Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 803: Victorious

At the Wose headquarters, Lin Xian, Ge Xiaoxian, Shangguan Mixue, Su Xiaoyu, and Bai Lingxue were all there, and they stared at the screen nervously. Next to him, Hardy squinted his eyes, and his eyes flashed from time to time.

"Hadi, will we win?" Su Xiaoyu still has some worries. Seven hundred to one thousand, the number of Wosai fighters is at a disadvantage.

"If you know what kind of air-to-air missiles they carry, you won't have such doubts." Hardy said very calmly, "Those missiles are expensive, code-named'Vicious Eye', they are advanced in design and equipped with intelligence. Chips, under the control of Xiaoqiang, can think like intelligent creatures."

The women gasped and said one after another: "If this is the case, wouldn't it be accurate?"

Hardison smiled: "Keep watching!"


A fighter first locks on a non-enemy aircraft and launches missiles. The target enemy plane called the police the moment it was locked, and the pilot was shocked, and quickly made several textbook-like actions, but unfortunately they could not eliminate the lock. A Poison Eye missile roared at more than three times the speed of sound.

The enemy pilot quickly calmed down and suddenly dodged when the missile was about to hit. What is shocking is that the Poison Eye missile was adjusted synchronously. The head of the missile was slightly deflected and blasted into the middle of the fuselage accurately. With a loud noise, this four-generation fighter, which cost 110 million U.S. dollars, was broken into pieces, leaving only a ball of flames to bloom.

"What? Was shot down!" The nearby comrades were shocked.

The same situation was played out in different places, one enemy plane after another was destroyed, all shot down in one fell swoop. Worssey's fighters are obviously more advanced than the enemy's, and both have an absolute advantage in terms of flight speed and weapon systems. Moreover, Xiaoqiang's intelligent control can kill the most advanced fighter pilots in the world.

A Vosset fighter jet spun three beautifully in a row, avoiding three missiles in succession, and the enemy pilots on the opposite side were all stunned.

In a corner of the air battlefield, five enemy planes of Heavenly Sword formed a hunting formation, chasing and killing a Vosset fighter plane. They have launched three missiles, but the other side is still fine. The super performance of the fighter and the super-limit classic evasion method shocked everyone.

"It must be shot down!" a pilot sternly said, "At the same time launching missiles, I don't believe it can escape!"

His voice fell off, and a small hole suddenly cracked in the tail of the Wosai fighter, and a black ball the size of a basketball floated out of it. The sphere did not sink, it was suspended in the air and suddenly exploded. The bright white light temporarily blinded the five pilots, and they screamed in panic. The Wose fighter took the opportunity to flip, and after going around the five warplanes, five missiles fired in a salvo.


The flames soared to the sky, and none of the five fighters were spared and all were shot down.

As the Warsei fighters kept shooting down enemy planes, the enemy's numerical advantage no longer exists. At this time, the Worssey fighter can finally play its global unique air tactics. Hundreds of fighter planes coordinated precisely, interspersed and wandered, and launched missiles at the most suitable time, so that the enemy planes were destroyed at a faster speed.

Ten minutes later, the number of surviving fighters coming from the direction of Tufei was less than 400, and Worssey suffered only ten damages, of which only three were shot down, and the other seven were only "wounded."

"This battle can't be fought!" One of the pilots couldn't stand the result, shouted, suddenly turned around and ran away.

Fear is like the plague, once it spreads, it spreads quickly. More fighters fled the battlefield, making the situation more lopsided. Xiaoqiang naturally wouldn't let this opportunity go. He controlled all the fighters and began to hunt down. With the speed advantage of the Warsei fighter, coupled with the information reconnaissance capabilities of the air, space and ground trinity, almost no aircraft can escape.

Half an hour later, 688 Warsset fighters returned to the base intact. Of the 1,000 fighters from Tufei, only 34 eventually escaped, and the rest were shot down. This air battle was quickly followed closely by various countries, and Worse became a global air force powerhouse overnight. The commander of the U.S. Air Force once told the media that facing the Wasser Air Force, U.S. conventional weapons have no chance of winning.

While the air battle was underway, large-scale battles were also being carried out on other border lines in Worsay. On Zade's side, five hundred enemy aircraft invaded the airspace, and 400 multi-purpose combat vehicles greeted them. The tank designed by Xiaoqiang is huge. It is about five meters high and eight meters long and six meters wide. It is like a mobile fortress. In fact, the cost of this tank is not lower than that of the Warsei fighter. It is mainly used for air defense.

When manufacturing these tanks, the first ability Xiaoqiang gave them was air defense. In modern warfare, the one who wins the sky wins the world. Xiaoqiang knows the pros and cons and decides to give priority to the development of air superiority.

On the border line, four hundred multifunctional tanks stood on the ground like four hundred small houses, waiting for the arrival of enemy planes. There is no need to deliberately look for them. Five hundred enemy planes have already found them and rushed over in swarms, hoping to wipe out these large tanks in one fell swoop.

"What are these things? Missile towers?"

"The people of Wosai are really idiots, we just need to fly a little higher, these short-range surface-to-air missiles can't reach them." Someone laughed.

"Guys, get rid of these monsters first and let them taste the power of the Uglia Air Force!" An officer smiled and gave orders.

Suddenly, five hundred planes dropped precision-guided bombs one after another, trying to blow up the four hundred tanks below. The tank's reaction was extremely fast, and the weapon cover on it opened with a "swish", revealing twelve black holes, fist-sized holes. This is the first weapon on the tank, a high-speed shell. The initial velocity of this shell can reach five times the speed of sound, and it has the ability to strike accurately.

"Boom boom boom!"

The shells lifted into the air and rotated at high speed, but the first wave missed and failed to hit the falling bomb. But immediately after the second round of shooting began, this time it was very accurate, with hundreds of bombs exploded in the air. When the third wave of artillery shells hit high altitude, all the bombs were hit and exploded.

It turned out that with its super strong track calculation capability, the tank can continuously adjust the angle at which the shells are fired, so as to accurately hit the target. This is why the shells hit the target more accurately every time. Because after the first and second shots, Xiaoqiang has calculated the air drag coefficient, so he can accurately hit the target.

"No way!" Some pilots cried strangely, they had never heard of such things as cannons hitting bombs.

If a single blow failed, the officer in this campaign immediately issued an order: "Give me a missile attack, hurry!" This officer was well-informed. He saw that these monsters were not easy to mess with and wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible.

At this moment, the flying height of most enemy planes is only about one kilometer, and they are already within the attack range of large tanks. When many enemy planes were too late to launch missiles, another weapon cover of 400 large combat forces was opened, and a blinding white light shot high in the sky. The targets were all enemy planes and missiles that had been launched.

"Laser weapon!" Someone's eyes were blinded, and he shouted in horror.

These are high-power laser weapons that can instantly raise the temperature of objects to tens of thousands of degrees. At this temperature, the fighter's fuselage simply cannot bear it. I saw smoke billowing in the air, and the explosion sound was continuously connected. Under the attack of laser weapons, more than 300 fighters were wiped out in a short time.

The remaining pilots were terrified and immediately lifted the fighter plane into the air. At this time, the 400 tank opened the third weapon cover, and 400 ground-to-air missiles, code-named "Ghost", blasted off. These missiles are no weaker than the missiles suspended by the Warsei fighters. They have super computing power and can intelligently kill enemy targets, making the enemy aircraft inevitable. Disturbance bombs or dodge actions cannot fool the "ghost".

The explosion sounded again, and one enemy plane after another was shot down, but none of the tanks were damaged. Only two minutes later, only twelve fighters with better stealth performance were left to escape. The pilots who fled were all demented and numb. What happened today was too unbelievable. They felt like they were fighting with aliens.

In the north of Vosse, there were as many as 800 invading fighters from the Uglia side. When they saw the 1,000 black tanks below, the pilots laughed. Are the Wasser’s heads filled with shit? Actually using a tank to fight an airplane, it’s really an old birthday star hanging himself, so tired!

Just as the pilots laughed at the tanks, a thousand tanks suddenly changed. The track under the tank was retracted and replaced with a huge tripod, and then twelve barrels were exposed on it, and the main gun began to rise. In a few seconds, a thousand tanks became a thousand huge anti-aircraft guns.


A large number of anti-aircraft shells rushed into the sky. And out of the recognition that tanks are difficult to hit aircraft, the flying height of 800 fighters is extremely low, which is very conducive to the use of anti-aircraft guns.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, more than 30 fighters were shot down. The anti-aircraft shells were so powerful that they would explode violently once contacted, causing the aircraft to be destroyed and killed. After these tanks were transformed into anti-aircraft guns, they all had fire detection systems similar to those on multifunctional tanks, with extremely high shooting accuracy, and more enemy aircraft were shot down.

"Damn it!" someone cried out strangely, and then the plane was blown to pieces by a shell.

Seeing that the enemy planes were not good, they lifted up into the air. At this time, the tank’s main artillery fired, and the sound of "banging" was endless, and one shell after another was shot high in the sky. These shells did not explode, but separated from the shell below. Then, the small missiles inside were ejected and started to attack nearby enemy aircraft.

In just one minute, 800 enemy planes were shot down and more than 500 planes were shot down. In the end, only the remaining 100 fighter planes fled in embarrassment.

Compared with the previous battlefields, it is much more difficult to punish the eastern coastal battlefield of Vosse in the border war in Kajlia. Five thousand shooting robots were invested on both sides. There are two types of shooting robots. One thousand of them can launch lasers, and nine thousand can only launch large bullets. Five thousand shooting robots face hundreds of fighters. It is not easy for them to win.

The fact is also true. In the initial exchange of fire, the shooting robot failed to hit a fighter plane because the shooting height of the bullet was limited. However, these fighters should never want to injure the shooting robot, because whether it is a missile or a bomb, they will be broken into pieces under the dense barrage, and they cannot cause any harm to them.

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