Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 827: Secular and Comprehension

"The old man's people are well-versed in business, and the business is getting bigger and bigger, and they have a great influence in the West. It is said that such a century-old heritage has a profound heritage and will never fall easily. But unfortunately, it didn't take long for the old man. I encountered the hardships that Shen Tianjun encountered when he was a child, and it was even worse. Because he fancyed his family’s huge wealth and the same treasure, a practitioner of Guizhi Realm killed the old man’s family up and down in just a few hours. There are five hundred and one people, big and small, even babies." Hei Ba said.

Zhang Jun frowned: "Since he is a cultivator in the realm, how can he be so cruel in his work?"

"What's so strange about this? There are many practitioners who arbitrarily behave, treating ordinary people as ants, and they are merciless. Similar cases have happened only once, but they have not been recorded in history. That's it." He sighed, "The old man survived that disaster and fortunately embarked on the path of spiritual practice. Since then, he has had similar ambitions to Shen Tianjun, and that is to set the rules of heaven. To restrict the supernatural powers."

Zhang Jun finally understood why this senior supported Shen Tianjun so much. The two were all the same. It's just that it's so easy to establish the rules of the sky, Shen Tianjun has already failed, can he succeed?

He was silent for a moment, and asked, "What is the rule of the sky?"

"Naturally, it is a rule that all spirits in heaven and earth must abide by. No creature can resist, otherwise they will be punished by heaven and earth." Hei Ba said.

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly: "Is there such a rule in the world? The Tianzun Tianzun once said that the world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog. And this method of forcibly establishing rules is not against God's will? I have been to Africa in the past two years. Grasslands and rainforests, have been to the depths of the ocean, have been to the North Pole, and have been used to seeing strong food. For God, there is no difference between good and bad, no difference between good and evil. It will not hate you or like it. you."

Hei Ba郎 squinted Zhang Jun and said, "You are right, heaven and earth are unintentional, so what we have to do is to replace heaven and earth with human hearts, so that heaven and earth have hearts!"

Make heaven and earth have a heart! Zhang Jun was shocked and gasped. He looked at Hei Ba 郎 like a madman: "Ba, is there such a heart in the world? Can it replace Tianxin? Acting on behalf of Tianxin?"

Hei Ba 郎 made a fuss about you and said, "Couldn't it work? Back then, if Shen Tianjun hadn't been calculated by the apocalypse, he would have become Da Luo. With the strength of his Da Luo realm, speaking is the rule, and thinking is the rule of the sky. , The world is so big, who dares not to accept it? When a criterion is accepted by people and implemented for a long time, it will become a habit. And as a practitioner, you should know that the so-called practice is nothing more than trying to approach or even replace heaven. Rules. For example, Shen Tianjun, with the realm of the sage-level, engraved new rules of heaven and earth between heaven and earth, and they lasted for a long time."

Zhang Jun fell silent, Hei Ba's idea was crazy, but he had to admit that he recognized this idea, and even sincerely respected Shen Tianjun. With one's own mind, it is such a courage that only Haotian God can compare with it. After thinking about it for a long time, he smiled "hehe" and said to Hei Ba: "This goal is too far away, let's talk about it now."

Hei Ba 郎: "There is just one thing in front of us. Take down all the low-grade and middle-grade families of Middle-earth. Don't underestimate these cultivation forces. They are the foundation of high-grade cultivation and even super cultivation forces based on the world. For example, if The small world is the chief official of the frontiers, so the super family is the emperor, and these low-grade and middle-grade comprehension families are the grassroots officials. The entire country needs them to rule, such as collecting taxes, servicing, and conscription."

Zhang Jun: "Don't you think the order is reversed? If you want to unify the small and medium-sized cultivating forces below, will the big and small forces that have a chest system sit idly by?"

Hei Ba郎 waved his hand: "Your understanding is wrong. The unity I am talking about is not the unity of force, but the unity of interests, because you have this kind of strength."

"Unification of interests?" Zhang Jun blinked, "Eight 郎, can you explain Bai Chu's point?"

Hei Ba 郎 took out a booklet and handed it to Zhang Jun, saying, "This is a roster of all medium and small cultivation forces, as well as supernatural powers and above. There is also a brief introduction on it. The old man took the time to write this roster. A lot of time and effort, don’t waste its value."

Zhang Jun took the booklet and turned a few pages, and said, "What can this show?"

Hei Ba 郎: "Have you not seen the above data? These middle and small cultivation forces are actually closely related to the secular. They are the bridge between the spiritual world and the secular. In other words, these middle and small cultivation forces are separated. It cannot do without the support from above, and it cannot do without the secular environment."

Zhang Jun's heart moved, he picked up the pamphlet again and looked at several cultivation forces carefully. He discovered that these cultivating families generally lacked the ability to refine pill medicine, and even many of them did not have caves for planting elixir and cultivating, or once had them, but later lost them. Therefore, their pill, elixir, and even talisman, magical implements and other things need to be purchased from some powerful cultivation forces.

This kind of purchase is not free, and small and medium-sized cultivation forces need to exchange the money and resources they have earned from the world. At the same time, in order to obtain secular money and resources, the small and medium-sized cultivation forces are often closely related to the secular, and almost all of them have huge industries and huge assets.

Seeing Zhang Jun stopped reading the pamphlet, Hei Ba郎 smiled and asked, "Do you understand now?"

Zhang Jun nodded: "You are right. These small and medium-sized cultivation forces are the bridge between the spiritual world and the secular. They earn wealth in the secular through hard work, and then use the wealth to exchange the resources for cultivation."

"Exactly! The ordinary small world will not directly participate in the affairs of the world, because it is too wasteful of energy and not conducive to practice. So since the dynasty era, they have learned this way of trading. Then you will see, These small and middle-aged families essentially need resources for cultivation, and of course they also need wealth in the world. You can provide them with both of these things."

Zhang Jun's heart moved, as Hei Ba 郎 said, his Tianxing Group is extremely powerful, and he is preparing to lead a new round of technological revolution in human society. For him, wealth is at his fingertips, and these are exactly what the small and medium-sized cultivation forces need. Besides the cultivation resources, Shennongmen has the most efficient alchemy method in the world, and he also has a large amount of cultivation resources in his hands. With these resources, he can indeed draw in a large number of comprehension forces to join him.

"What am I going to do?" he asked in silence for a while.

"In fact, it is also simple. First, you must strengthen yourself. The stronger you are, the easier it will be to do this. Second, continue to grow your Skywalk Empire. If you can make it the number one power that affects the world, then you have Halfway to success. There is the third and most important point, you have to establish your own power system!"

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