Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 804: Fierce battle

But in Xiaoqiang's plan, these 10,000 shooting robots are obviously not the protagonists of the two battles, because just as hundreds of fighters in the two places were attacking frantically, the turf on the ground suddenly cracked, and hundreds of tall pipes came from below. It stretched out, and then a bright light appeared, and one surface-to-air missile was launched into the air. They accurately captured the target and blasted one fighter plane into pieces.

"Not good! It was in the plan!" The pilots shouted, evading and fleeing. It is a pity that in the face of intensive missile attacks, most of the fighters are shot down. The lucky ones that can escape are only about a hundred, and they have no guts to fight anymore and hurriedly retreat.

In this way, several simultaneous air battles ended, and Vosset won a complete victory with a very small loss. However, the Four Kingdoms and Tianjian suffered heavy losses. There were only a few hundred of the 3,500 planes left, and there was no way to launch a decent air attack.

In Tufei's headquarters, Yang Tianxuan was full of anger. He slammed his fist on the table, and the hard rosewood desk was broken into pieces. I just received the news that the raid had failed, and the defeat was so terrible that there was not even a fraction of the plane that escaped. In addition to his anger, his heart was very shocked.Is Worsai's air force so powerful?

Saint Locke appeared. He turned on the computer and played a few episodes of the returning fighters and the images recorded during the battle. When he saw the sharp attack and extraordinary dodge action of the Warsei fighter, he couldn't help being surprised. Large tanks, modified tanks, and shooting robots also had a huge impact on his mind.

"Impossible!" His face was full of shock and inconceivability. "Why does Worser have so many advanced weapons? Their casualties are almost zero, but we are almost wiped out!"

Locke frowned, and said: "Worsey may have received funding from some aspect, but even the United States can't provide such a powerful weapon. Is there a powerful force similar to the sacred religion to support him?"

"Impossible!" Yang Tianhao immediately denied, "If there is such a force, we can't be ignorant, it must be a problem with intelligence."

Speaking of intelligence, he gritted his teeth and said: "Yang Tiangan, this bastard, he was once in charge of intelligence collection, maybe it was his ghost!"

Locke groaned: "Before your Royal Highness comes to Africa, I will boast about going to the sea. This time I can only win and not lose, so this battle has to be fought. The army of the four countries has not been dispatched. I don't think there is any need to hide, let the sea ghosts and the earth demons together. Go out and cooperate with the four countries to launch a general offensive against Worse. If the opponent is really strong, then only with strong power can it be destroyed."

At this point, Yang Tianhao had nothing to do. He sighed and said, "I underestimated Zhang Jun. I didn't expect his army to be so powerful. It's hateful, when Yang Tianji and Yang Tiangan made a bet with me. This should be thought of, and in the end they were tricked by them!"

"His Royal Highness does not have to be discouraged. The outcome is not yet known. Maybe we can win. Even if we lose, it will be fine. Yang Tianxuan won't do anything to Your Highness, it's just a little troublesome." Locke said.

"Okay!" Yang Tianhao clenched his fist hard, "Fight for it! Besides, you are ready to retreat. If something goes wrong, I have to use a killer!"

Locke was shocked: "His Royal Highness wants to use a nuclear bomb?"

"That's right, as long as three or five nuclear bombs go down, I believe no matter how powerful technology is, it's useless." Yang Tianhao said coldly, "I want to turn Worse into death!"

"No!" Locke hurriedly stopped. "First, the impact of using nuclear bombs is too great, and we may not be able to cover it. Second, the opponent’s weapons are so advanced that there may not be a way to fight nuclear missiles. We cannot take risks. Third. , If Zhang Jun can be solved with a nuclear bomb, Yang Tianxuan will never send us over, he can just give an order."

Yang Tianhao is the one who never suffers. He hates to say: "What should I do? I don't like doing things that have no chance of winning."

Locke: "Your Highness is relieved, we don't necessarily lose. The tenth-level **** is a killer, and he sent him to secretly sneak into the kingdom of Vosset to carry out large-scale assassinations and disrupt Vosset."

Yang Tianhao nodded: "This is the only way to go. The fighting power of the tenth-level gods is comparable to those of the true realm. I hope he can find Zhang Jun and kill him, so that our goal will be achieved."

Locke heaved a sigh of relief and said: "I will be ready to retreat. Once the record collapses, His Highness must leave as soon as possible. Also, I feel that Yang Tianji and Yang Tian induction should be hidden. These two people simply want to see His Highness. Joke."

"Hidden?" Yang Tianhao sneered, "Two idiots, thinking I can't deal with them? They don't even know, I set a scheduled restart on ten nine-level gods."

Locke said: "After the **** warrior restarts, he will kill everyone around him, and Yang Tianji and Yang Tiangan can't order them either. These two people are digging their own graves, and they will die!"

"Okay, let's get started!" Yang Tianhao said solemnly, "This is the success or failure!"

Ten minutes later, the forces of the four countries began to gather to Tufei on a large scale, including the 100,000 genetic warriors of the Earth Demon. The sea ghosts gather in the western coastal area, ready to attack.

As for Wasser, Xiaoqiang quickly adjusted the defense. He only deployed two thousand shooting robots, two hundred fighters, one hundred tanks, and four hundred self-propelled grenade vehicles along the western coast. The remaining forces are all concentrated on the Tufei front line and used to counter the enemy's most powerful force.

The battle is about to begin, but the residents of Worsay know nothing about it. They go to work and work as usual. None of the major media around the world reported the incident. It seems that the whole world has become blind, and no one knows what is happening in Wasser.

Kyoto, Military, General Staff Department.

Several super army leaders are meeting urgently to discuss matters concerning Worsser. A military leader said: "Worser's victory over the four-nation air force is surprising. This shows that the military technology of the Skywalk Group has surpassed us, and even the United States."

"This is not the time to talk about this." Another military chief said, "Worsey is Zhang Jun's territory. He is a sly in our country. We should make the necessary response."

"No need." Someone objected, "According to the agreement, we will only be satisfied after the other party makes a request. And if the other party does not make a request, we don't have to intervene at all. And I don't think Voss will lose. It is better to watch the fire from the shore. ."

"Your thoughts are all too extreme." said one of the highest-ranking military chiefs. "Worser is not only Zhang Jun's territory, but also a springboard for our country in Africa. It is very important to our country. Of course, we should not risk being caught. The international community has criticized the danger of participating in this war."

"What should I do?" someone asked.

"Publish the video data of the Warsaw War on the Internet to stir up this matter." A cold light flashed in the army's eyes, "I want to see how France will clean up the situation."

Accompanied by the roar of the machine, the four-nation armies began a general offensive. One thousand tanks, one thousand chariots, one hundred thousand genetic warriors, one hundred thousand people and four countries' miscellaneous army, marched violently towards Wose. At the same time, the sea ghosts in the western waters also began to attack, dispatching landing craft, launching missiles, and using various methods to interfere with Worsay.

Xiaoqiang's command is highly sensible. He knows how to do the best. When the enemy army crossed the border, he did not counterattack. In his opinion, the longer the front is drawn, the better the fight. Although Worssey's depth is limited, hundreds of thousands of people can still be accommodated. The deeper you go, the more the opponent's power will be dispersed.

Ten minutes later, Vossey's army finally reacted. One thousand tanks are in the first echelon, followed by four hundred autonomous grenade vehicles, and finally three hundred giant tanks. Eight thousand shooting robots are scattered among the three firepowers to coordinate the attack. In the air, nearly five hundred fighters took off. They were the first wave of attack weapons.

The two armies are getting closer and closer, one hundred kilometers, eighty kilometers, and fifty kilometers apart. Fifty kilometers was already within the shooting range of the grenade, Xiaoqiang issued an order together, and 400 autonomous grenade vehicles fired grenade at the same time. This autonomous howitzer is a giant grenade. They weigh half a ton and come in various models. There are various types of ammunition such as frozen bombs, incendiary bombs, cloud explosive bombs, chemical bombs, and shattered armor bombs. If a comprehensive attack is used, it will have a huge lethality to the enemy.

"Boom boom boom!"

Each autonomous howitzer has six launching barrels that can be launched simultaneously. Four hundred artillery carts can fire 2,400 artillery shells at a time, forming a spray of cannon rain, which is scattered all over the sky.

The Allied Forces of the Four Nations suddenly fell into a sea of ​​flames, and a commander from the Tufei State said angrily: "Fight back, give me a counterattack!"

His adjutant said with a bitter face: "Sir, we have no artillery, and the air force has been maimed and cannot fight back."

The commander vomited blood with anger, and shouted, "Use missiles, use missiles to counterattack me!"

The soldiers in a thousand tanks secretly slandered the boss's order, but they still accepted it, and immediately began to fire missiles, aiming at the enemy. At this time, I saw the horror of the eight thousand shooting robots. There was a chaotic sound of "Da Da Da", and a barrage appeared. All the missiles were exploded in the air, and none of them fell on the ground. Inflicted damage to Vosse's army.

Following this, nearly five hundred fighters roared in, and bombs fell from the sky in a dense, accompanied by machine guns and missile attacks. The location of the marching team became a sea of ​​flames, and chariots and tanks became the primary targets of shooting. Helicopters are called tank killers. There are about two hundred helicopters, hovering high in the sky like an eagle, clearing enemy tanks one by one.

After the four-nation coalition was attacked, a thousand tanks immediately responded, and thousands of surface-to-air missiles were launched into the air. It's a pity that Vosset fighters, which are not even afraid of air combat, simply ignore this missile attack, and they easily avoided it. Many tanks only had time to launch a single missile, and they were aimed at by fighter planes in the air. With a loud noise, they turned into fragments.

Yang Tianhao uses spy satellites to monitor everything that happens on the battlefield. He hates to say: "Without the air force, we are too passive!"

Locke was very calm and said: "His Royal Highness, we didn't expect the four-nation coalition. The real trump card is our'Earth Demon Legion'. They are all super fighters with the most advanced weapons in the world. They will not let us down. of."

As Locke said, under the attack of artillery shells and military aircraft, the death toll of the Earth Demon Army is very small, and the current death toll is less than 5,000. As for the four-nation coalition, 100,000 miscellaneous soldiers have killed more than 30,000 people, and they continue to die.

The Wose fighter planes in the air attacked continuously, seeing that one thousand tanks and one thousand tanks had already lost half. If this continues, only the fate of losing will be lost. At this moment, there was a scream from the army, and more than 90,000 genetic warriors suddenly ran wildly, and ants rushed towards the Vossy Army. They launched a full charge, wanting to rush into the Vossy Army for close combat. .

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