Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 826: captivity

Zhang Jun frowned. He looked at each other and said, "Yang Tianxuan, at this point, what else can you rely on?"

Yang Tianxuan said indifferently: "As the first saint son of Shengjiao, the actual master of Shengjiao, do you think I will be left by you so easily?"

"Can you still go?" Zhang Jun narrowed his eyes, murderous intent surged in his eyes.

"You can't keep me." Yang Tianxuan looked lost, "but this is my hole card. I don't want to use it as a last resort, but now there is really no other way."

Mr. Ba and Mr. Fei beside him immediately shouted: "Sage Son of Profound Sky, leave together!"

Yang Tianxuan smiled bitterly: "A few, I'm really sorry, I can only walk alone, I can't take the second person, take care." After speaking, his body gradually faded until it turned into a phantom, and finally slowly disappeared. .

"The Great Escape Talisman of Nothingness!" Mr. Ba said in surprise and said the reason why Yang Tianxuan was able to leave. The Void Great Escape Talisman is a sacred rune that allows the user to escape the scene silently without being discovered by the enemy. In fact, Yang Tianxuan had already left, and what was left was just a development. However, the Void Great Escape Talisman is very precious, so Yang Tianxuan would rather let the Holy Master come to rescue him for the first time instead of using the Escape Talisman directly.

Yang Tianxuan left, and the remaining Mr. Ba and Mr. Fei had a gloomy face. The expressions on their faces changed and they didn't know what they were thinking.

Zhang Jun was frightened and angry. He had been monitoring the surrounding area with Buddha's eyes, but he could not find Yang Tianxuan escaped. This Yang Tianxuan was one step short of returning to the real state, and he was also the master of the sacred religion. He turned around abruptly, stared at Mr. Ba, and said, "Several people, should I send you on the road?"

"Junior! You can't do this, kill us, and you will not end well!" Mr. Ba sternly said, "Wu Wangfu is more than me a supernatural power, not to mention others, just a Baxian can kill you, you are the most Consider the consequences."

"Consequence? I kill even the Appearing Saints, so what is Prince Wu's Mansion?" Zhang Jun said lightly, "I want me to let you go, first ask the disciples of Wudang Mountain."

In the bronze hall, all Wudang Mountain disciples saw all this clearly and heard it clearly. They shouted in unison: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Hearing hatred and ruthless murderous intent were all projected from the soul to the high sky. The sound shook the sky, and the murderous aura was full of air. It made the faces of Mr. Ba and Mr. Fei even more ugly. They knew that it is difficult to be kind today, and they will die Stay. It was also because these two people were too cruel, most of the hundreds of disciples who died in Wudang Mountain were killed by them. With such a deep hatred, everyone naturally cannot give up.


In the void, the sword aura revived, and thousands of rune swords hovered above Zhang Jun's head, and would kill them at any time. Mr. Fei finally showed horror on his face. It was not easy for him to get to this step. After so many difficulties and encounters, he finally set foot on the ground and became the overlord of one party. He never wanted to die like this.

"Zhang Jun! Do you know who I am?" Mr. Ba asked in a deep voice.

"No matter what your status is, you have to die!" Zhang Jun's tone was cold and not soft.

"The two of me are the same as you. Killing us is a betrayal of the country!" Mr. Ba said loudly, "Besides killing us, where is your position? Are you worthy of being a country?"

Mr. Fei continued: "You have to know that there are only twelve people in the whole country, four of whom are saints and seven are returned to the truth. If we kill two of us, the country will suffer heavy losses!"

Zhang Jun is already determined to kill. No matter what the two say, he coldly said: "When you die, someone will naturally make up for it!"

"Boy, don't deceive people too much!" Mr. Ba took out the supernatural power beads again, "The big deal, everyone will die together!"

"This thing can't scare me." Zhang Jun said contemptuously, "If you have a seed, you can explode it to me now, otherwise it's better to put it away."

Mr. Ba's expression changed: "Boy, not only do we have magical power beads, we can also explode in three spiritual realms! The power of this kind of spiritual explosion is definitely above the magical power beads, do you think Wudang Mountain can bear it?"

Zhang Jun's expression remained unchanged, and said: "If people are not driven to a dead end, they will never think of suicide, and the same is true for you." He said calmly, "So I am not ready to kill you at once, I will lock you up forever. Imprisoned, slowly eroding your cultivation base and life, this is probably more painful than killing you?"

The hearts of all three of them sank, Liu Yang looked angry. He stepped forward and stared at Zhang Jun and said, "I have always wanted to fight you fairly, dare you?"

"The fairness of bullshit! You return to the truth now, I am a half-step magical power, you want me to duel to be fair? Needless to say, no matter what you say will not change your destiny of being imprisoned and tortured." Zhang Jun said coldly and thought afterwards. With a move, thousands of rune swords condensed together to form a huge cylindrical rune sword cage, which imprisoned all three people.

Inside the cage, the three of them were extremely depressed. They did not expect this to happen today. The Wudang Mountain was not destroyed, but was suppressed. Then his thoughts revolved, and the small world changed, and the surrounding thunder was surging, and a pillar-shaped hall appeared out of thin air, shrouding the prison. The small world of Wudang Mountain has restored its former tranquility, except for the addition of a circular hall.

Zhang Jun seemed to have really prepared to suppress these people forever and ignored them. At that time, he turned and left and returned to the bronze hall. As soon as his people came back, Hu Feng stepped forward and asked, "Head, is it really going to be consumed like this?"

"Of course not." Zhang Jun said, "Firstly, I am really worried that after their spiritual realm explodes, they will damage Wudang Mountain; secondly, it is too cheap to kill them directly. Wudang Mountain has killed and injured many disciples this time and must be made up."

After thinking about it, Hu Feng understood what Zhang Jun meant: "Does the head want to knock down some spiritual resources from the forces behind them?"

Zhang Jun nodded and said sternly: "These three people don't have to be killed immediately, you can slowly wear off their cultivation base, which is more relieved than killing them. Besides, the guardian formation of Wudang Mountain is infinitely mysterious, I just today Contact, many of the magical effects can not be played out, you can use them to study slowly. When we are about to grind these three to death, things should be almost knocked out."

Everyone felt that this was very hate-free, so they all supported his approach. Mr. Ba, Mr. Fei, and Liu Yang were suppressed, and the three of them were all experts in the realm of return. If this news spreads, it will shock the spiritual world, but this is exactly what Zhang Jun wants.

Kyoto, Hei Ba 郎 just planned and completed an interview event, and just stopped, and received news that three returnees were imprisoned in Wudang Mountain. He was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed dryly, and muttered in his mouth: "Three names are true, yes, yes! It's just that he failed to cut the old man Jiang. What a shame, what a shame!"

After talking to himself for a moment, he suddenly thought of something and called Zhang Jun's stand-in to the office, and said seriously: "You have performed very well during this period. Keep this state and continue."

"Yes, I will definitely not let you down!" The substitute said excitedly.

Hei Ba 郎 left Beijing overnight, and arrived at the northwest base before dawn and met Zhang Jun. At this time, it has been more than a day since Liu Yang's three were imprisoned.

"Da Hei, why do you have time to come back?" Zhang Jun teased him when he saw Hei Ba 郎.

Hei Ba 郎 rolled his eyes and said, "I am not Da Hei, otherwise others will treat me as that dead dog brother. You can call me Ba 郎, I have no objection to calling my star brother." Then he explained, "You suppressed three A true master of Dagui, this is good news. We just take this opportunity to open up your reputation in the world of secular practice."

"Huh?" Zhang Jun puzzled.

Hei Ba 郎 continued to explain in depth: "Think about it, you, a half-step magical power, suppressed all the returning characters, and there are three at once. What kind of existence is the returning person? Any one can suppress one party. The incident will definitely scare the little sect below. When others know that you have dealt with three at once, they will definitely respect and fear you in their hearts, and it will be easier to conquer."

After listening to his analysis, Zhang Jun became interested and asked: "You have always allowed me to unify the secular world of practice, what about after unification?"

Hei Ba郎 looked serious: "After the reunification, there are high-grade families, you can go to unify the many small worlds. When you unify the small world, you can also unify the ancient taiwan! Even explore the broader space-time dimension outside the desert !"

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly: "Unify the small world, your brain is okay? Dominate the universe?"

Hei Ba郎 sternly said: "As long as you dare to do it, there is hope of success."

Zhang Jun stopped talking. He invited Hei Ba 郎 to the study, and then personally shot a pot of spiritual tea for him. He calmly said: "Ba 郎, I already know your origins, and I also know that you are someone with great ambitions. You are today. Just tell me the truth, why do you have to help me unify the spiritual world? What is the ultimate goal of you and the senior behind you?"

Hei Ba郎 drank a sip of tea and praised: "This is the three-color Lingxian tea. It's fried really well. Mr. Hua's tea making skills have improved again."

Zhang Jun: "Don't change the subject!"

Hei Ba郎 smiled slightly: "Your question is really difficult to answer. Everything I do is to follow the old guy's instructions. I will do whatever he asks me to do. This is the reason."

Zhang Jun turned his head: "If you say that, you don't have to talk about it."

Hei Ba郎 smiled "Hey", changed his tone, and said, "But, I can guess the old man's mind, so I can tell you."

He was silent for a moment and whispered: "The old man's origin is very mysterious. When he was young, it was still in the Qing Dynasty. His family was very huge. According to him, when converted into U.S. dollars, his family's assets exceeded one billion. U.S. dollars. Moreover, the old man's ancestors had high officials, so he was born with a golden spoon in his mouth."

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