Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1121: Gobi Stone

Chapter One Thousand and Two Gobi Stones

In other words, when the monks of the two races were about to meet, they saw a figure suddenly appeared in the sky. The figure was imperial, and with the wave of his big sleeve, an unstoppable force was suppressed, and all the foreign monks were forcibly thrown out of this land. At the same time, a golden light curtain appeared on the periphery of this land, isolating the aliens from all directions.

That figure is naturally Zhang Jun, he used supernatural powers to set a barrier on the edge of the land he was looking at. The power of the enchantment is very strong, and only the quasi-Romans are qualified to shake him. However, if there are real quasi-Daluo characters on the stage, Zhang Jun will naturally be alarmed, and he will come out to deal with him.

After the lion-faced aliens were ejected from the area, they all stared at the golden light curtain in a daze, with incredible expressions. The leader was shocked and frightened, and said, "What a powerful method this is to seal such a vast area!"

"Are the monks outside so terrifying? If so, our Lion Face Clan is afraid of danger." Another female monk had a shocked expression on her face.

"Not at all, maybe we were bad luck and met a great person. But our king is not a vegetarian. This person is at best a quasi-Roman, and our king can contend against him." The leading monk said, "Things. Without further ado, we will report to you immediately!"

On the other side, a group of alien races with pointed ears were also thrown to the periphery. Facing the golden light curtain, they were very suppressed, and a female monk said, "The other party is a strong master of quasi-teacher level. It would be good for us not to kill us."

"Wang said that this is a treasure land, do you want to give up?" a sister asked unwillingly.

The female sister before that sneered: "There are many treasures, one is less, and one more is not much. The golden age has just arrived, it is best for our blood demon clan not to offend the superior. You know, the truly terrifying and powerful race has not yet Come on."

"Are you referring to the legendary Hundred Clan? They will really appear?" Some monk asked in surprise.

"Of course they will appear! The Hundreds are very scary. They were the main force against the Prosperous Human Race back then. We can only stand aside. I hope that the Human Race is strong enough and strong enough to compete with them. In that case, we are on the edge. The race can just take advantage of it.” The monk said with emotion, “However, this is just wishful thinking. The Human race has been living outside. After this catastrophe, their people are afraid that there is not much left.” good

The alien monks on both sides retreated. In the feng shui treasure land, there is a huge construction in full swing. On the one hand, Zhang Jun opened the light curtain with his great ability to occupy the treasured geomantic land; on the other hand, Xiaoqiang directly moved the brood out, Guangjia, Dragon Soul Knight, and even Juntian Warriors joined the construction army.

In addition, about 2.5 billion people were taken into Juntian Small World by him. At this moment, these people were released in batches and entered the new world. Although Juntian Small World is beautiful, it is not a long-term place. If they want to develop, the main plane is their stage. The 2.5 billion people are still citizens of the Central Federation, but the so-called federation no longer exists in the federation. It has become a mixed and unified nation.

What is commendable is that basic laws and regulations such as the Federal Constitution are still in effect, and social order is in order. People are grateful to Zhang Jun for giving them a new life, but they also work hard to devote themselves to the construction of their new home. Although they do not have the strong manufacturing capabilities of the brood, they all do their best, and everyone works very hard.

At this moment, people of different nationalities and different languages ​​have worked together to completely abandon dissent and differences, making the construction of new homes extremely rapid. Of course, the main contributor to the construction of the homeland is Xiaoqiang and his brood. When avoiding natural disasters, Zhang Jun not only rescued the residents of Tianxing Kingdom, but also put them into the brood along with the mechanical city over there.

As early as a few years ago, the Mechanical City was already very complete. Now it has been copied several copies in the mother's nest, and then all are put into production, and its manufacturing capacity is extremely powerful. Almost overnight, millions of construction robots were manufactured. This kind of construction robot is a technological method that Xiaoqiang cracked from the scientific and technological civilization. A construction robot system is composed of about 10 billion nano-robots that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Every construction robot system can construct something at the fastest speed after inputting construction instructions. That kind of thing can be parts of buildings, cars and airplanes, or even high-tech materials. In fact, the nano robot is the sublimation of 3D printing technology, and the construction of the robot system is a 3 super D printer.

It is precisely with such extraordinary productivity that Xiaoqiang has built a highly intelligent modern urban cluster covering an area of ​​6 million square kilometers in just one month. The urban agglomeration is composed of 100 cities, and each city is planned very scientifically. While they are intelligent and technological, they are still close to nature.

Although within a short period of one month, these hundreds of cities far surpassed the city construction of the Central Kingdom and the Heavenly Kingdom. The transportation, communication network, public facilities, etc. have all undergone qualitative changes, which seem incredible. Even the plants on the original site where the city was built are perfectly preserved. Husband, I'm back

Moreover, while building the city, Xiaoqiang also asked for opinions from the general public, so many cities with unique characteristics emerged. For example, residents of a Pacific islands country are used to living close to the sea, so their city is built on a lake with hundreds of thousands of people living on it. There are still a small number of people accustomed to life on the prairie, so Xiaoqiang built a group of small towns on the prairie, scattered among 100 big cities.

The reason why the city is built so quickly is not only because of the super construction ability of the mother nest, but also because the natural resources of the new world are extremely rich. Minerals, spar, water, wood, etc., are countless times the earth, which can be described as inexhaustible and inexhaustible. With sufficient resources, there is no difficulty in building a city for the brood.

After the city is built, all that remains is the details, such as rebuilding the police system and establishing a democratic parliament. In the next two months, schools were filled with students, companies large and small were opened normally, and humanity seemed to have resumed its former prosperity. The difference is that people spontaneously erected a statue in the central square of each city. The statue's eyes are like stars, holding the human emperor's big seal, looking down at the people, with a look of compassion.

Three months, for Zhang Jun, was just a flick of a finger. When the Central Federation was on the right track, he knew that the enclosure of the major forces had ended, and it was time to remove the light curtain.

The golden guardian light curtain disappeared, but this does not mean that the Central Federation has no defense. On the contrary, Xiaoqiang has already set up an alarm line at the border. Once a powerful enemy invades, Light Armor, Dragon Soul Knight, etc. will rush to the scene as soon as possible to stop the invading enemy.

During these three months, Zhang Jun did not do nothing. He ordered Juntian Warriors to build a human palace while at the same time manifesting a clone among the people. Under his guidance, ordinary people have become accustomed to this new world. If not, it is impossible for people to adapt to the new environment so quickly.

During this period, Zhang Jun clearly felt that people's belief in him became more and more pure, which made the power of the Emperor's Seal increased a bit. In addition, the second thing he did was to dig out treasures in the Central Federation. In the eyes of the Buddha, nothing can be hidden from his eyes. I have to say that the position occupied by the Central Federation is a rare geomantic treasure, with countless treasures buried deep in it. Primordial Five Qi Xuan Wei Xian

A large number of minerals, precious treasures, and spiritual things that have never been seen before by humans on earth are emerging in endlessly. For example, dragon iron, profound silver, fire bronze, spiritual gold, etc. are regarded as treasures by the human cultivation world. In particular, the heaven and earth magical objects have opened Zhang Jun's eyes, and they have peculiar uses. What's more interesting is that spiritual things generally exist near spiritual veins. Wherever there are spiritual veins, spiritual crystals are generally produced.

The properties of the spirit crystals are similar to those of the insect crystals made by the mother's nest and used to store energy, and the dragon crystals used by the little golden dragon to build the nest. It is also an energy storage state. Moreover, the practitioner can directly absorb the energy of the spirit crystal. The big slap of a spiritual crystal can make a monk of Xiangang easily break through to return to true level.

In the first month, Zhang Jun was basically exploring various resources. The digging started only the next month, but he was extremely restrained in digging, and only charged those things that were of value to him. As for the general resources, they are all reserved for development by the Central Federation. After all, the development of the Federation is also inseparable from resources.

The central lake occupied by the Central Federation was named "Central Sea" by Zhang Jun. This name is very appropriate. It is not only located in the center of the Central Federation, but also a water eye that connects the four seas. Its geographic location is extremely important.

In the southwest of the Central Sea, there is a huge Gobi. In the Central Federation, Gobi like this can be seen everywhere, and it was originally nothing unusual. However, it was in this deserted Gobi that Zhang Jun detected a large number of Yuanshi with Buddha's eyes!

The so-called primordial stone refers to the layer of skin that envelops the spiritual things. Because of the contamination of the spiritual things, even the big Luo characters can't see through it, let alone know what is inside. Before a yuan stone is cut open, it is difficult for people to know what is in it. It may be a spiritual thing, or it may be nothing, or even something else.

Zhang Jun couldn't figure out why there are so many yuan stones in this Gobi, they are scattered all over the place, there are more than two thousand pieces! These primordial stones are big and small, the small ones are just like fists, and the big ones are like a hill, hundreds of meters high. Even with Buddha eyes, he still couldn't see through the inside of the original stone.

Of course, he also understood in his heart that it is impossible for all of these primordial stones to contain complete spiritual objects, and the proportion should be very low. When he saw so many Yuanshi, he couldn't help but think of his early family history. Not long after he graduated from university that year, he met Lin Xian on the train. Since then, he has embarked on the road of betting on rocks, and he couldn't control it. Isn't these primordial stones similar to the jade betting situation?

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