Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 802: Enemy aircraft

Hardy continued to review the military preparations in the base, Xiaoqiang gave him the bottom line.At present, Wosai has 1,000 multi-purpose tanks, 200 armed helicopters, 500 multi-purpose attack aircraft, and 400 multi-purpose combat vehicles. There are 10,000 shooting robots, 800 autonomous howitzers, and 20 spider mechas. Of course, there are many missiles supporting the above weapons, including air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, surface-to-air missiles, and a large number of smart artillery shells, which are fully enough to meet the needs of this war.

Xiaoqiang is the commander of this battle, and he will unite each combat terminal through the local area network. His powerful logic computing capabilities will maximize combat efficiency. At every moment in every location, all combat terminals will exert their strongest combat effectiveness. One thousand tanks, 700 planes, 10,000 shooting robots, 400 combat vehicles, 800 autonomous howitzers, and 20 mechas will enter the battle as a close unit.

As Wasser was preparing for the battle, the four teams were also constantly gathering. In terms of the national strength of the four countries, they were unable to form a powerful modern army. However, Shengjiao’s economic strength is super strong.They have purchased various weapons worth more than 200 billion US dollars in just over a year, including 1,000 tanks, 1,500 fighters, and 1 Thousands of infantry fighting vehicles, as well as various individual weapons, armed the troops of the four countries to the teeth. The four teams, equipped with advanced weapons, will cooperate with the offensive of Shengjiao's 100,000 genetic warriors to take down Vosse.

Tufei, one of the four countries, Yang Tianhao led ten nine-level gods, and one tenth-level **** sat in town. Gene warriors from all over the world kept gathering here, and at present they have gathered 50,000 people. These Xuan Yin fighters are not the best among them, but their combat power is far superior to ordinary people. Most of them have the combat power of the dark power level, and even a small part have the combat power of the Huajin level.

It is conceivable how terrible an army of one hundred thousand formed by such super fighters will be, even in the face of the armed forces of the strongest country in the world, it can definitely be swept and crushed with invincibility. At this moment, Yang Tianhao had no arrogance on his face, his expression was often serious and cold, and he was looking at Wosai's military analysis report seriously. This report, which he had just obtained from the "Information Hall" of Shengjiao, is quite rich in gold.

Of course, Yang Tianhao didn't know that this report was carefully compiled by Xiaoqiang. The report was false and true, true and false, and the purpose was to make him misjudge the enemy's strength. Some of the information in the report is true, such as Worsay's military strength is very strong, with a large number of high-tech weapons.

"Wose can't be underestimated!" After reading the report, Yang Tianhao tapped his fingers on the tabletop, carefully considering.

In a short while, a subordinate came to report: "His Royal Highness, the ruling team, the control team, and the destruction team come to report."

These three teams are all subordinate organizations of the Weapon Group. Among them, the ruling squad has 200 people, the control squad is 100 people, and the destruction squad has 100 people. It has a strong combat power. It is the world's top mercenary and has unparalleled influence in the world.

Yang Tianhao nodded: "Okay, I get it. In addition, you urge the Heaven Sword and Sea Ghost to gather them immediately."

Heavenly Sword, Earth Demon, Sea Ghost, these three forces are the main forces of the Weapon Group, and the 100,000 genetic warriors currently being assembled belong to the Earth Demon. As for the Sky Sword, it is an air force composed of flying elites from various countries, with more than 2,000 fighters of various types. The sea ghost is composed of submarines and ships, and there are hundreds of them in scale, with extremely powerful attack power.

"Yes, the subordinate will do it right away!" The person retreated.

Behind Yang Tianhao, a white middle-aged man walked out. The middle-aged man's name is Locke. His left eye is green and his right eye is blue. It looks weird. This person is very handsome, but with a gloomy temperament, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling. He said slowly: "His Royal Highness, Four Forces plus the Weapon Group, we will win or lose in this war. But Your Highness must win beautifully."

The middle-aged man is Yang Tianhao's sage. Although this man is not half-step magical powers, he is super wise. Yang Tianhao has always followed his words and asked, "Sir, how can I be beautiful?"

Saint Master Locke said: "Catch the thieves first, capture the king first. Before the war starts, we can eliminate the high-level Wosai first. If Zhang Jun is really not in Wosai, then ten nine-level gods will be enough to complete this mission."

Yang Tianhao nodded: "This is a good idea, but we are not clear about the internal situation of Wosai, this move may be risky."

"It's okay, Yang Tianji and Yang Tiangan, as their deputies, have to ask them to contribute a little bit." Locke said gloomily, "this time the mission will be assigned to them. The thing is done, it is the credit of your Highness. The thing is not done. It is their fault."

Yang Tianhao smiled "haha", feeling that this method was just what he wanted, and immediately said, "Okay! Just do it!"

Yang Tianji and Yang Tiangan were not far from Yang Tianhao's headquarters, and soon after the order was given, they received it.


Yang Tianji slapped the table heavily and shouted angrily: "Okay! Really treat us as cannon fodder! Only ten nine-level gods want you and I to kill the high-ranking Wose! Does he think Wose's military is vegetarian? "

Yang Tian felt very calm and said: "It's useless to be angry. He is now the coach. We have to listen to everything."

Yang Tianji stared at him: "What can you do?"

"Although ten nine-level gods are powerful, they are all dead against the little dragon girl. Of course we can't be stupid enough to send them to death." Yang Tian said indifferently, "Anyway, because Wosai is so big, let's take ten nine. The first-level gods find a place to hide, who can find it? When the war is over, let's come out and clean up the mess."

Yang Tianji was taken aback, and "haha" laughed: "Wonderful! In this way, we can not only stay out of the matter, but also weaken the strength around Yang Tianhao. Without these ten nine-level gods, I see how he fights Zhang Jun! Little Dragon Girl can enter the army and take Yang Tianhao's first rank in the army!"

Yang Tiangan: "Well, let's not talk about it. No one knows what the result will be. It's a bit of a hassle to do this. The **** warriors have chips on their bodies. The signal screen must be set first to prevent Yang Tianhao from remotely controlling us."

"This is easy, I have a way to shield it." Yang Tianji snorted and said, "I want to see how long he can last Yang Tianhao."

"I hope that the two can lose both." Yang Tian said with a feeling, "This is good for you and me."

"Even if Zhang Jun can win, it must have suffered heavy losses. The Weapon Group is not that easy to deal with, not to mention that there are four teams built with hundreds of billions of dollars." Yang Tianji is very relieved, "If they both lose and both lose, you Maybe the two of me have a chance to pick up something cheaper."

"I hope, but now I still find a safe place to hide." Yang Tian said, "The battle will start soon. We must act early to avoid accidents."

After the two of Yang Tianji led them into Wosai, they immediately found a place to hide and cut off all contact with the outside world. After the war ended, Yang Tianhao couldn't get in touch for several times, so he just assumed that they were all dead and continued to prepare for the battle without pressure. In a blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and his 100,000 army finally assembled successfully. In addition, the four countries of Uglia, Kazhlia, Zad, and Tufei have also collected 100,000 armies, and are equipped with 1,000 tanks, 1,500 various fighters, and 1,000 infantry fighting vehicles. . The four countries will act as the vanguard forces to launch a tentative attack on Worse in advance.

In the headquarters, Yang Tianhao pointed to the military map and said to Locke: "Sir, I am going to let the four countries attack Wosai with all their strength to observe the strength of the opponent. If the front line advances smoothly, I will let the sky sword, the earth demon, and the sea The ghosts attack at the same time and take Vosse down in one fell swoop. If the attack is unfavorable, I will concentrate all my strength and attack from one side to defeat the force."

Yang Tianhao's tactics were simple and straightforward. In modern warfare, tactics no longer seemed so important in the face of absolute strength. In the simplest and most direct way, positive results can be achieved.

Locke nodded and agreed: "Yes, but I have a suggestion. The total number of Heavenly Swords plus Four Kingdoms fighters is three thousand and five hundred, while the area of ​​Wose is only 100,000 square kilometers, and its settlements are highly dense. We It can be bombed first to destroy the opponent's military facilities."

Yang Tianhao agreed: "Yes, we have an advantage in the number of aircraft, and the quality must not be inferior to Wose, then bomb them first!"

One hour later, Yang Tianhao issued an attack order through the war network. Suddenly, the sky was full of fighters, and the sky flew to Wose.

3,500 aircraft of various types took off from the four countries and invaded the interior of Wosset in four directions. On each fighter plane, there are targets assigned by satellites, and if nothing else, they will be able to easily find the above-ground buildings of Wose.

After a Uglia pilot drove the plane into Vosset airspace, he laughed and said to his companions via radio waves: "Guys, I am worried that Vosset doesn't even have an air force. That would be boring."

"Hehe, Worse has always been poorer than us, and the military strength is almost zero. Although it has developed rapidly in recent years, it is never possible to establish a decent military strength. You will be disappointed." His companion responded.

Most pilots of the four countries have similar ideas. Even the pilots on Tianjian's two thousand five hundred planes did not take Vosse seriously. They used to be elites in the air forces of various countries. Although they are not young, their flying skills have not fallen, and they are still master fighters.

"Wow, haha, it's been a long time since I bullied people, I have to have a good day!" A Sky Sword pilot yelled, and even used a plane to make various difficult dodge actions in the air, and there were a lot of fighters competing immediately. imitate. After all, Tianjian is not a military organization in the true sense. It is just a fighter group consisting of 2,500 aircraft.

"Brothers, let's turn the junkyard of Worsay into a flame hell!" Someone roared again, and then more voices roared.

They didn't know that Xiaoqiang had already got the news when the first plane was flying. At Wasse Air Force Base, 700 fighters took off. They all flew in the direction of Tufei. There were the most invading fighters, about 1,000.

Four hundred multi-purpose tanks drove towards Zade to deal with the more than 500 aircraft that invaded there; most of the 1,000 tanks were deployed to the Uglia part to counter the more than 800 invasions there. Fighter planes; on the Kajrian side, five thousand shooting robots were sent to fight against more than 700 planes flying there; on the ocean, there were about five hundred fighter planes invading, and the remaining five were greeted by them. Thousands of shooting robots.

Before the enemy began to act, Xiaoqiang had already started the deployment, and when the enemy aircraft invaded the airspace, his deployment had already been completed. The reason why he moved so quickly is because there is a developed high-speed subway built under the Wosai underground. This arrangement allows Xiaoqiang to complete any complicated military deployment within forty minutes.

In the direction of Tufei, densely packed fighter planes appeared in Wosai's airspace. Soon, on the radar of these fighters, it was discovered that a large number of fighters were approaching on the opposite side.

"No! Worse has so many fighters?" A Tufei flight captain said in surprise.

"Prepare to meet the enemy!" The teams issued urgent orders.

"Huh? Disappeared!" Tufei's airborne radar just wanted to lock on the enemy aircraft, but the other party disappeared from the radar, which gave them an ominous premonition.

"Attention! The other party is a stealth fighter!" An experienced and veteran Sky Sword pilot issued a warning, and the pilots flew their heads and sank, unexpectedly stealth!

In the direction of Wosai, seven hundred fighters, all of them have super stealth capabilities, and the radars equipped with enemy planes cannot detect them at all. Moreover, all fighters are equipped with intelligent computers dedicated to air combat, and they are uniformly under the command of Xiaoqiang. So when the enemy plane group was about to enter the attack range, under the command of Xiaoqiang, the 700 planes were quickly organized into seventy flying teams, from different angles and three-dimensional attack methods, fiercely killing the enemy that has always been ruthless. .

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