Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 814: Supernatural showdown

The four of Mr. Lu are all half-step magical characters anyway. They are the proud children of heaven. Now they are so persecuted by a young generation, if they don't fight back, it really can't be justified. Mr. Lu's eyes condensed, then he waved his palm forward and shouted, "Black Blade Cutting Technique!"

A very thin and extremely sharp black light appeared on the edge of his palm, and then magnified more than ten times, turning into a huge black light knife. Following the movement of Mr. Lu's palm, the black light knife was severely cut down, and there was a black electric glow flowing around the blade, making it break through the air without making a sound.

Zhang Jun's heart jumped, knowing that this kind of magical power could not be avoided, so he could only make it hard. You must know that magical power is not a tangible thing. It can be sent out with thoughts and change with your heart. If you dodge to the side, the light of the sword will follow the shape. It is better not to avoid it. He lifted his spirits, raised the Zhenwu sword in his hand, slammed it past, and accurately met the black light knife. The blade is the same as the blade.

The divine power rushed into the true martial sword frantically, the light of the true martial sword skyrocketed, black and white two auras surrounded the body of the sword, hail the divine energy, and slammed into the black light knife.


Zhang Jun's arm shook, holding the sword and retreating, and the black light knife was also shocked, burst, and then quickly dissipated. Mr. Lu was taken aback. He cultivated the great potential of the Black Shaman since he was a child. He only condensed half-step magical powers at the age of sixty-eight, and his supernatural power was the "black blade cutting technique" evolved from the great potential of the Black Shaman. It's so strong that it can't hurt the opponent.

After a hard spell, Zhang Jun weighed out the opponent's strength and knew that he would not be defeated. He was sure in his heart, and sneered: "Your magical powers can only be counted as low-grade, too weak!"

The world's magical powers are divided into three ranks: upper, middle and lower. The higher the supernatural power level, the deeper the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth. The magical powers that Mr. Lu mastered only condense a certain law power into a certain weapon to attack the enemy. It belongs to the lowest level of magical powers, and is far from comprehending the fundamentals of the law. In fact, most people who understand supernatural powers can only stay in the lower grade for the whole life.

The low-grade magical powers are called "skills". Mr. Lu's is the black blade cutting technique. His use of natural principles is only a black light knife that can kill. Although the attack power is amazing, it actually falls behind. Kind of people call magical magicians; middle-grade magical powers are called "fa", such magical power holders can comprehend certain natural laws, such as Huabuyi's vitality magical powers, which represent the natural law of birth, aging, sickness and death, and he is called it It is a supernatural power master; the highest grade supernatural power is the most amazing, it has reached the realm of Tao. The Dao is the only one, and the person who masters the Dao is no small thing. Even if he is only half-step magical powers, others should respect him as the prince, because this person will show up sooner or later. There is also a saying that above the three grades, there are supernatural powers and supernatural powers, but few people understand.

"Keep talking! Even if you have low-grade magical powers, you can still kill you!" Mr. Lu shouted violently, and issued a light knife again.

In Zhang Jun's eyes, the shape of the black light knife is not important, he can see the essence of the light knife. He saw that this is a kind of terrifying energy that can tear molecular bonds. It belongs to a kind of divine power that Mr. Lu has cultivated in his body. It specializes in killing and cutting, which is very powerful.


With another hard fight, Zhang Jun retreated again, and Mr. Lu's black light knife also collapsed for the second time. It can be seen that the strength of the two is equal, and no one can take advantage. This made Mr. Lu's heart heavier, his black evil true power has been cultivated to the seventeenth level, and he can be completed in one step, but he is the strongest among the four. Now he can't take a junior who has just possessed magical powers, which makes him unacceptable.

The other three were not idle either. Yun Hu Gong, Feng Lao, and You Dao Ren also took action. They were taken by Fabin, Adolf, and Adam respectively. The three of them are the weakest in strength. He has gathered supernatural powers for less than ten years. Now he is facing Adam. The fight is extremely difficult and he is at a disadvantage when he comes up.

A layer of dark and **** energy leaped from Adam's body, like light and smoke. This is the innate divine ability of the blood race, powerful enough to counter the divine ability. I saw that the wandering man took two palms continuously, and each palm could strike the power of thunder and lightning. This is an inferior supernatural power called Five Thunder Palm. The wandering Taoist practiced the Five Thunders Divine Art, and his Five Thunders True Power reached twelve levels. The resulting Five Thunders Divine Power is not weak, but his own realm is too low to take advantage of it.

In the thundering sound, the Yudao people retreated steadily. Adam was full of blood, full of momentum, swept his fists and feet, stepping forward. It's no wonder that Adam is a second-class duke, and his combat power is equivalent to a half-step magical power with seventeen real powers. Naturally, Yudao Ren is not his opponent.

Feeling that the divine power in the body is being consumed severely, and it can't last long, Yudaoren can't help but feel a little anxious.

Adam was fearless, the power of this half-step magic rune was limited, and he could completely block it, so he stretched out his hand and slapped the rune light in front of him, but he was safe and sound.

The Daoist was finally scared, and while retreating, he shouted, "A few fellow Daoists, come and help me!"

But no one had the time to help him. The three of Yun Hugong, Feng Lao, and Mr. Lu were entangled by Fabin, Adolf, and Zhang Jun respectively. They were inextricably beaten, and they had no time to help others.

Among them, Fabin and Yun Hugong fought the most fiercely. The two men were murderous and full of fighting spirit. They both played real fire and exhausted all their strength. Duke Yunhu's magical powers are very special. When he slaps his palms in the middle, the enemy on the opposite side will be squeezed by violent air. The air pressure is hundreds of times stronger than the atmospheric pressure, and the lethality is amazing. But Fabin showed that his body was strong, his fists and feet intersected, his speed was fast, and his strength was great. The magical powers of Lord Yun Hu couldn't hurt him.


The air on both sides was squeezed suddenly and roared like a cannon. Fabin suffocated his breath, his eyes turned black and bloodshot. But then he took the opportunity to get close to the opponent, punched a heavy punch, banged on Gong Yun Hu's stomach, and broke his intestines. But this small injury is nothing to the half-step magical powers. Gong Yunhu's combat power is still there, and the two are inextricably killed.

Adolf played against Feng Lao, who possessed a supernatural power to beat the bull. This is not an attack technique, but a magical power. If he punches to the east, he can hit the enemy in the west. Therefore, his punches and kicks seem to be out of order, but in fact they all hit the enemy, causing harm. Fortunately, Adolf was a second-class duke with a tyrannical body. He didn't care about his opponents' attacks, he came up with a fierce chase, and soon gained the upper hand.

Zhang Jun and Fabin fought fiercely with four half-step magical powers of the enemy, and the dragon **** the other side was not easy. Master Wudu had Jinhua Lantern to defend himself, so he freed his hands and kept releasing all kinds of poisons. At his level, the "poison" released is no longer as simple as poison. In his opinion, everything in the world cannot be poison. Xiaolongnv must be very careful, she has a strong spirit so as not to lose his way.

The Five Poison Master cultivates the Five Poison Technique, and his supernatural power is the Five Elements Poison Technique, which is actually a kind of supernatural power that destroys vitality, which coincides with the principle of the five elements to generate restraint, which is just the opposite of Huabuyi's vitality supernatural power.

The little dragon girl urged the sword light, sometimes slashed the light, and sometimes wandered around. As soon as the opponent released his magical powers, he attacked with sword light. She knew in her heart that it was very difficult to kill a supernatural power returnee, so she was not in a hurry, as long as she held the opponent. She believed that Jinhua Deng could not last too long with her own strength alone.

The Five Poison Master can hold it, but the other four can't hold it.You Dao Ren was finally pierced into his chest by Adam's claw, and a sound that made his teeth sour, his heart was dug out, and he was still beating strongly. Now, blood is sprayed. Adam also received a powerful blow from the opponent before he died, and his left arm was hit by a palm thunder, and his entire arm was almost broken.

Huabuyi rushed over as soon as she shook her body, quickly treated her wounds, and treated her with vitality. With superb medical skills coupled with vitality, and Adam's terrifying repair ability, this kind of injury will not have a bad effect on the future.

The death of You Dao Ren hit the other three people a lot, because Zhang Jun suddenly vacated Adam and Hua Buyi on his side, staring at them, causing tremendous psychological pressure on them. So not long after, Mr. Lu was the first to escape. He felt that he couldn't fight anymore. He had to stay here if he continued to fight, so he shouted: "Several people, let's retire!"

"Want to go? Leave it to me!" Zhang Jun snorted coldly. He grabbed the gem of life and slammed closer, swinging his sword wildly.

Mr. Lu's return was a sword light, silent, with the breath of death. Zhang Jun coldly snorted, and the body of Zhenwu showed its power at this moment, and its speed and strength had reached an astonishing level.In a tenth of a second, the Zhenwu sword actually stabbed as many as ten swords, and the swords and swords killed their lives. . The first five swords directly smashed the black light knife, and the last five swords stabbed all of Mr. Lu's body, making a blood hole.


The stabbing caused huge damage to him.The black and white sword qi on the sword invaded Mr. Lu's body homeopathically, twisting his internal organs to pieces, and then the sword qi was immortal, and it broke through his skin and fascia. Countless sword qi ripped apart, blood and flesh splashed, and crumbs flew horizontally, and he instantly turned into a pool of flesh and blood. This is the terrible thing about the true martial arts sword, which is not as flexible and sharp as the flying sword, but it is very fierce when facing the enemy, and it will kill at one touch.

Mr. Lu is dead, where would Feng Lao and Yun Hu dare stay? They suddenly released their supernatural powers and forced Fabin and Adolf back, and then turned and flew back. It is a pity that there is only one exit, and they must pass through the area covered by the sword light of the little dragon girl if they want to escape. Reluctantly, the two had no choice but to take out a protective charm, and then bite the bullet and rushed out.

Where did the little dragon girl let them pass, she immediately slashed her sword light, "Silingling" beheaded. With the help of the power of the amulet, a layer of golden light appeared on both of them. The sword light swept across, slashed on the golden light, and the two of them were bombarded by a boulder, and the shield was broken. Then he screamed and flew back in both directions, his face pale and he vomited blood. Naturally, Adolf and Fabin in the back would not let go of such a good opportunity, and pounced again to launch a lore.

Little Dragon Girl's seemingly random sword, in fact, hides a horrible sword intent. Both of them have invaded the sword light. The flesh and bones seemed to be painful like needles, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. At this moment, they are facing Adolf, they are not opponents at all. Duke Yunhu couldn't hold on at first, his divine power was nearly exhausted, and he was blinded by Fabin on the tenth move. He broke his neck without insisting on a few moves and died on the spot.

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