Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1120: Coming

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And Xiaoqiang also announced subsequently that the Central Federation was formally established. The central state and the Asian countries will join the central federation as members of the federation. Zhang Junfei is an emperor, but he did not rigidly demand control over the Central Federation. On the contrary, he completely delegated power to the Bundestag, and was fully managed by the main computer.

When the Central Federation was established, the Central Federal Constitution was promulgated. This constitution is not very different from the Central State Constitution, with only minor changes. The changes include: Federal member states are not allowed to exercise secession; citizens of federal member states enjoy the same rights and obligations as citizens of central states, and so on. As soon as the constitution was promulgated, it was immediately welcomed by citizens of various countries, and the Asian region was full of joy.

The above situation occurs because the welfare of the central state is the best in the world, and the central state is the richest country in the world. Once they enjoy the same rights as citizens of the Central State, they will lead a paradise life and bid farewell to disease and poverty.

Of course, there are also countries that are unwilling to join the Asian Federation. For example, Islamic countries and India, as well as some countries where Western religion has spread widely, such as Australia and New Zealand. For these countries that are unwilling to join, Zhang Jun did not force it. He knows that the coming of the great world will be accompanied by catastrophes. With his own strength, he may not be able to protect the entire Asia. All he can do is do his best.

Although the above countries have not joined the Central Federation, they have all shown goodwill to the Central Federation and recognized the status of the Central Federation. At the same time, the Tianyuan Federation controlled by Xiaolian and the First Federation and Baixuan sent congratulatory messages, expressing their willingness to advance and retreat with the Central Federation. At the same time, the identity of Zhang Jun, the "holy brother", was also made public in the three major federations, making his identity more noble and mysterious.

Just as Xiaoqiang promoted the construction of the Central Federation, many signs have occurred around the world. For example, one day, ten suns suddenly appeared in the sky, radiating ten times the light and heat, which immediately caused a large number of crops grown by humans to die from drought, and countless people were sunken alive. As soon as the ten suns set, a cold black wind blew suddenly in many places.

Where the black wind passes, even the stones will freeze to powder, and humans and animals will not live. This kind of black wind disaster caused the deaths of tens of millions of people, and countless lives were killed. However, the disaster has just begun. Earthquakes, hail, blizzards, typhoons, thunderstorms, and all kinds of extreme weather have appeared in turn. The frequency and destructive power are hundreds of times higher than before.

In the face of many disasters, even the Emperor Zhang felt powerless. Although he can control the will of heaven, he cannot eliminate all natural disasters. Seeing that tens of millions of people died every day, he had no choice but to decide to move all the members of the Federation into Juntian Small World as much as possible.

Of course, there are more than one people like him, the three religions of China, the three religions of the West, and the Hinduism have followed suit. All human beings all over the world have finally been moved into various big and small worlds. In the process of moving in, nearly one billion people died in various disasters in Asia alone.

The migration process lasted for a month. When the last group of people were removed, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, endless thunder fell from the sky, endless black wind blew from all sides, the sky fell apart, the stars and moon fell, the mountains and rivers disappeared, and a pair of doomsdays scene.

Spaces all over the world are distorted and torn, and matter is shattered into microscopic particles and scattered around, making the sky and the earth dim. And in this harsh environment, only Zhang Jun and other quasi-Daluo-level figures) can be safe and sound. As for other animals and plants, they were all destroyed.

"Do you want to reproduce the wild world?" In the void, the three prospective leaders of Middle-earth and Zhang Jun stood side by side, observing the changes in the world. The heart saint sighed with emotion and compassionate.

"Each era starts from the great famine, where ancient civilization originated. However, in this era, the ten thousand races are fighting for supremacy, I'm afraid it's not that simple." Lingbao Taoist thought, "We have saved so many people. , The human race is still there. So I speculate that there will be wonderful changes in it that we can’t imagine.”

The natural disasters are getting more and more terrifying. After reaching the extreme, the world is in a mess, without distinguishing from top to bottom, without distinguishing things, as if it were in chaos. However, in this apocalyptic world, there is gradually a ray of vitality. With the emergence of vitality, a strong world barrier began to appear between Asia and the outside region.

"Big brother, goodbye." Xiaolian's voice came.

"Big brother, goodbye!" Bai Xuan also sent a message.

Zhang Jun sighed, he knew that the world had officially opened!

After a few breaths, the entire Asia was sealed. At the same time, the four of them felt that this large area was beginning to bulge, and countless hidden folding spaces were released. Extend, expand, and change in the already chaotic space. The space where human beings originally lived seems to have become the soil for growth in other spaces, making them grow rapidly. What's even more amazing is that those folding spaces are completely unharmed in front of them. The creatures inside were unharmed and nothing seemed to have happened.

"It's not fair." Zhang Jun frowned. "Our living space has been wiped out. Instead, those who fold the space can be born safely. What is the reason?"

"Tianxin is selfless." Maitreya said, "Although our space has disappeared, the human race has been preserved. But next, the human race is afraid that it will compete with the other races for living space!"

Countless spaces are spread out, they are like a part of a puzzle, continuously splicing and expanding, and finally put together a huge picture. Countless creatures, countless races, boundless areas, just like that appeared in front of the four.

"Is this the meaning of the world of great controversy?" Zhang Jundao, he sighed, "Our world is gone. It is not easy for humans to survive in an unfamiliar environment."

While speaking, Maitreya condensed his eyes and fixed his eyes on a piece of land, which was fertile and rich in water and grass, covering an area of ​​at least hundreds of millions of square kilometers. Even better, this area is currently not inhabited by any ethnic group.

"Hehe, it's really a good place. I want this piece of land by Buddhism." At the end of the word, he could not wait to fly over it, and with a wave of his big sleeve, he circled the land.

Lingbao rolled his eyes and said, "This thief is not a good thing, so he was able to get on with such a good land." When the words fell, his eyes lit up, and he flew over without making a sound. under. The area under the Lingbao Circle is larger than Maitreya's, and the environment is better.

And soon after, Xin Sheng also found a piece of land and circled it as well. These three mighty land acquisitions are for the human beings rescued into the big world to come out and survive. After all, that big world is not the real world, and it will restrict the growth of monks. If you want to grow, you still have to practice on the main plane.

Zhang Jun also discovered that in addition to the above three, there are quasi-Daluo-level figures in the enclosure, far and near, and the number of them is far beyond his expectations. He really did not expect that there would be such a big quasi-Da Luo in an Asian region alone. At a glance, I am afraid there are as many as thirty or fifty!

Compared to those people, he was not in a hurry, but opened the Buddha's eyes and carefully observed this large area. He found that the area of ​​the Asian region is too vast, almost limitless. There are countless races, countless creatures, and endless mountains and rivers. And at the edge of the big area, he could feel a tyrannical world barrier, which even the characters of Luo could not penetrate. This barrier separates the region from the outside world.

He observed the earth with the eyes of the Buddha, and involuntarily used the madness to pass his breath. Wang Qi technique, there are some people, earth and heaven. Now he is the Emperor of Zhun Da Luo, and he has a very deep understanding of the art of hope, and involves all three articles.

The technique of looking at qi can not only look at popularity, but also look at the ground. When it comes to Wangdi Qi, it can be understood one-sidedly as the technique of geomantic omen. In terms of geomancy, Zhang Jun's skill is very profound, and he has the eyes of the Buddha, and his attainments in this way have reached an incredible realm. He didn't set the ground as eagerly as the three prospective leaders, but slowly observed.

After seven long days and seven nights, Zhang Jun looked almost all over the area. While checking the Feng Shui, he also made many important discoveries. Some of the heavens and blessings, the treasures of the heavens and the earth, and even the spiritual things of the heavens and the earth did not escape his eyes. It's just that most of the aliens exist near those things, so he can't do it right now.

In the end, he chose an excellent geomantic gem. This piece of land is vast, the size of a hundred central states, and an area of ​​more than one billion square kilometers. In its central location, there is a huge lake, which accounts for about one-third of the entire land. And around the lake, there are nine mountains stretching out, forming a rare "Nine Dragons into the Sea" Feng Shui Bureau.

Especially that lake, there are countless treasures in it, and it connects the seas through underground rivers. The so-called four seas refer to the four oceans on all sides of the region, namely the East China Sea, the South China Sea, the West China Sea, and the North Sea. This is why Zhang Jun values ​​it.

Obviously, this virgin land originally belonged to a certain folding space, and there was no alien in that folding space. It took Zhang Jun seven days from discovering this place to preparing the enclosure. In seven days, many things will happen. When he appeared above this land, a group of alien monks arrived on the east and west sides of the big lake respectively.

The alien monks from the east are humanoids, but their faces are like lions and their eyes are golden. These aliens are tall, with an average of about two meters in height, and their aura is amazing.

The alien monks from the west are much more seductive. They are a group of graceful women, dressed in light veils, but their ears are pointed, their eyes are red, and their limbs have fine cyan scales. They are about the same height as human beings, but all of them look cold, and they are not afraid when they meet the lion-faced alien race.

As soon as he saw these people, Zhang Jun knew it was too late, and this land was also being targeted by other forces. His thoughts turned, he ordered: "Xiaoqiang, it's up to you next!"

Xiaoqiang understood, "Boss rest assured, I can rebuild the Central Federation in three months at most!"

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