Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 860: Guai Zeng Wasteland

After finally crossing the silver bridge, time and space change before everyone's eyes, the picture flew around, and in an instant they entered a vast wasteland. The wasteland is so big that you can't see the edge. The grass and trees inside are very tall. A grass is as big as the trees outside; a vine, as thick as a roof, turns on the earth, like a giant snake. The mountains here are extremely tall, straight into the depths of the sky, probably tens of thousands of meters.

There is also a big river on the ground, the river is hundreds of miles wide, as mighty as the sea, with rough waves. The huge waves that occasionally set off, reaching hundreds of meters high, are overwhelming and powerful. Due to the tall vegetation, no one can see the overall situation except Zhang Jun's observation with Buddha's eyes. They can only see the scene ahead through the gaps between the vegetation.

Hei Ba郎's eyes flickered, and said: "This should be the second level, increase strength."

"Increase vigor?" Zong Yuan blinked, "Uncle Hei, can this level increase a person's vigor?"

Hei Ba 郎 nodded: "Yes, this place of trial is the place used by the ancients to improve the filial piety under ten years old. The first level is called cultivating Dao Xin, and you have passed through the illusion to improve your spiritual level; the second level is called To increase vitality, you can use this level to increase your strength; the third level is called long wisdom, and through the third level, wisdom will be greatly improved."

Qinglian was surprised and said, "Can wisdom also grow?"

Zhang Jundao: "Of course, wisdom can grow, but for now it is better to pass this level."

"How do I pass this level?" Zong Yuan asked, "Why hasn't my strength increased?"

Zhang Jun looked forward, his eyes narrowed slightly: "I think I probably know what to do, but I still need to be sure." After speaking, he suddenly grew up and dashed towards the opposite tree. This tree is very large, more than 100 meters in diameter, and the back of the tree is covered with huge moves and weeds. In the middle of the weeds, a praying mantis squatted. This praying mantis is very different from the outside world. The whole body is black, like a black gem. It is at least two meters tall and three meters long. Two large saw blades overlap each other. Each saw tooth is as sharp as a large dagger.

This praying mantis has been waiting for the opportunity. As long as Zhang Jun enters its hunting range, it will immediately attack, chop the prey into several pieces, and then eat a good meal. However, it obviously did not expect that the prey dared to catch up after discovering its existence.

Zhang Jun's speed was too fast. In the middle of the journey, the Zhenwu sword "choked" out of its sheath, and a ray of cold light appeared like lightning. Before the giant praying mantis could make a move, he felt his two forelimbs lightened. Its natural weapon, two huge saws fell to the ground, and the broken limbs sprayed black and green liquid. When it realized that the situation was not good, the Zhenwu sword flashed again, and its triangular head left its neck and rolled and fell to the ground.


The huge body of the praying mantis fell to the ground with a loud noise.

Zong Yuan and others approached in surprise and looked at the praying mantis curiously. "It's so big!" Hei Ba郎 blinked, "This ghost place is the second level?"

Before the words fell, the huge corpse of the praying mantis turned into a flood of light and drifted away, and at the same time a white light was shot from the air, as thin as a paper rope, and it fell on Zhang Jun's body all at once. He felt it carefully, and found that the real power of Xianwu in his body, as well as the muscles, bones, and blood vessels of his body, had been slightly improved. He brightened his eyes and said, "It seems that my speculation is correct. The way to increase strength is to hunt these monsters."

Hei Ba 郎: "How did you see it?"

"I can see through the nature of this praying mantis, but you can't. In your opinion, it is a praying mantis, but in my eyes, it is a kind of growth strength. It is composed of a number of primitive runes that improve physical fitness. Kill it, and the runes that make up it will be released and annihilated. In the process of annihilation, it produces a magical power that can increase its popularity, that is, the white light you just saw."

Zong Yuan's eyes lit up: "Interesting! This game is almost upgraded!"

Hei Ba 郎 is also an experienced game player. He held his chin and sneered, "Hey, hey," he sneered, "Kill monsters, upgrades, fun, and fun!" He glanced at a few people, "We can completely kill monsters in a group and hunt down the **oss. "

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly: "Hunting the **oss, the combat power of this praying mantis is not weaker than the elementary half-step magical powers, how can **oss fight?"

Hei Ba 郎 looked contemptuous and said to Zong Yuan, "My nephew, explain to your father."

Zong Yuan cleared his throat and said, "Dad, since this place can increase vigor, the monsters in this level should be known for their strength. But it doesn't matter, because with the strength accumulated in killing monsters, our strength It will become stronger and stronger, and it is not impossible to kill the big oss in the end."

Zhang Jun was stunned. He didn't play online games very much in college. At this moment, hearing Zong Yuan's words, his mind became active. He thought about it and said, "In this case, we do have a chance."

Knowing the rules and improvement methods of this level, everyone went on to hunt and kill the monsters. Even in the ancient sacred place, Zhang Jun's Buddha eye can still see a long distance, within a radius of ten kilometers, nothing can escape his Buddha eye observation. In addition, he can judge the strength of the monster by the number of runes that constitute the monster.

He knew very well in his heart that these so-called monsters were not real creatures, they were just non-living creatures composed of runes. So the next progress was much smoother, everyone step by step, starting from the lowest end, and then accumulating. Every time a monster is killed, a white light will drop in the air, which is the light of power, which can directly enhance the power of everyone.

On the other side, Spear and Ilia also entered the second level. When they first entered, they were even more surprised than Zhang Jun, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"God! What is this place! Is it hell?" The Catholic filial piety turned pale.

"Brock! Don't make a fuss, this is a part of the wasteland, it is the spiritual world. What we see is not true." Spear shouted, and the filial piety named Brock stopped speaking immediately.

Goode looked around and said: "Before I came, the elders told me that this level can increase my strength, the way is to hunt the monsters here."

"Hunting monsters? That's too easy." Spear looked smug. "The four of us can join hands to sweep the monsters here."

"Your idea is too naive." Yiliya said with contempt. "This is different from the first level. The first level is the past, and elimination is elimination. In this level, as long as the participants are willing, they can challenge themselves. The limit will continue to be challenged."

"Challenge continuously?" Spear was taken aback, and then he suddenly became excited, "God help me, this is exactly what I hope!"

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