Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 880: Supernatural powers

The appearance of the emperor lotus made Zhang Jun's super-quality supernatural powers tend to be small. Although he could not be above all laws and prohibit all laws, he already had a naive form. When he moved his mind, a large number of flames, caves, golden wind, lightning, vitality, death and many other visions appeared outside his body, like a goddess scattered flowers.

After the rest, the vision news, everything returned to loneliness. He opened his eyes, his face was full of joy: "Okay! Half-step magical powers are perfect, super-grade magical powers are small"

On the other side, Zong Yuan's body is also undergoing drastic changes, but he is different from Zhang Jun Zongyuan. The bloodline power of the Vast Sky God condensed into the emperor lotus in Zhang Jun's body, but in Zong Yuan, the blood of the Vast Sky God was all absorbed by his muscles and bones.

According to rumors, the Haotian God has the blood of the Primordial True Emperor. The reason why he was able to become the God of the myth age is not only because of his supernatural powers, but also the physique of the True Emperor who dominates the world. Obviously, Zhang Jun and Zong Yuan have also absorbed the power of Haotian God's bloodline, but they have gained in different aspects.

Zong Yuan felt that muscles, bones, muscles, veins, organs, and even every cell of the body had been greatly strengthened. The true power in his body became more and more powerful, breaking through all the way, with the twelfth and thirteenth layers of true power, until the eighteenth layer of true power, half-step magical consummation.

At the same time, he also clearly felt that his strength was increasing, 70,000 jin, 80,000 jin, and eventually increased to more than 180,000 jin, only slightly weaker than Zhang Jun. Outside his body, the fine lightning "cracked" and his skin became as shiny as jade.

The father and son opened their eyes almost at the same time, and they smiled at each other.

"Dad, we are not dead, and our strength has improved, what's the matter?" Zong Yuan blinked and asked.

Zhang Jun smiled slightly: "Naturally, an expert took action and saved us."

After the two woke up, the Jinjia Taoist outside the great transport furnace cauldron has become very vague, the power of faith has been consumed almost, and his voice is transmitted into the furnace cauldron: "Two little guys, this Tianjun will send you Come back home!"

After he finished speaking, Zhang Jun and Zong Yuan felt like the sky was spinning when he reached out and pressed it on the furnace tripod. When they regained consciousness, they were already in the Northwest Base, and Qinglian was by their side. After the three were sent off, Taoist Jin Jia ran out of power and disappeared completely.

"Come back!" Zhang Jun breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect Shen Tianjun to make a move, otherwise our father and son would be over."

Zong Yuan clenched his fist fiercely: "Yuqing Secret Realm! Little Kunlun! Holy Religion! I must destroy them one by one!"

Qinglian recovered sober, she walked over to hold Zong Yuan and said, "Brother Zong Yuan, I thought I would never see you again."

Zong Yuan grinned: "Of course not, we will always be together!"

In the Yuqing Secret Realm, Li Daoji sacrificed the Xuanhuang Pagoda, and the four ancestors were unable to fight back. However, when Zhang Jun and Zong Yuan and Qing Lian were found rescued, he ceased to be in love with each other, made a false move, and left.

When he came out, he sacrificed the Xuanhuang Pagoda and hit Daojun Jiang. Daojun Jiang and the two avatars were already struggling to deal with the old Daojun. At this moment, he was hit by the tower and immediately dodged. The old Daojun got out of the battle, he nodded to Li Daoji, and the two left side by side, and the rest did not stop him. Zhang Jun and others disappeared, and there is no point in fighting. You must know that Daojun is extremely difficult to be killed. Even if he kills his body, he does not know how much it will cost, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Zhang Jun’s buttocks just sat on the chair, and the brilliance in the living room flashed, and Daojun Li and Daojun Li came together, and Zhang Jun quickly got up to greet him.

"Two Taoists, thank you for your help today." Zhang Jun bowed his hand.

The old Taoist smiled slightly: "Little friend, I still owe you the love, we will have a period of time later." He did not wait for Zhang Jun to stay, and the person disappeared and disappeared.

Li Daojun's complexion was not very good, and he said, "Thanks to the help of the Jinjia Daoist today, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Zhang Jun frowned slightly. Although he escaped this time, he had already had an affair with the people of Yuqing Secret Realm and Little Kunlun, and he will struggle in the future.

Daojun Li seemed to understand what he was thinking, and he waved his hand coldly: "It's okay, without the driving of such huge benefits, neither Yuqing Secret Realm nor Little Kunlun will attack you again. And with the protection of Daojun, they will also Weigh the consequences."

Having said that, he looked at Zhang Jun and said: "When you and Zongyuan open up the spiritual realm, I think you will have one or two points to counter their strength."

Zhang Jun: "Don't worry, Daoist, one year later, my father and son will both open up spiritual realm."

"Very well, the Lord will retreat for a while, so you can do it for yourself." After saying that, he glanced at the place where Dongdong lived, "He is the reincarnation of the Manifestation of Saint and Power. If you have the opportunity, you can help him awaken."

Zhang Jun knew that Dongdong had an extraordinary origin. He didn't expect that the other party was actually the reincarnation of the Manifestation of Saint and Power. He was a little surprised. He nodded, "I will."

When the two were talking, Hei Ba rushed in, muttering in his mouth, and seemed quite dissatisfied. Zhang Jun asked immediately: "Where is the emperor?"

Hei Ba shrugged: "After the old guy sent me here, he went after the old Demon Juetian."

Zhang Jun couldn't help but admire the powerful means of manifesting the saints, this kind of manifestation at any time and place, and only the saints can do it.

Daojun Li couldn't help asking, "Is that Taoist Jin Jia really a clone of Shen Tianjun?"

Hei Ba: "Naturally, Tianjun manifested his saints this time to save Zhang Jun. Daojun must know that Zhang Jun and Shen Tianjun are no different, and both possess super-quality supernatural powers above all laws."

"That should be the supernatural powers of good fortune." Li Daojun squinted his eyes. "Only supernatural powers of good fortune are qualified to approach Hunyuan. I am looking forward to it more and more. How far can you Zhang Jun go in the future."

After leaving Daojun Li away, Hei Ba immediately grabbed Zhang Jun and asked, "Hey, you all have got great benefits. My master said, the blood of Haotian God is not trivial. Come, I want to see what magical powers you have acquired. "

Zhang Jun rolled his eyes, but explained the situation to him in detail. When he learned that he owned an emperor lotus, Heiba ​​was jealous and envy, and said: "I have lost a loss! I should also be invested in the big transfer furnace. My good master, why don't you? What do you think?"

Zhang Jun ignored his yelling and said, "I have acquired six new magical powers, all of which have evolved from the divine writings."

Heiba ​​was speechless for a while: "Get six magical powers at once, is there any heavenly reason? I only have one magical power, okay!"

Zhang Jun immediately demonstrated to him one by one that in addition to the previous physical magical powers, enlightening magical powers, and killing magical powers, the six new magical powers that have appeared are blocking magical powers, suppressing magical powers, cutting magical powers, summoning magical powers, breaking ban magical powers, and controlling magical powers. Fetish.

These six magical powers have their own characteristics.For example, the blocking magical powers and the suppressing magical powers are more suitable for setting up a large formation of suppression; cutting magical powers can cause cutting damage to the enemy's flesh and souls, which is a killing technique; summoning magical powers can summon thousands The spirit is used for oneself, such as the power of the mountains, the might of the sea, etc.; breaking the ban with magical powers specifically breaks the ban, which is also extremely beneficial.

And what Zhang Jun valued most was the supernatural power of controlling things. This magical power can control everything, such as flying swords to slash enemies, fetching objects from the air, etc. With this magical power, he has the innate advantage of practicing sword pill, and even the little dragon girl is not as good as him.

So far, Zhang Jun possessed nine supernatural powers, but they were not his core supernatural powers. The divine powers emitted by these nine great supernatural powers eventually merged into that emperor lotus, and what it represented was the core supernatural power, which was above all laws.

"Even if it is a magical power of good fortune, then you have to give it a name?" Hei Ba touched his chin, "I don't think it should be called'Lingtian Magical Power'. After all, it can produce more than ten thousand laws."

Zhang Jun was noncommittal, saying: "It's just supernatural power, no name is needed."

Hei Ba stopped talking, only said: "The further you go, the stronger the enemy you encounter. It seems that I have to improve too!"

Zhang Jun felt so convinced, and said: "I also want to improve, always open up the spiritual realm, then I am qualified to be called a **** man."

There is a world of difference between opening up the spiritual realm and not opening up the spiritual realm. After opening up the spiritual realm, you can entrust the spirits in the deserted land, and speak the law with you. This is a qualitative improvement, and it is the difference between a **** and a mortal.

Soon after returning to the base, Zhang Jun took the opportunity to head to Africa.

The development of Tianxing Country is very rapid. After covering an area of ​​more than 1.7 million square kilometers, Xiaoqiang finally has enough space to build its "back garden", which has the most advanced scientific research equipment in the world and the best in the world. A group of scientists.

The role of talents is inseparable for Tianxingguo to make such great progress. For a long time, Tianxingguo has been vigorously introducing the world's top scientific research talents. From the beginning, it provided 25-level citizenship power, and later it provided 30-level manager power, and it would also give high commissions, lifetime tax exemptions, and so on.

These researchers are the "superior people" of the Heavenly Traveling Kingdom. They don't have to live in the gathering area, but live in the original natural environment with picturesque scenery and suitable climate. In order to facilitate this provocateur, their family members can also obtain at least the power of a 20th-level citizen.

You must know that in the Kingdom of Heaven, only people above level 20 can be called citizens. It is very difficult for a person to reach the twentieth level. Unless he makes a great contribution to the heavenly country, he will never reach it. Moreover, points cannot be transferred or inherited. In other words, even if a citizen of the fortieth level, his offspring can only be the identity of a first-level Tianxing employee and are not eligible to become citizens.

Contribution points above level 30 are called managers. They can not only receive citizen dividends, but also receive management commissions, and are qualified to participate in the formulation of national management. They are a group of people with real power.

As for leaders above level 40, they are even more rare. A group of people such as Ge Xiaoxian belong to this category. They are the actual controllers of the country.

Zhang Jun brought Zongyuan and Qinglian on this trip. When the plane landed at the airport, Lin Xian, Ge Shangxian and other women all came to the airport to greet them. Hug with the girls one by one, he smiled and said, "I haven't seen you for a few months, do you miss me that way?"

==All the women gave him a stern look, which made him feel cold all over, laughed dryly, and hurriedly changed the subject: "I asked Master some time ago to refine some beauty pills, and I specially brought them to you."

Upon hearing such a wonderful panacea, the eyes of the girls suddenly lighted up, and the trace of annoyance from seeing their lover for a long time disappeared. In this way, Zhang Jun was taken back to his official residence by the stars, a newly built Gothic building on a grand scale like a palace.

Zong Yuan followed the adults' buttocks with a sad expression, and said to Qing Lian, "Qing Lian, look, mom and they don't even care about us when they see Dad."

Qinglian pursed her lips and said nothing.

Zhang Jun's main purpose in coming to Africa is to enhance the strength of the women. As the saying goes, one person has the way, and the chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, not to mention that these are his women. The females have different cultivation bases, some are true power, and some have just embraced the pill. He must assist one by one according to the situation.

Occasionally, Zhang Jun would go to the computer room to see Xiaoqiang to check the progress of cracking the Secret Cube. The secret cube about science and technology civilization has been solved relatively smoothly, but the secret cube about cultivation civilization has not made much progress.

Xiaoqiang recently cracked a new communication technology called telepathy. This communication method is very similar to the human consciousness, and its speed and accuracy of information transmission are very powerful, far exceeding the current communication technology. Moreover, this technology can also be upgraded to reach a level of divine consciousness similar to the human mind, and even transcend divine consciousness to reach a higher level.

This kind of communication means has powerful intelligent computing. With the help of him, Xiaoqiang can do many things that could not be done before. For example, during this period of time, he produced a batch of micro construction robots, referred to as micro construction robots.

Each of these micro-built robots is as big as a rice grain, but they move very fast. When tens of millions, hundreds of millions of micro-construction robots move in a unified and coordinated manner, they can complete vast projects in a short time, and the construction quality is at a perfect level.

There are ten cube metal boxes with a side length of three meters in the computer room. Xiaoqiang said: "Boss, this is the result of my recent research, micro-built robot."

Zhang Jun didn't have an intuitive sense of this thing, so he asked: "How powerful are these things?"

Xiaoqiang: "The boss once said that he wants a manually operated mecha to fight against the super strong."

Zhang Jun smiled, he did say such things. When he was still in school, he was a fan of mecha, but this was just a joke, but Xiaoqiang kept remembering it. He nodded: "Yes, can you make it now?"

"Of course, as long as the design module is given, these micro-built robots can do it immediately." After speaking, ten huge metal boxes suddenly opened, and thousands of micro-built robots flew out of them, turning into ten white fog. , Gathered in the center of the computer room.

Then Zhang Jun was shocked to see that a pair of mechanical feet more than one meter long appeared quickly, followed by legs, abdomen, waist, limbs, and head. After just a few minutes, a silver-white mecha with a height of about five meters appeared!

This mecha is majestic and majestic, standing there like a giant pillar, exuding great power.

Zhang Jun was stunned: "This is the micro-built robot?"

"Yes." Xiaoqiang triumphantly, "isn't it great?"

"Awesome!" Zhang Jun exclaimed, "Can they build anything?"

"Theoretically so, but there is still room for improvement." Xiaoqiang said, "With these micro-built robots, our plan to develop the Atlantic Ocean can be carried out. In the future, the earth's oceans belong to the heavenly country!"

When speaking, the cockpit of the mecha opened, Zhang Jun jumped in and the door closed. The operation settings inside are often simple, one screen, one hala, and one person to activate the sky pass.

"How does this make people operate?" Zhang Jun was speechless for a while, "Toy mechas are more complicated than this, right?"

Xiaoqiang: "Boss, this mecha uses telepathy, so the boss can use his spiritual sense to operate it. The method is very simple. Just put your hands on the control panels on both sides."

Zhang Jun was startled: "Controlled by God's Sense?"

"Yes, it is controlled by divine consciousness, so the code name of this mecha is ‘Lingshen’." Xiaoqiang said.

Zhang Jun stayed for a while, and then tried to press his hands on the two light plates on the left and right, and at the same time activate the consciousness. In an instant, he felt that the five senses and six senses were all connected to this mecha, and the mecha seemed to be his body. With surprise and joy in his heart, he wanted to raise his arm, so the arm of the mecha rose.

"I should go out and try." Zhang Jun raised his eyebrows, "No problem, right?"

"Of course, this is a perfect mecha." Xiaoqiang was full of confidence.

The door to the engine room opened, and the mecha went out with a "boom" and came to an open area. A five-meter-high mecha came out, and the noise it made was not good. Lin Xian and others were all disturbed and came out to see the freshness.

"Huh? Isn't that a mecha? New?" Ge Xiaoxian looked curious.

"There seems to be someone inside." Zong Yuan widened his eyes and cried out strangely, "Wow, it's Dad!"


The mecha suddenly jumped up, threw a flying leg, kicking the air screaming. After that, it continued to make various difficult movements, such as volleying, swinging and kicking, etc. Every movement was extremely gorgeous and beautiful, and everyone's eyes were straight.

Zong Yuan clenched his fist and said fiercely, "I must let Uncle Qiang get me one too, it's too cool!"

Driving the mecha for a while, Zhang Jun was greatly shocked. Although the performance of this mecha is not as flexible as his body, it is also rare and valuable. It is conceivable that if such a mech appears on the battlefield, it will be able to dominate the result.

Just after jumping off the mecha, Zhang Jun's heart moved, his eyes crossed the crowd and looked far away. Within a few minutes, a military vehicle drove over, almost unchanged in appearance, and the still dignified and beautiful Nangong Zi jumped out of the vehicle.

The two have not seen each other for a long time. See you now, and there is a warmth in my heart.

"Nangong, why are you here?" Zhang Jun was surprised.

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