Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 807: Heaven

"Brother, this failure has a lot to do with Yangtian feeling. As early as when the eldest brother assigned the task, he warned me not to accept it. Although I didn't understand why at the time, I still did as he said. Later, Yang Tianhao accepted the task, and the two of us went to Tufei together as deputy."

"Brother knows that Yang Tianhao acts viciously, and we have always worried that he will be used as cannon fodder. As expected, as soon as he arrived in Africa, he sent me and Yang Tiangan and led ten 9th-level gods to enter Wose. Assassinate important people there."

"Ke Yang Tiangan told me that there is a little dragon girl in the supernatural power realm in Wosai, and Zhang Jun is also very likely to have entered a half-step supernatural power. Coupled with Wosai's advanced technology, we simply died in the past."

"But you are not dead." Yang Tianxuan said coldly.

"I didn't die because I had better luck. As soon as we entered the Wosai area, we found that the signal of the **** warrior was blocked, and we were unable to contact Yang Tianhao. Yang Tiangan had a better understanding of intelligence, and he suggested that In this case, we should not act rashly, so we temporarily found a place to hide, so as not to be discovered by the masters of Wosai."

"Who knows that not long after, all the gods and warriors suddenly went mad, and they killed Tiangan at once. If it weren't for my half-step magical powers and stronger strength, I would be dead now." At this point, he looked angry. ,"Big Brother, Yang Tianhao wants to kill me, and Big Brother is in charge of the younger brother!"

"I don't mention this in advance, I'll ask you, do you know the information of Wosai in advance? Do you know its military strength?" Yang Tianxuan asked, his expression severe.

"Little brother doesn't know, but before Tiangan was dying, he once said that Yang Tianhao could not win. He said that Zhang Jun had a powerful intelligent system behind him, and Xiaolongnu was already in the realm of return. I wanted to tell Yang Tian this news. Hao, it's a pity that I was in Wosai at that time, and the news couldn't be sent."

Yang Tianxuan hummed heavily and said, "Do you think I don't know how you are usually? There is no good thing, get out!"

Yang Tianji bowed and retreated. When he left, there was a cold expression on the corner of his mouth.

When Yang Tianxuan came to his study room, he sighed and said, "Father, Tianji and Tianhao are all talents. Unfortunately, there are so many contradictions between them and they cannot work together."

"Let's go with the flow, only the one who survives is qualified to assist you." An indifferent voice sounded, as if coming from the ground.

"Yes." Yang Tianxuan nodded, "Father, Zhang Jun has become a climate, what should I do next?"

"Behind this son is Shen Tianjun, and his power in the world is very strong. It is not easy to win him. But in comparison, his influence in the cultivation world is limited. You can start from this aspect. I got news, Zhang Jun condensed the body of Zhenwu, which shows that he has something to do with Wudang Mountain. Wudang Mountain is deteriorating, and the three people have been alive soon. If you are ready, start from Wudang Mountain and force him to show up."

Yang Tianxuan nodded: "Yes. It's just that at that time, he probably already has half-step magical powers, and it's not easy to kill."

"Becoming a half-step magical power, he will only die faster." The Holy Master said, "At that time, some returning monsters will take action. Shennongmen has natural enemies, and so does Shen Tianjun."

After taking possession of 1.6 million square kilometers of land, Vossey immediately proceeded with the division of administrative districts and personnel arrangements. The natives on all these lands were resettled in the unified residential areas. The infrastructure in the residential area is complete, and the food and clothing are safe, which is very valuable to them, and few people object.

Subsequently, the Kingdom of Worsser was renamed "Tian Xing Guo", and Tian Xing Nation will be divided into six provinces, except for the previous Xihai Shihadi Province, the remaining four provinces are all newly added. Tianxingguo is the world's first privately owned country. The owner of the country is Zhang Jun. All residents living in Tianxingguo exist as employees of Tianxingguo.

The currency of Tianxingguo is super currency, which has already had a great influence in the world. The national flag, national emblem, and national anthem of Tianxing Kingdom have also appeared one after another. Its official languages ​​are Chinese and English.

At the same time, Tianxingguo introduced an employee points system. Every resident living in Tianxing Nation will earn a certain amount of points based on his contribution to the society. The more points, the higher the level of their employees. The junior is the first-level employees, and there are second-level and third-level employees.

The higher the level of residents, the more treatment rights they enjoy. Among them, employees below the 20th level are referred to as employees, who only have the right of residence and basic benefits, but also pay taxes; the 20th level is eligible to have shares in Tianxingguo, and it is renamed as a citizen, not only does not have to pay taxes, but also dividends; 30th level employees Can participate in the formulation of national policies, called managers, can be profitable to manage commissions; Forty-level employees have considerable power and belong to the leaders of the country, called leaders.

Currently, Zhang Jun has the highest default points, and he is the leader of the 100th level. And people like Lin Xian, Ge Xiaoxian, Su Xiaoyu, Su Mei, Shangguan Meixue, Bai Lingxue, etc., all have forty-level leadership status in the Heavenly Kingdom.

As for some of Zhang Jun's friends, like Jun Buyu, Situ Xing, Mo San, and others, they are all citizens above grade 20. In the Kingdom of Heaven, everything speaks of personal contribution to society. The greater the contribution, the greater the power.

After the country was renamed Tianxingguo, Xiaoqiang immediately speeded up the construction force and built an industrial base on the new land. Northwest Machinery also began to dismantle, and the entire Machinery City took half a year to be transported to Tianxing Country for reassembly. Tianxing Kingdom will build a bigger mechanical city. This is Xiaoqiang's dream, which will finally be realized today.

Tianxingguo has developed rapidly, unknowingly, two years have passed, Tianxingguo's large industrial foundation has been firmly established, and it has begun to export smart production lines to major companies in the world. Such as automobile production line, home appliance production line, textile production line and so on.

At the same time, Tianxingguo itself has also entered the manufacturing industry. Electronic chips, operating systems, intelligent robots, and intelligent computers have become the core industries of Tianxingguo. At the same time, companies like the ancient family in the shipping industry, the Zeng family in the software industry, and the Lin family in the jewellery industry have successively established their headquarters in Tianxingguo.

The headquarters of Tianxing Group and its subsidiaries and factories have also set up their headquarters and production bases in Tianxing Country. Last year alone, the gross domestic product of Worssey has exceeded seven trillion U.S. dollars, surpassing Japan's gross national product.

In the meantime, Tianxingguo has always paid attention to attracting talents from all over the world. For example, all influential scientists in the world who enter into Tianxingguo have the default status of 25-level citizenship.

Although Tianxingguo has strong industrial strength, it is not only an industrial country, but also makes great efforts in environmental protection and tourism development. Tianxing Country has done a lot to protect the grasslands and rainforests within its territory, which is highly praised by the International Nature Conservation Organization.

Tianxing Kingdom is a coastal country with a coastline of more than 1,000 kilometers in the west. Seeing the depletion of the earth's terrestrial resources, Lin Xian and Ge Xiaoxian put forward a strategic idea of ​​developing the Atlantic Ocean. Xiaoqiang's advantage lies in its strong technology and manufacturing capabilities. Based on this, Tianxingguo can be the first country to fully develop the ocean.

The Atlantic Ocean covers an area of ​​more than 70 million square kilometers and is rich in mineral deposits, oil, natural gas hydrates, and thermal fluid resources. If it can be developed, Skywalker will become the world's largest resource country, leading the global resource revolution.

The birth of Tianxing Kingdom has greatly changed the global political landscape. However, this kind of major event has little effect on the people of Shengdou, such as Zhang Xiaoqiang.

After leaving Qingyuan City, Zhang Xiaoqiang traveled all over the world in two years. During this time, he comprehended the heaven and the earth, broke through the heart barrier, and stepped into the heaven with half his foot. Now, he stopped because he had a premonition that he would break through.

This is Zhonghai City, one of the most developed cities in China. In a hotel in Zhonghai City, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat cross-legged for three days. Three days later, he woke up and wanted to go for a walk. He could take that step at any time, with only one opportunity, perhaps the next moment, and perhaps a long wait.

Zhonghai City is a metropolis where elites from all over the country gather, and it is well-known at home and abroad. Zhang Xiaoqiang dressed up as a student, wearing a pair of shorts, stepping on a pair of slippers, and a short-sleeved shirt painted in English on his upper body. He held a bottle of juice in his hand and walked while drinking. There is a good restaurant not far ahead. He is going to eat there. He hasn't eaten for three or four days. It is necessary to supplement his nutrition.

He stopped when he passed the traffic lights. After waiting a few seconds, a young woman walked behind her, leading a three or four-year-old girl. The young woman has picturesque eyebrows, graceful and graceful, and the little girl is also very cute.

The little girl was holding her mother's hand, holding an ice cream in her hand, eating her mouth full. She turned to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang next to him, and made a grimace at him, but the latter did not notice it, because his eyes were all on the young woman, and she always felt familiar, could it be an acquaintance before the amnesia?

He was about to say hello, when the green light was on, the young woman led the little girl and walked forward on the zebra crossing, and he followed. Walking to the center of the road, a white sports car suddenly rushed out on the right side. The speed was so fast that it reached more than one hundred and five.

At such a fast speed, it is impossible for cars or people to respond in time. The car got closer and closer, and it was less than ten meters away from the mother and daughter in an instant. The brakes rang, but unfortunately it was too late.

Seeing that the tragedy was about to happen, at this moment, deep in Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart, something was touched. With a violent shout, he rushed to at least the woman's right side like lightning and pushed his palms toward the car. With a speed exceeding forty meters per second, coupled with the huge weight of its body, Zhang Xiaoqiang was hit and flew, but the car also stopped abruptly, the front of the car was completely deformed, and it flew in full face.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was stepped out of a deep pit where Zhang Xiaoqiang stood before, but the kinetic energy of the car was completely blocked by him. The strong impact caused the drunk driver to be thrown out of the car, flew tens of meters away, and fell to death on the spot.

As for the young woman and the little girl, they survived because of Zhang Xiaoqiang's appearance. The mother and daughter stood there blankly, seemingly frightened.

At the moment when he was hit by the car, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt that time slowed down, and a force that even he could not control burst out. It was this force that blocked the sports car. Then he saw himself rising extremely slowly. The huge impact force caused a certain degree of damage to his body. Two finger bones were broken, and the others were fine.

His body is flying higher and higher, one meter, two meters, five meters. When he flew to the highest point, there seemed to be a thunder in his mind, and the sealed memory poured out in an instant. At the same time, the Buddha light opened, and he saw the essence of this world, power!

Immediately, time returned to normal. He rolled in the air for a few weeks before landing steadily. With a thought in his mind, the broken finger bones miraculously recovered. He thought again, and a layer of ice formed on the ground within a radius of ten meters.

"Tianguan, I finally passed!" He raised his hands, with a faint smile on his face.

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