Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1363: Enemy on all sides

"We don't seem to be friends, would you deliberately lead me to crooked roads?" Zhang Jun teased.

Wu Gang was angry: "Junior, you are not enough to let me defraud you."

"I think you are just the strength of a Shuntian Monarch, why be so arrogant." Zhang Jun mocked.

Wu Gang closed his mouth immediately, not wanting to pester Zhang Jun again.

Chang'e pursed her mouth and said, "Don't worry, brother, although Wu Gang is not a good person, he will never harm you. My brother is here to make a breakthrough. What do you want your sister to do?"

"I let my sister protect this Juntian little world." Zhang Jun said, "Can my sister do it?"

Wu Gang suddenly raised his head, the expression on his face suddenly became uncertain, Tongjin contained tension and hesitation, but he never said anything.

Chang'e thought quietly for a moment, but didn't answer immediately. Zhang Jun felt strange in his heart that Sister Chang'e's strength was very strong, at least stronger than Wu Gang. If she protects the law, is there any difficulty?

Fortunately, Chang'e laughed quickly and said, "Of course. But brother, you owe your sister another favor."

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly: "I don't have too much debt, what am I afraid of."

Chang'e suddenly sighed faintly, and said, "It's time to get rid of it."

"What?" Zhang Jun was taken aback.

"Nothing." Chang'e laughed. "My sister has done a lot of unworthy things in her life, and she will never do it again."

Zhang Jun didn't understand, but he knew that there were many stories about Chang'e, so he didn't ask much. Immediately discussing the breakthrough with Chang'e, Chang'e only said: "Brother, don't worry about going through the barrier, and sister will take care of everything."

Zhang Jun repeatedly thanked him, and then entered the core palace in the deepest part of the Moon Palace, and began the preparations before the pass.

Outside the moon palace, Wu Gang stared at Chang'e, and said, "Have you really thought about it?"

"How can I think about it? What if I don't think about it? I just want to be myself and do what I want to do, can't it?" Chang'e smiled, "Wu Gang, you shouldn't persuade me, maybe you don't want to be free ?"

Wu Gang lowered his head and murmured, "I have been suppressed and controlled by you for a lifetime. I am probably used to it."

Chang'e sighed quietly: "After three days, you will be free."

"What is freedom? It's just a ray of remnant soul." Wu Gang suddenly sneered.

Chang'e glanced at Wu Gang. Both of them smiled slightly and said, "Are you going to tell him our story back then?"

"Just don't say it." Wu Gang said lightly, "Speak out, he will laugh at me."

Chang'e said: "Well then. But he will know after all."

"I was no longer there, let him laugh." Wu Gang said, "Besides, I'm just Wu Gang now."

Chang'e didn't speak any more, she swung her sleeves lightly, and there was a large array of heaven intertwined from the inside out, protecting the entire Juntian world. Looking from a distance, the outside of the entire Juntian Small World was wrapped in a layer of golden talisman light, as solid as golden soup.

There was a treasure pestle in Wu Gang's hand. With a light wave, the immeasurable divine light rushed into the sky, making the Yi Dazhen that day more powerful by three points.

Everything in the lower realm is proceeding as usual. Ordinary people flies to dogs, and monks are fighting endlessly. But in the surrounding wasteland surrounded by Juntian Small World, many abnormalities have arisen.

A purple gate of light manifested in the West. The gate of light seemed to be a passage between two planes, and the law on the other side was completely different from here. A yellow face, wearing an imperial robe, but a very short man walked out of it. His eyes were shining, and his body was half hidden in the purple door.

As soon as the purple light gate appeared, hundreds of escape lights gathered from all directions, and they shouted in unison: "See you!"

The short imperial robe man said lightly: "When my friend was Nirvana, I left a password so that Lord Bentian can obliterate this small world at this moment. My friend should now be a major power in the main plane. Tianjiao, how can I not help him? You are all talents that Bentianjun has cultivated in recent years, and today I must help Bentianjun to succeed."

"Yes! I will try my best!" everyone said in unison.

To the east of Juntian Small World, a crystal-like whirlpool appeared, and three men walked out of it. These three men are wearing imperial robes one by one. If Zhang Jun is here, he can feel the breath of them, namely the Supreme Demon Body, the God Body of the Beginning, and the Ancient Saint Body. The power of the three emperors is beyond the understanding of ordinary monks.

The three men had their faces blurred, and the emperor in the middle said lightly: "This son, will it really become the enemy of my hundred races?"

The emperor on the left said: "Believe the warning left by the sage."

The emperor on the right said: "It's nothing more than killing a person. Why don't you think about it, it's killing."

The middle emperor said: "That's true. In half a year, my hundred clan will return to the lower realm. It is also a good thing to shake some prestige early."

To the north of Juntian Small World, there are thousands of cultivators of all ages, men and women, and they are all staring at the direction of Juntian Small World with extremely cold eyes. It can be seen that many of them are Tianjiao, and there are many powerful guardians around them.

One of the men asked people around him: "Dear fellow daoists, how did you hear the news?"

"We are all rumored that the owner of this small world will attack Da Luo within three years. Everyone knows the benefits of the first Da Luo Tianjun. How can we let him take it away? Naturally, he will come right away. Why, You also heard this news, will you appear here?" Then asked.

"Of course. The No. 1 Luo Fei is a small thing, no one can go easily." That humanity.

These people don't care who disseminates the news. They would rather believable than untrustworthy, and they all arrived with masters. For a time, thousands of people gathered in a small area.

To the south of Juntian's small world, the deity of Emperor Xia finally appeared. If Zhang Jun saw Emperor Xia's deity, he would be very surprised, because now Emperor Xia is already a powerful celestial master, and he is also a free celestial master. Behind Emperor Xia stood twelve celestial masters, who were already very old.

An old man said: "Emperor Xia, are you not going to protect him?"

"Can you keep it?" Xia Huang said lightly, "If we intervene, I'm afraid that even Daxia will be destroyed."

"It's a pity, what a genius." An old man said regretfully.

"I didn't expect that his advancement was so fast. The Supreme Son, that was the realm I dreamed of." Xia Huang sneered, "But this son is very ambitious, and it is not a bad thing to be obliterated today. Otherwise, pass it. Today, Da Xia is afraid of changing hands."

"Will Emperor Xia worry too much? Could this person betray Daxia?" someone asked.

"If you raise a big fish in shallow water, it will drink up all the water." Xia Huang said lightly, "It's not a question of his rebellion, but a question of Da Xia Rong's inability to tolerate him."

This article comes from reading novels

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