Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 1364: Sublimation

There were movements on all sides of Juntian's small world, and in a certain corner, Emperor Yang and the Supreme Demon stared at the small world coldly. Emperor Yang said: "It seems that the effect is good, but so many masters have come."

"How did you know he was going to break through?" the demon asked strangely.

Emperor Yang took out a mirror from his arms and said with a smile: "This is an innate treasure called the Wanzhi Mirror. With it, I naturally know when Zhang Jun will break through. But he has already reached the end, and he is here today. With so many masters, I am actually superfluous."

The evil demon "hehe" smiled, and said: "This one is all alive, and there are so many masters who want to kill him."

"The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it." Emperor Yang said lightly, "The old saying goes that the first Hunyuan and the second ghost. He wants to be the first Da Luo Tianjun. Is it so easy for the first Da Luo?"

"In the final analysis, Da Luo is still fighting for the will of heaven. Da Luo's use of the will of heaven is completely different from that of Tianjue. The monk Tianjue does it by the will of heaven, but the monk Da Luo can do things against the will of heaven. How difficult it is." The evil demon said with emotion.

"So, this picture must die today, even if it is the Supreme Son!" Yangdi said in joy, "If he doesn't die today, we'll probably have a hard time in the future."

"Not really, don't you already have a ∑ plan? The great God is about to be under our control." The Supreme Demon said.

"In this matter, you have to ask the person behind you to take action." Yangdi said, "If he takes action, I will be 90% sure. Once we control the'Tianwaitian', we will have the foundation to dominate the world."

When the two talked, Zhang Jun had already prepared everything. In order to attack the Heavenly Master's status, he did a lot of homework, and selected a lot of goodies from the treasures of the gods. In the first step, he took out a pot of Divine Blood. This sacred blood belongs to the sacred emperor, and the genes hidden in it have almost reached the extreme of life, which has greatly inspired him.

At this moment, Zhang Jun tried to attack the sixth change of the God's Tire. At the beginning, he attacked the Supreme Taoist and fought against the sage projection. Counting at this time, it is not far away from then, but he is going to make the sixth change of the womb. He felt that this sixth change of the divine womb was extremely important for him to attack the heavenly master's fruit status.

The nine changes of the divine fetus are, in the final analysis, an improvement of the state of life. Based on the "Longevity Sutra", Zhang Jun further modified it to make it more reasonable and not as difficult as before. But even so, this sixth change of the divine womb cannot be accomplished overnight, and there are many twists and turns in it.

Fortunately, Zhang Jun was fully prepared. When his mind moved, the blood in the jar flew out, wrapping him layer by layer. At the same time, the twelve treasures flew out from the sleeves, rotating around him. Gradually, the treasure talisman formed a large rune cocoon, wrapping him tightly. The name of these twelve talismans, called "Nine Turns Talisman", can transform a person into the most initial state, thereby raising the level of life, which coincides with the path of the nine changes of the womb.

The Nine Turns Talisman sealed both Zhang Jun and Divine Blood, and at the same time the **** dog appeared beside Zhang Jun. It shook its body and transformed into a black-clothed boy with a huge basket beside it. The basket was filled with all kinds of secret crystals, and the secret crystals in the treasures of the gods were basically here.

The **** dog glanced at the secret crystal in the basket and grinned: "It's a pity that I can't eat it, otherwise I will eat a few pieces." After speaking, he glanced at the rune cocoon and felt that the heat was almost over, so he threw a secret crystal away. Went in.

From the Secret Cube, Zhang Jun knew that these secret crystals were formed in the Chaos Era, and contained the aura of the creatures of the Chaos Era, which would greatly help him improve. He didn't know until recently that before the ancient times, when the world first opened, there was an era of chaos. Those born in the Chaos Era are often extremely powerful characters, powerful enough to slay Hunyuan and break the plane.

The era of chaos is the most mysterious era. However, not every plane will experience the Age of Chaos when it is born. The Age of Chaos is unique to the birth of the main plane. The only thing left in the Chaos Era is the secret crystal. In each type of secret crystal, the breath of a certain creature in the Chaos Era is sealed.

These auras can ignore the existence of God's will, and directly enhance a person's strength, possessing the ability to go against the sky, but the chaotic creatures at that time were terrifying and powerful. For example, the secret crystal of life, regardless of the user's strength level, can increase the life span of several years; the secret crystal of power can directly increase a person's power, and it is unreasonable.

It was precisely because of the extraordinaryness of the secret crystal that Zhang Jun decided to use the opportunity of transformation to fuse himself with the aura in the secret crystal. This kind of fusion is much better than simply branding the secret crystal.

The **** dog kept throwing secret crystals into it, piece by piece. Once the secret crystal enters the rune cocoon, it turns into juice and is absorbed by it. The **** dog grasped the rhythm very well, and lost piece by piece.

Time passed by, one day in a blink of an eye. During this day, Zhang Jun was undergoing transformation, and the cocoon had completely enveloped him, and an extremely powerful aura was brewing inside.

At some point, Wu Gang and Chang'e appeared in front of Fu Yuu. Wu Gang took a look and said, "It's really bold, even the breath of the Chaos Era dare to refine."

"He succeeded, didn't he?" Chang'e smiled. "This silly brother, doesn't he know that the breath of the Chaos Age is equal to the will of God?"

"How can he know." Wu Gang said, "Even we, it was only after a lot of experience. The chaos era, I don't know how many great creatures were born, although the'pan' finally seized control and took control of God's will. , But it’s not the most powerful one."

"That's too far away, he doesn't need to know." Chang'e said, "and no matter what, he will be as high as possible this time."

While talking, there was a black secret crystal in Chang'e's sleeve. This secret crystal is not in the shape of a rune, but a human-shaped brilliance. Wu Gang's eyes flickered and he said in surprise: "This ‘Secret Crystal of Humanity’ is actually in your hand? Wasn’t it destroyed at the beginning?"

"That existence unintentionally created the human race. This humanity stone is the most mysterious. Even I can't judge the power contained in it." Chang'e said, "but I feel it is useful to my brother."

After that, she gently threw the humane secret crystal into the cocoon. The cocoon suddenly vibrated slightly, and there was a long roar inside, and then a dragon-shaped light qi broke out of the cocoon, and condensed into a stalwart figure in the void, like a **** and demon, like a fairy Buddha, unpredictable and unpredictable. Observe.

At the same moment, in all directions of Juntian Small World, countless brilliances violently bombarded Juntian Small World to destroy Juntian Small World!

This article comes from reading novels

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