Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 861: Wilderness Hunt

Chapter 861: Hunting in the Wasteland

Spear's performance made everyone stunned. Good stared at him: "It seems that you are very confident in yourself, and you will continue to challenge your decision to discover where your limits are?"

"Yes, I, Spear, is called the first genius of Roman Catholicism in 300 years by the Roman Catholic Church, and I also know that my advantage lies in stimulating potential, so this situation is a great thing for me! Spear looked excited and full of confidence, "I really look forward to it, where is my limit!"

After a few words, Bullock found that the tree on the left front was all under, and a toad the size of a house was squatting. His body was dark and his eyes were the size of a lantern, shining with dim light. Seeing the big toad, Bullock was surprised at first, and then said: "Look, this must be the monster here!"

Spear "hehe" smiled: "It's just a toad." After speaking, he drew out the cross sword and was about to kill the big toad by surprise.

However, as soon as his long sword was pulled out, the big toad spit out his tongue, and a gray light flashed by, and the long sword in Spear's hand disappeared. With their eyesight, they couldn't even see the tongue. How did you take the long sword away. Suddenly, a chill rose from the bottom of the four people's hearts, and Spear's powerful confidence disappeared without a trace. They turned and fled without saying a word.

The big toad coldly watched the prey go away, and did not chase it, like a sculpture.

Before long, Wutian Xingshang and another Yijiao Xiao also arrived in the other direction. Wutian calmly observed the surrounding situation, while Yijiao’s Xiao sneered again and again: “Let those idiots explore the way ahead, but having your little bald head by your side is really a hindrance.”

Wutian Xing gave him a light look: "Axi, what do you want?"

The xiao of the Yijiao named Akxi said coldly: "Nothing, you go back now, don't obstruct my eyes."

During the genius conference, Wutian and Akxi had encountered them, and Wutian was defeated in that battle, so Akxi had a sense of innate superiority for him, and he did not take him seriously.

Wutian smiled faintly, and said, "If you think you can control me, you would be very wrong." After speaking, he suddenly shot, grabbing Aksi's wrist with his right hand like iron tongs. At the same time, a weird force was generated, and Akxi felt that the force in her body was constantly dissipating and flowing into Wutian's body. There was a look of horror on his face, he wanted to yell, but he couldn't make a sound.

With a faint smile on his face, Wuhu Xingshang said, "Do you know why my name is Wutian? Even if it is Tian, ​​it can't hinder my footsteps. In my heart, lawlessness. My practice is not It belongs to Buddhism, but the'spirit' of the magic way. You can enjoy it slowly."

In just a few minutes, the skin on Akxi's body began to dry up, the brilliance in his eyes disappeared, and his mouth opened wide, revealing extremely frightened emotions. In the end, a generation of young Tianjiao fell like this, and his body was teleported out and appeared on the altar.


Seeing the shriveled corpse, the people of the Iraqi religion roared angrily: "Why! Why are people dead!"

"This is normal," someone from the Catholic Church said coldly, "In every genius conference, nearly half of the people died after the trial."

The Iraqi people stared fiercely at the Catholic people, but they just stared at them. They knew that the other party made sense, but they couldn't accept the result. Among the crowd, the fat monk who brought Wutian, Shi Taiyuan, smiled and said, "Wutian, Wutian, I wonder how many people can you kill?"

After killing Akxi, Wutian continued to penetrate into the wilderness, and the fierce competition in the second level officially kicked off.

Zhang Jun’s advancement speed is very fast, and with the increase in the number of beheaded monsters, their physique and strength are rapidly improving. Because they are always at the right time and use appropriate methods to kill monsters that can be killed, their efficiency is much higher than that of others. Because of this, the three groups of people have been unable to meet each other, and they are hunting monsters continuously.

Day by day, Zhang Jun felt that his strength had increased by at least five times. The real power of the Immortal Wu in his body was extremely powerful, like a mountain like a sea. He breathed out a gust of wind; he stomped his foot and the earth would shake. But this is far from enough, because there are more monsters above, and the strength of those monsters is not something they can fight against.

On a tall tree, four Zhang Jun sat on it. Zong Yuan stared at the bottom of the tree. At this moment, a giant snake with a length of 100 meters was passing by. The snake was thicker than a house and held its head high.

"Dad, how about this one?" Zong Yuan asked.

Zhang Jun glanced at it and shook his head: "This snake has limited strength, and the power that can be obtained after hunting is low, and it is not worth our shot at present."

Hei Ba 郎 blinked: "Our appetite is getting bigger and bigger, but unfortunately we can only hunt small things."

Zhang Jun narrowed his eyes: "Do you want to do a big vote?"

Hei Ba郎 and Zong Yuan's eyes lit up, and they asked in unison, "Where are they?"

Zhang Jun pointed to the left: "Eight kilometers away, there is a pretty elephant. It's a big man, twenty meters tall, and it's just a mountain. However, there are so many runes to build this pretty elephant. Success is equivalent to killing a thousand giant snakes like below."

"A thousand times the power feedback?" Hei Ba郎 suddenly jumped in his heart, "It already belongs to the ultimate monster, right?"

"No." Zhang Jun shook his head, "The more powerful ones are still to come. But by killing this pretty elephant, we can choose to pass the level."

Zong Yuan squeezed his fist: "What are you waiting for, do it!"

"Not in a hurry." Zhang Jun smiled slightly, "The four little kids are also battling the elephant's idea. Since they dare to make a move, they must have some support. Let's watch the excitement first."

His Buddha's eyes are monitoring the surroundings, and nothing can be hidden from his eyes. The whereabouts of the four Ilia are naturally under his supervision.

Spear's clothes were ragged, and his body was blue and purple. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot during this time. They don't have the abilities of Zhang Jun, and often shoot when they encounter monsters, and the result of doing so is that most of the time, not only can they not kill the monster, they will also be very embarrassed. Fortunately, the monsters here generally don't take the initiative to pursue them. After all, they are not real lives, but just things derived from the runes here.

"This elephant looks very powerful. Judging from previous experience, we can get a lot of power bonus by killing it." Spear said, "In any case, we have to succeed this time."

"Is it too dangerous to make a rash move like this?" Brock asked cautiously, "After all, we couldn't even beat a weaker monster before."

Spear snorted coldly: "Trash, of course I have a way to deal with its heads, you only need to listen to me!

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