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One hundred Soul Stones of Order 9 Warcraft? How much is this?

Does it mean that the underworld does not use gold coins for trading?

Yun Sheng realized this problem, that is, the currency of the underworld.

Before she travels, everything is prepared, except for the money of the underworld...

"Boom, wouldn't Underworld use the Soul Stone for trading?" Yun Sheng whispered to the sheep.

"Yeah, isn't the underworld used the illusory coins?" Biao Yangzhi said, unable to say why.

Yun Sheng rubbed her eyebrows, she was really stupid, and the sheep was waiting for the **** of the world to eat the fireworks of the world. It was only the currency of the human world. It only recognized the kind of gold coins, not to mention the underworld.

Does the world **** need to spend money?

Yun Sheng is in the human world, and she is also a figure of the rich and the enemy. After leaving Jiaoye Village, she hasn't experienced the smell of poverty for a long time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the underworld, he suddenly became a poor man.

There are not many soul stones on Yun Sheng's body. On the Promise Continent, the soul stones generally have only a few uses for refining magic scepters or inlaid on magical appliances.

Yun Sheng is a summoner, so another role of Soul Stone is to be used to feed Warcraft.

In the early years, she was used to refine the magic scepter. The number of soul stones on her body is really rare, no more than fifty.

These people need a hundred soul stones for opening, or the soul stones of the ninth-order Warcraft. Even if she really wants to go with Wan Yanzong's people, she can't afford it.

Yun Sheng immediately realized a more serious problem. She was going to the Shentong Pavilion. In case the other party also traded with soul stones, where did she get so many soul stones?

It seems that she can only pray that in the Wuwu Forest, she will encounter some Warcraft or Devil Plants and get more Soulstones.

Those Wan Yanzong's little ones, if they knew Yun Sheng's thoughts at this time, they must be scared enough.

For those who want to cross the Wuwu Forest, which one is not trying not to encounter the Warcraft Devil Plant as much as possible, this weakly exploded "light prisoner" in front of him wants to encounter more Warcraft Devil Plants?

Yun Sheng could only sigh silently, just turned around and wanted to answer, realizing that the thorn tiger was peeking at her leg and chest.

If it were not possible to fight privately near the Dongweimen, she was going to guarantee that a dark skythorn would stun these people.

"Thank you for the reminder of this big brother, but I am used to acting alone. I can only thank you for your kindness. I decided to go to the Wuwu Forest by myself," Yun Sheng flatly refused the invitation of the thorn tiger.

Seeing Yun Sheng openly reject him, the grin on the thorn tiger's face couldn't stop.

"On your own, you still want to go through the forest of Wuwu, which is really shameless to you," the thorn tiger would attack when he heard it, and behind him, several skeleton soldiers from Dongweimen looked over.

Dreading the skeleton soldiers, the thorn tiger did not dare to attack blatantly. He secretly scolded in his heart: I don’t know how good the woman is, how long you can hold it. After entering the Wuwu Forest, find some people to give you a color. .

The thorn tiger swallowed his displeasure and strode away.

Yun Sheng didn't pay any attention, and walked directly towards the road leading to the Wuwu Forest.

After walking for about half an hour, Dongweimen was no longer visible.

Yunsheng has entered the range of the Wuwu Forest. In front of it, there is a lush forest.

As soon as he entered the forest, Yun Sheng discovered that it is no wonder that so many people would pay a high price to invite Wan Yanzong's people to accompany them all the way. This Wuwu forest in the underworld is not simple.

The underworld is not like the human world. The wind grows here all the year round. The plants growing here do not see the sun all day long. Due to the influence of the evil spirit, most plants have mutated.

Many plants have been demonized to make a living by devouring Warcraft and pedestrians passing by, so the colors of the soil and plants here are red.

In the forest, bones and bones of Warcraft can be seen everywhere.

A gust of wind blew through, and the air was full of disgusting corpses.

Yunsheng can only take the panacea to understand malaria and move on.

Not long after Yun Sheng walked away from the forest of misty fog, she felt a flash of vigilance in her heart, only to see a burst of black shadows in the trees beside her.

There is an ambush!

After many trials in the arena and the hunters, Yun Sheng's experience with the enemy has been very rich, she did not even pull out the magic scepter.

Moved a few steps under his feet, fired a few fireballs all over his body.

The fireball wrapped the black shadow, but it was only between the shadows, and the black shadows burned to the black, fell to the ground, and broke into several pieces.

Yun Sheng took a closer look and found that it was a few rattans that attacked her, but they were different from the normal plant rattans. These grew on the rattans of the Wuwu forest, and they were covered with small holes.

These little mouths are like the mouth of Warcraft, and they are full of sharp teeth.

"Boom, it's the dark devil planting the vine! Master, run!" As soon as the sheep entered the forest of Wuwu, he shrank into Yunsheng's collar and refused to come out.

The smell in the forest made it almost not vomit.

After Yun Sheng succeeded, he protruded his head, and as soon as he saw the few pieces of things, a boring sheep urged Yun Sheng to leave.

"Run?" Yun Sheng hadn't responded yet.

Suddenly, behind her, there was a thunderous noise, and hundreds of rattans were drilled out of the jungle. Each one was like a snake, about tens of meters long, carrying a strong The strong wind hit Yunsheng.

"Boom, dear master, this thing will emit a smell after it dies, attracting companions."

"You didn't say it early," Yun Sheng groaned, and it turned out that the bang sheep was a hindsight. She couldn't even take care of her body, a teleportation, avoiding the pinch of several rattans, and went to the forest. Flee deep.

Outside the Wuwei Forest, a Wan Yan Sect, who was in charge of Yunsheng, fell on his body next to the thorn tiger and whispered.

When I learned that Yun Sheng was being hunted down by a vine, the thorn tiger showed a gloating smile, "I said, with that woman alone, it's impossible to break through this forest. You few of you, let's do it tonight. After solving these new things, go chase the woman."

After Yun Sheng escaped all the way, those bite-vines still pursued.

"Damn it, what the **** is this? Is it going to end like this, and you have to think of a way to do it," Yun Sheng fell beside a tree, her eyes lit up with a cluster of anger. Just as Yun Sheng was thinking about it, the number and the bite vine had already approached.


From under the tree, a knife light was suddenly drawn, and the knife was like a photoelectric switch, one after another, looking at the roots.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of cold arrows swarmed out of the woods and shot out.

But it was just a few blinking kung fu, and the flesh-eating vine that chased Yun Sheng was killed.

Curiously, the head-cutting vine that was shot and killed by the sword light and arrow did not lead to other meat-biting vines.

In the forest, calm was restored temporarily.

There was a voice under the tree, "Friends in the tree, you can come down, it's temporarily safe here."

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