Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 805: Ten-level gods

The genetic warriors rushed like electricity, constantly approaching the Wose army. One thousand tanks lined up in several rows, and the 12,000 gun barrels on it slowly stretched out. When the enemy army running at the front enters the attack range, the shooting begins.

"Boom boom boom!"

The caliber of the cannon is 35mm, but it has the same accuracy as a sniper. Xiaoqiang calls it a sniper cannon. Speaking of, this type of gun was originally designed for Zhang Jun, which is the small pistol he used. Nowadays, the improved small gun is installed on the tank and can be used as an anti-aircraft gun or as a sniper gun against ground weapons.

The shells fired by the sniper gun belong to the missile level, equipped with an intelligent aiming program, and its intelligence is equivalent to that of an adult eagle. It can accurately judge how to attack the enemy's target, and the destruction efficiency is extremely high.

A genetic warrior rushing in the front possesses a fighting power of Huajin level, and he can already see the enemy's targets in the distance. But he is fearless, because he is a strong man, even with modern weapons, he can also fight.

However, his opinion quickly changed, because a shell hit his chest head-on, and the moment the body was pierced, the shell exploded and he fell apart. Even the three comrades behind him were injured at the same time and fell to the ground howling.

Every shell will definitely end a life. In the blink of an eye, more than a thousand genetic warriors have been killed. If you follow this schedule, it will not take long for 100,000 genetic warriors to be killed.

However, the firing frequency of the shells was obviously not fast enough. After tens of thousands of genetic warriors were bombarded and killed, the people behind had already approached within two hundred meters. At this time, the power of the artillery was limited. As long as they got closer, they could ignore the shells. After all, shells are not suitable for close-range attacks.

At this time, the eight thousand shooting robots reacted. They quickly moved to the front of the tank and entered the "sniper mode" to sniper all enemies within 200 meters.

This Xuan Yin warrior is indeed very strong, able to compete with the masters of Dark Jin and Hua Jin, but compared with shooting robots, they are not enough. The battlefield suddenly became quiet. Except for the running sound of the genetic warrior, all that was left was the crisp "click" sound made by the shooting robot.

Each shooting robot is equipped with eight barrels capable of three-dimensional high-speed, and can shoot simultaneously. In other words, one shooting robot can attack eight targets at the same time. This data is terrible and powerful. The genetic warriors approaching like locusts collapsed in a dense field. They were all shot headshot and died so hard that they could not die.

Occasionally, there were a few strong players who escaped the first blow. But then, they immediately became the focus of shooting targets, and at least ten blocking robots aimed at them. Under this circumstance, it is impossible for even a master holding Dan to avoid it, so they have only one fate, and that is death.


The genetic warrior is like the wheat under the harvester. There was a mountain of corpses in a thirty-meter-wide area between the two sides. This is like a death zone. No genetic warrior can cross it. Anyone who enters the death line will be killed instantly.

The genetic warriors stepped forward and did not fear death. But shooting robots are ruthless, they kill without stopping.

Five minutes later, the corpses had been piled into a long wall of corpses. Behind the wall of corpses, most of the tanks and chariots of the Allied Forces of the Four Nations have been destroyed and completely lost their combat effectiveness. Without the cover of the air force, the coalition forces became a poor target, only to be beaten.

Finally, there was a senior officer who couldn't stand it. The commander-in-chief of Tufeiguo said loudly: "Retreat, retreat immediately!" He didn't want to die here. Just now he watched the adjutant's bombing into minced meat, and he almost vomited it out. The shadow of death enveloped him, making him extremely frightened. At this moment, he could no longer care about the orders of the church. It was important to save his life.

As soon as the Tufei State withdrew, Uzhlia and the other three countries were also affected, and their commanders also retreated. Soon, a great escape began. Defeated like a mountain, even the gods cannot save the defeat at this moment.

The fighters in the air did not continue to hunt down, but turned to the genetic warriors in the distance to attack. The cabin under the fighter plane opened, exposing dense rows of launch holes, each with as many as three hundred launch holes. Each launch hole can launch a large-caliber bullet.


The fire flashed, and three hundred bullets were fired downwards. The acceleration of gravity, coupled with the initial velocity of the bullet, made this bullet’s lethality amazing and its coverage extremely wide.


A piece of genetic warrior was knocked down, each of them had their bodies pierced and mutilated and died on the spot. The scene became the **** of Shura, **** and terrifying.

Three shooting robots are installed on the two hundred helicopters. They attack indiscriminately from altitude, and their lethality is equally terrifying. In a short while, many enemies fell to the ground and turned into corpses.

For the coalition forces, this is a war of no hope. One hundred thousand genetic warriors have been dying non-stop, and the number of downsizing has gone from 10,000 to 20,000 to 30,000. When the war broke out for 20 minutes, there were only 30,000 genetic warriors left. They stopped far behind, not daring to approach.

But as far away, the tanks and howitzers on the Wasser side began to exert their power again. Artillery shells scattered all over the sky, missiles flew all together, and explosions continued, continuing to cause widespread deaths.

"There is no hope, let's withdraw."

After seeing the battlefield situation, Yang Tianhao sat weakly on the chair, his face was ugly, and he muttered, feeling that his mouth was bitter.

Locke is also very helpless. No matter how wise he is, he has to be helpless when facing a powerful enemy like Wose. He had no choice but to nod his head: "His Royal Highness, it will be vain to fight again. At present, he can only hope for the tenth-level gods. Hope he will not let us down."

Yang Tianhao was stunned, and smiled sensibly: "There are ten ninth-level gods, and they will restart in less than ten minutes. Yang Tianji and Yang Tian feel like seeing my joke, then go to death!"

When the battle started, Yang Tianji and Yang Tiangan were hiding in a cave in the mountains northwest of Wosai, guarded by ten nine-level gods. Yang Tianji installed a signal shielding device in the cave, so that the internal signal could not be sent out, and the external signal could not be entered.

"I don't know what's going on outside, the battle has already started?" Yang Tian said with a sense, "I noticed the vibration of the earth, it should be caused by shelling."

"It should be, I believe that Yang Tianhao must be very miserable." Yang Tianji sneered, "When we go out, maybe he has become a corpse!"

Yang Tiangan was about to speak, and suddenly "pissed". It turned out that he found that the **** warriors around him suddenly lowered their heads and their bodies began to tremble slightly, which made him intuitively feel bad.

"What's the matter?" Yang Tianji asked him without knowing the situation.

"I don't know, it shouldn't be a good thing." Yang Tiangan stood up with a solemn expression, then stepped back quietly, wanting to leave the cave. But Yang Tianji moved faster than him and reached the entrance of the cave in a flash.

Suddenly, ten nine-level gods suddenly raised their heads, and twenty wolf-like eyes shot at the two with awe-inspiring murderous aura.

"Not good, retire!" Yang Tiangan yelled, rushing towards the entrance of the cave.

A cold light flashed in Yang Tianji's eyes at the door, and he thought of many results in a flash. The ten ninth-level gods are obviously hostile. If they fight hard, they will definitely not be able to beat them, and both will die. If you escape, the chances are not great.

When Yang Tiangan rushed to the entrance of the cave, he suddenly blasted a punch, hitting Yang Tiangan's chest, hitting the other side to fly backwards, just crashing into the ten nine-level gods who rushed over.

"You!" Yang Tiangan spouted a mouthful of blood, his expression was both surprised and angry. But he didn't have time to think about it, because a ninth-level **** had grabbed his arm, and his ankle was also caught.

Yang Tianji didn't say a word. Taking advantage of the sense of Yang Tianji to attract the attention of the gods, he immediately fled the scene. Behind him came the sound of tearing flesh and blood, as well as the screams of Yangtian. He was so miserable that he was torn apart by a group of ninth-level gods and turned into a pile of broken bones, without leaving a whole body.

When the ten **** warriors rushed out of the cave, Yang Tianji was nowhere to be found. He used Yang Tiangan's death in exchange for a chance to live. He was running wild, with blood-colored craziness surging in his eyes, and it was obvious that Yang Tiangan's death did not touch his remorse at all, but instead inspired his murderousness.

And at this moment, the tenth-level **** also sneaked into Worsay's country quietly, and he had just entered a residential area in Worsay. He was very careful and kept changing his appearance along the way, but Xiaoqiang found out.

There are cameras everywhere in Wosai, even if an ant farts, Xiaoqiang can observe it and analyze why it farts. Of course, ants may not fart, but people must have various small actions, such as this tenth-level god.

Since he was born in Wosai, Xiaoqiang has focused on monitoring him, because this tenth-level **** has an inconspicuous little movement, that is, pinching his fingers. The moment he pinched his fingers, he could actually provoke the wind, although it was very slight, it was discovered by Xiaoqiang and finally analyzed his identity. This person may be a high-level **** warrior. Xiaoqiang immediately notified Xiaolongnu, because this level of enemy, only she can deal with.

As soon as the tenth-level **** appeared in the residential area, he saw a young girl blocking the way before he could get into the depths. The young girl was dressed in white, fluttering and icy muscles and bones, and her appearance was extremely beautiful. Fairy with firework.

This girl is naturally the little dragon girl. She arrived some time ago and came here to guard against the appearance of such a powerful existence as a tenth-level god.

"Who are you?" The tenth-level **** subconsciously felt the strength of the little dragon girl, and asked indifferently.

"The one who killed you." Xiaolongnv said lightly, and then stopped talking nonsense, raised one hand, and the sky was full of sword light. The speed of the sword light is too fast, exceeding the speed of sound. When the sword music breaks through the sound barrier, a thunderous sound like "booming" is formed, giving a strong visual impact. This situation is called the sword by the sword repairman. The sound of air thunder.

The figure of the tenth-level **** swayed and dodged at a very fast speed. All within a radius of 20 square meters were his phantoms, and ordinary people could not see which one was true and which was false.

Jianguang failed to hit the tenth-level god, but the tenth-level **** bypassed Jianguang and slammed into the little dragon girl like lightning. The most powerful part of the gods lies in their physique. Although he has not opened up the spiritual realm, his combat power has been chasing after the true-level characters, because he has an inhuman strong physique.

The tenth-level gods will arrive, appearing in front of the little dragon girl, his face is full of joking, as if to say: See how your sword light kills me.

In this tenth-level god's instinct, close combat is his strong point. At this moment, within one meter of the little dragon girl, he can easily kill the opponent.

"How about returning to the true magical power? I kill like an ant!" This was the thought that flashed in his mind before he died.

Xiaolongnv's expression was unwavering, and she decisively abandoned Jian Wan and blasted out a punch. With a punch, its sound is like thunder, its momentum is like a mountain, ghosts are afraid of surprises.

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