Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 806: Open up the land


The earth trembled, and the place where the fist hits erupted in a circle of terrifying waves, which scattered in all directions, triggering lightning in the sky, and the rumble of thunder, covering a radius of kilometers.

The little dragon girl didn't move at all, while the tenth-level **** was smashed with a punch, and her right shoulder was completely knocked off, dripping with blood. The latter had an incredible expression on her face, staring blankly at her broken right arm.


The little dragon girl didn't give him a chance, and then the sword light swept across, and this powerful tenth-level **** instantly turned into a rain of blood, spreading to the ground.

In the rain of blood, her figure floated back, her fingertips surrounded a Ruowu sword aura, and then her eyes looked towards the northwest, where the war was still going on, I don't know what the situation was.

At this time on the northeast front, the four-nation coalition had been shadowed, and the remaining remnants of the Demon Army were also retreating steadily and were driven outside the border. Finally, with Yang Tianhao's order, the remaining 20,000 genetic warriors began to retreat.

The genetic warrior is a precious resource of the Holy Religion, and the 100,000 went to 80,000. He didn't want to waste fearlessly. With the retreat from the northeast, the coastal attack stopped immediately.

The attack from the Western Sea was not violent, and the forces that Xiaoqiang arranged there could easily retreat several attacks. Compared with the Sky Sword and the Earth Demon, the Sea Ghost was the one with the least loss, losing only a few dozen warships.

After the four countries retreated, Xiaoqiang ordered the army to continue advancing, crossing the border, and advancing towards the African countries. The border between Tufei and Wosai is more than 700 kilometers long. Tufei on the other side of the border is a vast African grassland, and its capital is more than a hundred kilometers forward.

As soon as Vossey's army crossed the border, Yang Tianhao and Locke left Africa with their close guards. This place was no longer able to stay. If they stayed, they would die. The Tufei government was terrified, and the presidential staff hurriedly evacuated eastward and relocated to the eastern end of the country.

Because of the strength of the Worssey war machine on the battlefield, Tufei had no idea of ​​resistance at all, and the army retreated directly to the area where the presidential palace was located. In this way, Vossey occupied the vast northwest grassland area of ​​Tufei without a single soldier. The total area of ​​this area is more than 320,000 square kilometers.

There are many indigenous villages on the grassland. Xiaoqiang did not embarrass them, but used a tweeter to announce that they were already citizens of the State of Warsaw and enjoyed civil rights. Tufei has been very chaotic for decades, with frequent military coups, changing presidents every year, and civil wars fighting every year. As a result, the country’s per capita annual income is only a few hundred dollars, the industrial base is almost zero, and the people’s living standards are extremely low. Because of this, the concept of the state is not strong in the hearts of the people, and it is easy to accept Vossey's rule.

After occupying the grassland area, Xiaoqiang sent robot representatives to the Tufei Presidential Palace. The robot drove an ordinary car into the presidential palace, but the Tufei army did not intercept him. When the robot in the car indicated his intention, he was invited to the temporary presidential palace.

Tufei President Feihu looked at the "special envoy" curiously. This is obviously a human-shaped intelligent robot whose face is made of alloy and looks cold and hard.

"Hello, President, I am the special envoy of the State of Worssey, an all-powerful intelligent robot, code-named a007. The purpose of this trip is to sign an armistice agreement with you and the conditions of the armistice." After a007 finished speaking, he submitted a copy of the material.

The material was written in French. As the President of Tufei, Feihu's French is very good. He quickly understood the meaning of the agreement, and his face changed drastically.

"Absolutely not! We Tufei absolutely cannot cede territory and become sinners of history!"

"If you refuse to sign, then Worse will conquer the entire Tufei. At that time, the country will not be ceded, but the country will be destroyed." a007 said indifferently.

Feihu was trembling all over, but while he was angry, there was even more intense fear deep in his heart. He already knew what was happening on the battlefield. Worssey's military strength was super terrifying. He defeated the Allied Forces of the Four Nations in just one hour, more than 3,000 fighters, 1,000 tanks, 1,000 tanks, and almost 100,000 soldiers. Completely lost.

He knew very well in his heart that if he did not agree to this agreement, Worse would kill Tu Fei only in one thought.

"I can't make a decision on such a major matter. I must call a national parliament to discuss it. Please give me half a day." After thinking about it, he made this request.

"Give you three hours. If you don't give a reply within three hours, Wasser will continue to attack and destroy Tufei," said a007.

The meeting was convened urgently. These so-called congressmen are all powerful people in their own country. For them, the most important thing is to save their lives and keep their property status. It is no big deal to cut off the land. So only half an hour later, Feihu agreed to sign the armistice agreement and related treaties.

The treaty stated that an involuntary cede of an area of ​​328,920 square kilometers of land to the State of Wasser as compensation for this invasion war. As a friendly neighbor, Wasser will graciously guarantee the military security of the African country in the next 100 years. The African country must work with Vosse to resolutely uphold this resolution.

The same good show was staged in Uzhlia, Zad, and Kazhlia. The three countries were forced to cede 450,000 square kilometers, 530,000 square kilometers and 290,000 square kilometers respectively. In this way, Wosai swallowed more than 1.6 million square kilometers of land in the four countries at once, and the land area reached 1.7 million square kilometers.

In fact, the total area of ​​the four countries is more than 4 million square kilometers, but Xiaoqiang has not eaten it in one bite. At present, Wosai's power is limited and he does not have that appetite. However, as time goes by, it is only a matter of time to win the remaining part of the four countries.

Ten minutes after the start of the war, some famous forums around the world released photos taken by satellites. The photo shows that the Wasser state in Africa is being invaded by the four-nation coalition. The publisher provided relevant information, such as France leading the war and several large consortiums in Europe and the United States participating in it.

As soon as the news came out, it was immediately blocked by the Internet. However, the spread of network information is too fast, and many people still saw this news and started discussions. As a result, the news became more and more overwhelming and eventually broke out.

One hour later, the world’s major newspapers and media finally began to report the incident. However, their statements are quite different from those on the forum. The four-nation invasion of Vosset has become the invasion of Vosset and the encroachment of large amounts of territory. Subsequently, the United States, France, Germany, Britain and other Western countries severely condemned Worsser's bad behavior, and decided to impose comprehensive sanctions on Worsser on a global scale, and even military intervention if necessary.

The mainland did not expect Vosse to be so vigorous. Not only did he defeat the four-nation coalition, but he also occupied millions of square kilometers of land. This was incredible to them. In any case, Worse did so, ignoring the so-called international sanctions.

Three days later, Vosset held a press conference, and major media from all over the world gathered in the central city of Vosset. At the press conference, Shangguan Miyuki attended as a press spokesperson. She is wearing a white suit today, which is concise and capable without losing the charm of a mature woman, which is extremely pleasing to the eye.

At the meeting, Shangguan Miyuki truthfully explained that the cause of the war was the first invasion of the four-nation coalition forces. In order to retaliate, Wasser had no choice but to take part of the other side's land as a military buffer zone to ensure the future national and national security.

A French journalist asked sharply: "Excuse me, since Vosser can repel the four-nation coalition forces, why did the four countries invade such a powerful Vosser? Are these four countries all stupid pigs?"

Shangguan Miyuki said calmly: "During World War II, Japan and Germany were defeated. Are both countries stupid?"

The reporter was choked back and couldn't speak anymore.

"After Vosse occupied 1.6 million square kilometers of land as a buffer zone, will it be returned to them?"

"If Vossey believes that the four countries no longer pose a security threat, we will consider returning it." Shangguan Miyuki said.

"In any case, Vosser has swallowed the land of other countries. This is a kind of aggression. As an aggressor, where will Vosser go next and how can he face sanctions from the international community?"

"First, this is just a counterattack, not aggression. Please pay attention to your wording. Just as during World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union occupied East Germany, West and Germany respectively. Do you think that was an aggression? Secondly, Worse will develop into The world's most advanced technology country cannot do without Worsser. The third point, about international sanctions, I want to say that no one can sanction Worsser, not the United States, not even Europe!"

Obviously, the press conference has not changed the world's well-known media's views on Worsser, but this is not important. Worsser has done everything that should be done, and time will test the rest.

After the meeting, Shangguan Meiyan went to her office. Closing the door, she squeezed her fist hard, then waved it high, exclaiming in excitement: "Awesome!"

The anthropomorphic little Taoist appeared on the light screen. It was Xiaoqiang. He said, "Lady Shangguan, your performance is very good."

"It's you who are great!" Shangguan Yuan praised, "Six hundred thousand square kilometers of land was acquired in one fell swoop, and now Wosai can fully develop. We now have funds, land, technology, and talent. Why can't we grow up!"

Xiaoqiang: "With this 1.7 million square kilometers of land, I can start building a back garden."

Shangguan Miyuki asked seriously: "Xiaoqiang, will we succeed?"

"Of course it will." Xiaoqiang said very positively, "because I am Xiaoqiang and my boss is Zhang Jun."

Shangguan Miyuki smiled. She suddenly felt that she was full of enthusiasm and hope. She should have come to Worssey early. This is the stage for her to display her aspirations.

The so-called international sanctions have no effect on Vosset, because Vosset is not short of money or resources. The newly-occupied land has a large amount of ore and petroleum resources and can basically be self-sufficient. Coupled with the full support of a major country and the strong ability of the Tianxing Group, Wosai's development is still rapid.

Paris France.

In a towering castle, Yang Tianxuan stared at Yang Tianhao and Yang Tianji coldly.

Yang Tianji was expressionless, Yang Tianhao's expression was gloomy.

"You failed." Yang Tianxuan said, "How do you explain?"

"Someone hurt me." Yang Tianhao said in a dark voice, "Yang Tiangan, he gave me wrong information!"

"Huh?" Yang Tianxuan's eyes were cold, "Are you going to put the blame on the dead?"

Yang Tianhao trembled all over and said, "Don't dare."

"Go down." Yang Tianxuan waved, disgustingly authentic.

Yang Tianhao turned around and backed away, turned his back and looked savagely, staring at Yang Tianji viciously. Yang Tianji had a calm expression, he knew that Yang Tianxuan had something to ask him.

"Tell me, what's going on." Yang Tianxuan's tone was cold and murderous.

Yang Tianji's thoughts turned, he knew that if a person didn't answer well, Yang Tianxuan might kill him. But he was not afraid, because he had already figured out a countermeasure to deal with this crisis.

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