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Boom sheep shrunk her neck and swept a pair of black beans.

So weird, there is always an ominous hunch.

"What's the matter?" Yun Sheng discovered the peculiarity.

"Dear master, I hate here, I always feel that someone is watching us," Biao Yang sheep pouted and sniffed into Yunsheng's clothes.

"Underworld and human world are different, you are probably unacceptable." Yun Sheng didn't take it seriously. She followed the crowd and walked through the Dongwei Gate.

Yun Sheng also deliberately opened his eyes when he was questioned, and asked the skeleton soldiers of Dongweimen where the ghost ghost king lived.

Where did you know that the skeleton soldiers heard Yun Sheng inquire about the whereabouts of the ghost king, and gave her a fierce glance, not only did not answer, but also urged her to roll quickly.

"The dear master, the **** of the underworld and the ghost king of the underworld, have been opponents for many years. These skeleton soldiers are all under the **** of the underworld, and it is really not suitable for them to ask about the whereabouts of the ghost king. "" After banging out of the shell, the memory recovered a little bit, and probably knew something about the underworld.

The existence of the world **** is to maintain the balance between the world and the world.

Like the ghost ghost key, it can break the barrier between the world and the world. Its existence is in itself against the will of the world god, and it is the ghost ghost king who created the ghost ghost key.

Nether Ghost King has been able to get along peacefully with the Underworld God for so many years. It is not that the two are good friends or get along well, but because the Nether Ghost King is strong.

Therefore, he and the Underworld God seem to be the two giants of the Underworld, but in private, they are not good at each other.

Even with the men and women of the two sides, they couldn't please each other anymore.

Moreover, the character of the ghost king is erratic and indeterminate, and sometimes he will go to other worlds to sway. It is not easy to find him.

"In this way, it's a lot harder to find the ghost ghost king," Yun Sheng was embarrassed, and if he wanted to simply use the ghost ghost key, he summoned the ghost ghost king.

But the thought of Ji Rumo reminding her earlier that it is better not to use the ghost key, she lurched in her heart.

"Dear Master, in fact, you don’t have to worry too much. Although the ghost ghost king's whereabouts are erratic, there is a place in the underworld called the Shentong Pavilion. It is said that as long as you can afford the money, you can hear any news, but the Shentong Pavilion is only In the capitals of several major counties in the underworld, we had to arrive at the nearest capital first before we could find the Shentong Pavilion," Bao Sheng’s words reminded Yun Sheng.

Yun Sheng first purchased a map of the underworld from the skeleton soldiers at Dongweimen.

After looking at the map, Yun Sheng discovered that the underworld and the human world are very different. In the underworld, there is no fixed country, and there are only eight big counties.

Different underworld counties belong to different local forces.

Because of going to the Shentong Pavilion, Yunsheng must go to the Ging County, the nearest county to Dongweimen.

Most people who entered the underworld from Dongweimen, the first stop is the Silmo County.

Yun Sheng noticed that there was a big forest called Weiwu between Jimo County and Dongweimen. The forest spanned several mountains and the distance was hundreds of miles.

It was dawn at this time, and if you stepped up, you might be able to rush to Jimo County in three days.

Yun Sheng looked at the map and planned whether he should set off immediately.

Yun Sheng did not know that shortly after she collected the gold coins and walked through the Dongwei Gate, several pairs of unwilling eyes stared at her.

Single young women, even in the Promise Continent, are extremely eye-catching, not to mention in the Underworld, where the ratio of men to men is as high as ten to one.

"Huh, Haojun's ladies, I can't think of this new batch of newcomers, there is such a good thing, brother, this time we are about to get rich," Yunsheng peeped in the dark, ten. Several warriors and magicians.

A few of them, all of Roe deer, are not good looking at first glance.

Since Dongweimen was the first place where criminals from the human world arrived in the underworld, there were some local scoundrel villains who specialize in raking fortune all year round.

Most of them belong to a dark sect called Wan Yanzong. They gather around Dongweimen all the year round to find some new people who do not understand the situation of the underworld. They lured them to a remote place and robbed and plundered them.

These martial arts magicians who aimed at Yunsheng were the people of Wan Yanzong.

"It's not that, Dongweimen is good, there are too few women living. There are many beautiful female ghosts in Xiweimen, but unfortunately, people are different, we can't get along with female ghosts," said. Those Wan Yanzong's faces were coveted.

"That woman's strength is not good at first glance. Brother, let's deceive her into the Wuwu Forest first and have a good time. After that, sell her to the Golden House," the little friends seem to have already I saw countless soul stones shaking in front of them.

These little babies can walk in this area, and naturally have some eyesight. They have already noticed that there is a penalty mark on the back of Yun Sheng's hand, but there is only a "ten" on the mark.

The imprint of the penalties that the Quartet Ming Jiao left on the convicts symbolizes the number of convicts murdered. The greater the number, the greater the evil deeds representing this person. Generally speaking, the more confounded it is in the underworld.

Yun Sheng's magic brand has only a "ten" character. In the eyes of these evil tyrants in the Dongwei capital, she is undoubtedly a weak and light prisoner, and she doesn't know who has offended her. Come here. Among them, the worst one is also carrying thirty or forty lives.

Yun Sheng put away the map, and just about to get up, she frowned, and suddenly five or six people sprang up beside her.

"How many are you doing?" Yun Sheng was vigilant. There was no fighting near the Dongwei Gate. These people looked like they were not newcomers to the underworld.

"Girl, in Xianwan Yanzong thorn tiger, look at you, are you going to the Wuwu Forest? The forest is not simple, the terrain is complex, and there are many terrible demons. Many people will never leave the forest once they enter the forest. Here comes. You are a pretty girl, if it hurts, it’s not good." The head was a martial artist from the age of thirty. I saw that his skin had a metallic luster flowing on it, and his morale was very good.

"Wan Yanzong?" Yun Sheng looked at several people secretly, only to see that they were wearing the same color warrior robe and magician robe, and on their chests, embroidered a golden face of Yan Luo with fangs.

"Wan Yanzong is one of the three major forces in Jimo County. The girl only needs to deliver one hundred Soul Stones of Tier 9 Warcraft, and we will send you to Jimo County. Look, there are dozens more Xinding has already entrusted us to **** all the way," said the man, pointing behind him. Sure enough, there were many new warriors and magicians from the Underworld who all gathered together and waited for departure.

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