou to abuse and help foreign enemies invade the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas. You still have the courage to come to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas? Bah!"

Nine Lives Buddha sneered.

The blue Buddha's face turned slightly red.

"Di Nishang, I'm doing this all for the sake of Buddhism. Do you think that with a few of you, you can beat the ghost king? He is the Master of the Destiny, and only he can help the Buddha to survive this calamity."

The righteous words spoken by the Qianlan Buddha, if they had not witnessed what she did, the Nine Lives Buddha would have been deceived by her words.

"The so-called escape from this disaster is to sell us to the ghost gentleman? He is not human at all, and you will not end well with him. Get out of your way, lest the old lady look at you and can't help but kill you. Now, on the back of a charge of maiming a fellow sect."

The Nine Lives Buddha is not in a good mood.

"Jiu Ming Buddha, stop pretending, you thought I didn't know, you were seriously injured. The ghost said that your injury cannot be recovered unless there is a Destiny Minder to help heal it. You are now, and Ordinary teachers are no different."

The blue Buddha said proudly.

Inside the city, Jiu Ming Buddha's expression changed.

The power of that fateful bombardment is so strong?

Indeed, after she returned to the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, her injuries never eased.

There was no movement in the city.

Qianlan Buddha asked a few more questions, but he did not get a response from Zitang.

She cursed inwardly.

"No, I have to go in."

The heart of the blue Buddha.

But as soon as she raised her hand, she touched the city gate.

On the city gate, the "*" Buddha seal radiated light, and the light was so dazzling that Buddha Qianlan couldn't help but take a few steps backwards.

"It makes no sense, I am also a Buddhist, why not let me in?"

The Qianlan Buddha glared angrily at the Buddha seal.

"Heh, I don't even recognize you in the Buddha's seal, Qianlan Buddha, you should give up your mind. Your Buddha-nature has long been dusted, and you are not qualified to call yourself a disciple of the Buddhist sect."

After Jiu Ming Buddha said it, he ignored the Qianlan Buddha.

The Qianlan Buddha was startled.

She subconsciously tested the Fogan in her lower body.

Seeing this, she felt a chill in her heart.

How did her Fogan shorten?

Most of the disciples of the Buddhist sect have Buddha roots. Those who have reached Buddha like Qianlan Buddha have about four inches of Buddha roots, but now, there is only a short one-inch Buddha root left in her body.

Could it be that, just as the Nine Lives Buddha said, his actions have lowered his Buddha-nature?

The Qianlan Buddha was suddenly flustered.

For Buddhist disciples, Fogen is not just a symbol of talent and status, but also a symbol that determines the speed of their cultivation.

Her roots are now shortened, which means that her practice will be greatly reduced.

The Qianlan Buddha gritted his teeth and took out the Buddhist tree from his arms that she got from the ghost mountain city.

There are several inches of Buddha roots on this Buddha wood.

"I don't believe it, my Buddha roots will not come back after merging with Buddha wood."

Qianlan Buddha said no more, and sat down with his legs crossed.

"Woman, what are you doing? Can you enter this thousand-Buddha ruined city? The Ghost Lord is still waiting for us to return."

Gu Yinglong hovered in midair and urged anxiously.

"Shut up, what do you know about this ruined city of thousands of Buddhas that has spirituality, it is tacitly ruled by the person with the strongest Buddha nature. I can't get in, that's because it belongs to Zitang right now. As long as I have Buddha nature Increase, seize the control of the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City, you can enter. Not only that, the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City will also be owned by me. The ghost king will reward me for this."

Qianlan Buddha gritted his teeth.

At the beginning, before Yun Buddha disappeared, she was the one who was in charge of the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

After the disappearance of Buddha Yun, the ruler of the ruined city of Thousand Buddhas became the Buddha of Nine Lives.

After the evacuation of the Buddhist sect, the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas became a city without an owner, and Zitang became the master at that time.

As long as she regains her Buddha nature and increases her Buddha roots, she will be able to capture the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas.

At that time, the people of the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City had to obediently be captured.

There was an inevitable smile on the face of the Qianlan Buddha.

Earlier, she did not dare to integrate Buddha wood, but now, she is willing to take the risk.

Inside the city, Ye Lingyue and Zitang walked out of the North Buddha Grotto.

Although the grafting was successful, Ye Lingyue couldn't guarantee when the linden tree would germinate and come alive again.

She checked Gu Qinglong's injury and bandaged it properly.

She also heard the clamor of the Qianlan Buddha outside before.

"Why is there no movement?"

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised. After the troubled Buddha for a while, there was no further change.

"That woman's Buddha nature has been greatly diminished. Even if she does not have the Buddha's seal, she will not be able to enter the city."

The Nine Lives Buddha is not in a good mood.

"She is not someone who gives up easily and has to be guarded."

Ye Lingyue looked up at the sky above the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas, Gu Yinglong did not leave.

"The woman is sitting at the gate of the city and seems to be fusing rune bones."

Cui Hong has been staring near the city gate, paying attention to the every move of the Qianlan Buddha.

Fusion rune bones at this time?

Ye Lingyue was a little surprised.

"She betrayed me and took refuge in the Ghost Lord. It seems that the Ghost Lord gave her something, and she should have also rewarded a special rune bone."

Cui Hong was indignant and worried.

"Would you like to stop her?"

Nine Life Buddha snorted coldly.

It is not so easy to fuse the rune bones. At this time, as long as there is a slight change and the fusion fails, the Qianlan Buddha will not be able to eat and walk around.

"Gu Yinglong will not let us succeed."

Ye Lingyue pondered.

They can't leave the Abandoned City of Thousand Buddhas yet.

"We'll make plans when Gu Qinglong recovers a little."

Ye Lingyue has been waiting for the return of the seventy-two ladies.

It stands to reason that since the seventy-two ladies were deterred by the Queen's coercion, it was equivalent to obeying Ye Lingyue.

Ye Lingyue left the ghost mountain city, and they would follow along all the way.

But it had been a long time, but they didn't come, which made Ye Lingyue a little worried.

Could it be that, what method did Ghost Master use to trap them?

Ye Lingyue's guess was not wrong.

The reason why Ghost King did not visit the Thousand Buddhas Abandoned City was partly for the sake of the seventy-two ladies.

For the ghost gentleman, Ye Lingyue's cut off this time caused him a very heavy loss.

Not only because of the mysterious baby in Gu Qinglong's belly, but also because of the ladies who "he" spent a lot of effort to domesticate. .

Therefore, he had to order Gu Yinglong and Qianlan Buddha to arrest people, and he was still thinking of how to take back these ladies.

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