Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 859: Wasteland creatures

"Why are you still standing here? Go back!" The two major figures shouted and shouted, feeling that it was quite embarrassing to be watched like this. The three Xiao Xiao jumped off the stage with dim expressions and returned to their respective stations.

"Oh, it seems that the trial of the ancient holy land is really not easy. Only the first level eliminated three people!" The people waiting outside to watch the excitement began to talk.

"Don't you know? There are three levels in the ancient holy land. This first level is called'Yang Dao Xin'. It is actually a kind of illusion. Once you pass the illusion, your mind will be sublimated and get its big benefits." One of them clearly knew. The insider showed his knowledge to the people around him, and immediately attracted many people to ask questions.

"This friend, I don't know how many passes in the ancient holy land, what are they?" someone asked.

The man coughed slightly and said to everyone: "You are asking the right person. Although I have never been to the ancient holy land, I know a person who entered the holy land in the past, so I am very clear about the situation inside. I said before. , This first level is called cultivating Dao Xin. There are two levels below, namely the second level of increasing vigor and the third level of long wisdom. As the name suggests, increasing vigor means increasing strength, and growing wisdom means improving wisdom. In short, Every time you pass a level, the tester will get huge benefits."

At this point, the person's face condensed slightly, and said: "But these three levels are only the first stage of the trial. According to old legends, there are second and third trials on top."

"What? There are second and third trials?" The faces of most people were shocked, "but why have we never heard of it?"

"Because this is highly confidential, only a few people know it." If this person deliberately glanced in the direction of the twelve manifested saints, "the second trial and the second trial are too much. It is dangerous. Throughout the ages, only a few people have entered the second stage, and only one such person has been born in a thousand years."

"A thousand years out!" The sound of air-conditioning came from around, and they all felt that this matter was incredible.

"Then why have we never known about this? What is there to conceal this kind of thing?" Someone asked.

"You asked for the idea." The man smiled mysteriously. "It is speculated that those who enter the second trial should have encountered a powerful creature that lives in the wilderness but never appears in the world."

This statement immediately made the whole scene tumultuous. Wasteland creatures? How could this be possible? There will be creatures in the d domain?

The man seemed to be very satisfied with everyone's shock. He said in a deep voice, "You think this is incredible? But do you know how big the wasteland is and how long the wasteland has existed? The existence of modern human civilization has been long. It’s only a very short period of time in the long history. So even if there are creatures in the wasteland, I won’t be surprised.”

After hearing these words, everyone thought, are there really creatures in the wasteland? But the wasteland is just a barren and huge world of nothingness, or a spiritual world, how can there be any creatures! If there are creatures, how do they survive in the wasteland, and in what state do they exist in the world, in the form of their souls?

When everyone came back to their senses and wanted to continue to inquire about the person, they found that the other person had disappeared without knowing when, and no one knew how he left. Later, it was discovered that all the people present did not even know the mysterious person who talked about it, and this matter became an anecdote and was talked about by many people.

At this moment, Zhang Jun and the other four have successively walked to the middle section of Yinqiao, during which they experienced different illusions. At this time, the illusion disappeared. The four of you look at me and I look at you, all smiling slightly. Zong Yuan looked more stable, and Zhang Jun asked, "What have you experienced?"

Zong Yuan sighed and talked about all the illusions he experienced. It turned out that in the fantasy world, he married Qinglian, and then the two stayed and flew, and then rose rapidly in the realm of cultivation, and finally both became saints. But even if they appear to be saints, they will have a day of old age and death, and death has finally come, Qinglian will go first. And his relatives and friends are all dying of old age, and all this has dealt a great blow to Zong Yuan. Fortunately, he passed the illusion safely and learned from it. The whole person looked more mature and stable.

When he was very young, he cultivated his mind in the small world of Xuanhuang. The degree of spiritual perfection did not lose to Zhang Jun, and he was expected to spend the illusion. On the contrary, Qinglian seemed to be a little reluctant. In her illusion, she had no choice but to forget Zongyuan because of the danger. But after forgetting, Zong Yuan gave himself up because of this, heartbroken, and very painful.

But after all, she is a person with great wisdom, after all, she has overcome this kind of suffering and walked out of the illusion safely. She looked calmer and quieter, like a snow lotus swaying in the wind, out of the dust.

In addition to the second elementary school, Hei Ba 郎 and Zhang Jun also have their own gains. No one knows what Hei Ba's illusion is, but he doesn't seem to have changed. The same is true for Zhang Jun. The life experience of the two is very wonderful. The heart of Xiang Dao is as solid as a rock, so the influence of the mere illusion on them is limited.

Seeing the Silver Bridge walked halfway, Zhang Jun watched with Buddha's eyes and saw that at the end of the Silver Bridge was an infinite land, like a big world. In this world, there are mountains, rivers and plants, birds and beasts, and exotic flowers and plants. Most of them are things he has never seen or heard of.

"The next level is interesting, let's hurry!" He waved his hand and led the crowd on foot. The four people walked for more than ten minutes before Ilia walked to the middle section, and then Goode and two other Catholic Xiao Xiao also walked. All four of them coldly glanced at Zhang Jun in front of him, and the Catholic Xiao said : "These yellow-skinned monkeys walk very fast, but unfortunately they are not long alive."

"Our guardians are dead, how can we deal with them?" Goode frowned. "Are we going to take action? I'm afraid I don't expect it?"

"Of course not." The tall Catholic Xiao sneered, took a strand of purple-black hair from his pocket, and said in a dark voice, "Do you know?"

"What is this?" Iliya immediately felt a terrifying magic power from his hair, which shocked him.

"This is a strand of devil Satan's hair, hehe, I know how to mobilize, and I can use it to display the'devil's entanglement'. I don't believe these people can escape!" Na filial piety said viciously.

Elijah frowned slightly: "Speer, you have to be careful. Satan has cursing power in his hair, which is not so easy to control."

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Catholic filial piety named Spear confidently said, "You have to cooperate with me when the time comes. The one-time quota can only be obtained by us."

"There is also a fellow from the Iraqi religion and a fellow from Middle-earth. They seem to be not weak." Goode said, "It's better to wait and kill these two people first."

"Okay!" Spear gave a strange laugh, "then get rid of them first!"


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