Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 813: Shuzan

Shushan is the ancestor of swordsmanship, and the Shushan Jianmen has existed for a long time. It has existed as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was once extremely brilliant, and there have been sage masters. During the Three Kingdoms period, Shushan came out of an amazing kendo talent, who was so strong in swordsmanship that he could break through the barriers of the great world with a single sword and run wild in the world. Later, he created ten swordsmanships and left them to the gatekeeper. If someone can learn all the ten swordsmanships, he will have the opportunity to integrate them and reach the level of that great talent.

After walking a short distance, he reached the position of Jianmen. The cave houses of the Ten Sword Departments are all located on the cliffs, which are difficult for ordinary people to reach. Among them, the cave mansion of the Spirit Snake Sword Department on the cliff wall is 100 meters above the ground, and if a person falls, they will fall to pieces. When entering the cave, everyone must use an ancient vine to slide down smoothly, and then land on a stone flat in front of the cave.

Lingying introduced Zhang Jun and others to the cave. Before saying a few words, his face was cold, and he smiled coldly, staring at Lingying and asked: "Friend Ling, you seem to have invited other friends over?" He found that a powerful person was coming from a distance, one returning to the truth, four half-step magical powers, obviously coming at him.

Lingying was frightened, but where she dared to show it, she pretended to be surprised and asked: "Is there anyone else coming? I don't know, so I will send someone out to check."

"No need." Zhang Jun waved his hand and said sensibly, "These people are coming at me, but I am not afraid of them. Since the spirit sword master doesn't know them, please call all the other eight sword masters together. How about everyone fighting against powerful enemies?"

Lingying's heart was slightly cold, and she gave a dry smile: "We have no grievances with each other, why should we deal with them?"

Zhang Jun said coldly: "The reason is very simple, you have to listen to your ancestors."

The ancestor? Lingying was taken aback, not understanding what Zhang Jun said.

Zhang Jun asked her: "How many generations of disciples are you from Shushan Jianmen?"

Lingying said without hesitation: "Naturally, the 30th generation disciple of Shushan Jianmen is the highest in seniority."

"That's right." Zhang Jun pointed to the little dragon girl, "This is the 24th generation disciple of Shushan Jianmen, six generations higher than you."

Lingying was surprised, and then chuckled: "Are you kidding? The twenty-fourth generation of disciples must be at least five or six hundred years old. How can they be so young? I don't believe it!"

"He wasn't joking." Xiaolongnu took a step, then raised her right hand, a small sword pill turned on her beautiful fingertips, releasing boundless murderous intent.

When she saw the sword pill, Lingying jumped up like stepping on the neck of a chicken, and screamed: "Xiansheng sword pill!" She naturally recognized this sword pill. The top ten sword clubs used to go shopping for it, but unfortunately no one else. I didn't get it, but was finally taken away by Yang Tianyi of the Holy Sect, and it became a big hatred of Jianmen.

The little dragon girl calmly said: "Look at my sword." After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand and pointed out, and there was a sword light rushing out of the cave entrance. On the opposite stone wall. With a loud "boom", a protruding boulder on the rock wall was cut off, rolled to the ground, and the loud sound produced by the fall lasted for a long time.

Lingying was shocked and muttered: "This...this is the sword technique of the ancestor before the Ten Sword Department was opened! How did you learn it?"

It turned out that the sword map that Xiaolongnu mastered was actually the ultimate swordsmanship after the fusion of ten swordsmanship, and it was also the skill that the amazing sword repairer mastered. No wonder she would be surprised.

The little dragon girl said lightly: "I am the 24th generation descendant of the Shushan Jianmen, and I will naturally know the swordsmanship in the door. Outsiders can't learn this kind of swordsmanship. You should believe it now?"

"Impossible! My master is a descendant of the twenty-ninth generation. How can you be such a young disciple of the twenty-fourth generation?" Lingying still shook her head again and again.

Zhang Jun said coldly: "Nothing is impossible. It is a senior from the Shushan Sword Sect who teaches her swordsmanship, a remnant thought left in the magical power beads, not the real body."

Lingying was stunned, supernatural power pearl? So, that senior must be a supernatural power realm figure, a descendant of the 23rd generation, etc... She kept reminiscing about the history of Jianmen, a personal name, and a series of deeds. suddenly! A person's name jumped out, and his mind came to life, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "I see, it is Sword Emperor Ou Taishi!"

Zhang Jun nodded: "That senior's swordsmanship is earth-shattering. The title of'Sword Emperor' is indeed worthy. It turns out that his name is Ou Taishi."

Lingying couldn't help but believe it, because it was indeed impossible for the outside world to pass on such an exquisite sword technique. Suddenly she was excited and panicked. What was excited was that Jianmen had such a talent, and ZTE was hopeful. In the panic, in the history of Shushan Jianmen, will there be someone like her? She, the master of the sect, is afraid that she will not become the master and will make way for the "ancestors".

After thousands of thoughts in her mind, she still obediently bowed to the ground and said respectfully: "Disciple Lingying, see Patriarch!"

Xiaolongnu said in a flat tone: "I am preached by the Sword Emperor, and I have the obligation to revitalize the lintel for him. Get up, go and gather all the other eight, I have something to say."

"Yes!" Lingying did not dare to defy, and hurriedly came to the entrance of the cave and quickly issued a call signal.

All the Nine Great Sword Masters are very close, and Lingying is the most powerful one of the Nine Great Sword Masters, and everyone listens to her. So just a few breaths, there was a sound of breaking through the air outside the cave, and the people from Babu arrived one after another. Seeing these men rushing in, Zhang Jun couldn't help but shook his head secretly. He didn't even have a decent cultivation base. The strongest was the Zhenli Sixth Layer. It seems that the Shushan sword gate has long since fallen, and the little dragon girl is also unable to return to heaven.

The strength of these eight sword masters is not as good as the spirit snake sword master Lingying, but this does not mean that they will completely obey Lingying. Seeing a group of outsiders like Zhang Jun in the Spirit Snake Cave Mansion, the Sword Master of Wuyue frowned and said loudly: "Sister Spirit Snake, which one are you acting in, and who are they?"

Lingying shouted: "This is the 24th generation heir of the Shushan Jianmen. After seeing the little ancestor, don't you kneel down?"

"Huh? Twenty-four generation descendants? Patriarch? Lingshe sister, your head is flooded. Our master is only twenty-ninth generation. Where is the twenty-fourth generation ancestor!" The Five Sword Master laughed.


Suddenly, a sword light struck, transformed into an epee, and slashed fiercely. The Sword Master of Five Mountains was shocked, he roared and swung the epee in his hand to slash forward. He just heard a "boom", he was shaken a few meters away, bleeding from the corners of his mouth. He knows that the opponent left his hand with the sword just now, otherwise he would be a corpse now.

The little dragon girl put away her sword light and said calmly, "Your Five Sacred Swordsmanship is acceptable, and you haven't understood the Five Sacred Sword Intent."

The eight sword masters all looked at the little dragon girl in amazement. They saw that it was a sacred sword pill, and it was the one they struggled to find a few years ago and did not hesitate to fight for it!

Lingying sighed and said: "She is indeed our 24th generation patriarch. Although young, she is genuine." Then she repeated Zhang Jun's words.

"That's the way it is, whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

The Eight Sword Master looked at each other, what is going on! Suddenly fell a little ancestor!

Lingying said again: "Little Patriarch masters the supreme swordsmanship of our Shushan Jianmen, and her old man is still an expert of the real world, don't you guys kneel down?"

This time, no one dared to question it anymore, because as a great figure in the realm of return, there is no need to come to the fallen Shushan Jianmen to be a small ancestor. This is not fun, and it is not good.

"See the little ancestor!" Together with Lingying, the nine sword masters visited together.

The little dragon girl nodded slightly and said, "I just came and took a look. It won't change the situation of Jianmen. You don't need to worry."

At this time, the Five Poison Masters had already arrived, footsteps came from outside the cave door, and six men entered in file. When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous. As soon as Feng Jisheng entered the cave, he pointed at Zhang Jun and said sternly: "Little thief, let's see where you escape this time!"

Zhang Jun said coldly: "Escape? Why should I escape! I didn't kill you last time. Fortunately, you are not so lucky this time!"

Feng Lao, the head of Mount Wulao Mountain, stepped forward and said coldly: "Junior, you wounded my four-door sect brother. If you don't give us an explanation today, you can't leave alive!"

Zhang Jun smiled "hehe": "The tone is not small! They have a good way to kill, and they deserve it. I stand here and see how you kill me!"

Mr. Lu said in a deep voice: "Zhang Jun, we know how good you are, but today the Five Poison Masters are present. It is difficult for you to fly your wings. If you are smart, don't resist."

Master Wudu? Zhang Jun's gaze fell on the eagle-nosed monk. He raised his eyebrows and said, "You are Master Wudu? Senior Xuanhong took back the Shennong Herbal Whip for me last time. , You are probably not reconciled, now you want to take it back?"

Master Wudu snorted, and glanced at Zhang Jun with a contemptuous look: "You are a junior, you are not qualified to talk to me." Then he looked at Xiaolongnv, "You are a bit interesting, you are actually a return to the real world. Girl doll, good, good."

The little dragon girl didn't talk nonsense, she showed her sword pill, and raised her hand is a sword. The sword light swept across the sky and pierced the void, sharp and unparalleled, and the terrifying intent made Mr. Lu and the others evade the side quickly. The Five Poison Master had no fear on his face. He held a bronze lamp in his left hand, and the bronze lamp suddenly emitted a golden light to protect him. The sword light slashed to the light, making the sound of metal clashing.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jun was secretly surprised, what a strong defense! What kind of artifact is this?

The Five Poison Master laughed "haha" and said, "Little girl, you are still too tender. This'Jinhua Lantern' is an anti-robbery magical weapon created by the Manifestation of Saint-level power. In the land of defeat, if you randomly release a strange poison, you will all die!"

Xiaolongnv put away her sword light and stared at the other party every word, as if thinking about offensive countermeasures.

Zhang Jun turned his thoughts, if Master Wudu could use Jinhua lanterns for a long time, Xuanhong couldn't easily take away Shennong's Herbal Whip. In other words, Master Five Poisons should not be able to activate this magic weapon for a long time, he can only hold on for a while. Thinking of this, he calmed down and secretly transmitted a message to the little dragon girl: "Don't worry, consume with him, and leave the rest to me."

After speaking, he smiled at the four of Mr. Lu: "Four people, let's not be idle, don't you want to avenge the disciples? Come on, I will stay with you to the end!"

A few people have no taste in their hearts, they arranged for a long time, and even invited masters like Wudu Master, the purpose is to hunt him. I don't know that the other party is not afraid at all, and he is full of confidence, which makes everyone feel confused.Is there anything he can rely on?

The space in the cave is very large, the central site is occupied by the Five Poison Master and the Little Dragon Girl, and other people dare not approach it. Zhang Jun could only go around and force him towards Nafeng. Feng Lao knew Zhang Jun's strength was tyrannical, and he could force half-step magical powers before, but now it seems that his cultivation base has advanced greatly, and his strength is even more unknown. Therefore, he did not dare to be arrogant and retreated under Zhang Jun's pressure.

The people of Shushan Jianmen saw this scene and were shocked. Good guys! There is another magical power, and four half-step magical powers, it is better not to participate, so as not to burn yourself! Although they had just met the "little ancestor" just now, the little ancestor was not as important as his life, so they retreated unanimously to free up the battlefield.

Zhang Jun held the Zhenwu sword in his hand, looked at killing intent, and sneered: "You don't have to pretend, I know you are here for the treasures in the Shennongmen Cave. If you want a treasure, then don't hide it, and come over to me. World War I!"

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