Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 881: Annex four countries

Nangong Zi said helplessly: "I have been developing in Africa in the past few years. In addition, I have controlled the goddess door. The progress is very smooth. However, some time ago, Shengjiao mobilized believers to attack our forces. Tianhua has no way to gain a foothold. I can come to take refuge in you."

Zhang Junyi smiled: "Welcome!"

"Of course, we are not taking refuge in vain, Tianhua Company will give Tianxingguo a generous gift." She said this with a mysterious smile.

Zhang Junyi was taken aback: "A gift? What kind of gift?"

"The four countries of Uglia, Tufei, Zade, and Kazhlia!" Nangong Zi said lightly, "Well, this gift is still heavy, right?"

Zhang Jun stayed: "For the four countries, do you have control of these four countries?"

Nangong Zi said: "Tianhua has been in Africa for so many years and has supported the armed forces in various countries. Some time ago I knew that Shengjiao wanted to do something with Tianhua, so I made preparations early and provided a large number of advanced weapons to the armed forces of the four countries. These four countries were crippled by Heavenly Kingdom last time, so I didn't have any effort to control these four countries completely."

When the two were talking, Hardy took the tablet computer, and a world news was playing on it: armed mutiny broke out in four African countries, and the four countries established a coalition government. The news briefly introduced the current situation of the four countries. They have all been controlled by armed mutineers and merged into one country.

Nangong Zi: "In the next step, the coalition government will hold a referendum to determine whether to join the Skywalking Kingdom."

Zhang Jun smiled bitterly: "This is indeed a generous gift, but I am a little worried that Tianxing can't eat it."

Before the four countries were occupied, the total area reached 4.3 million square kilometers and the total population exceeded 200 million! Moreover, there are many races, fighting for years, poor and backward. It is by no means an easy task to digest so many people. Even if each person provides 1,000 US dollars in welfare per year, the total amount is more than 200 billion US dollars. Even the United States cannot support this kind of expenditure.

"Your worries are unnecessary." Nangong Zi said, "I have lived in Africa for many years, and I know the residents here very well. Although they are loose and free, and have many backward bad habits, it is just a matter of habit. Black Africans are more suitable for service. industry."

Zhang Jun said in deep thought: "It is extremely difficult to manage such a large country and such a large population."

At this time, Xiaoqiang's voice sounded: "Boss, with the help of telematics technology, we can build management chips into these human bodies, so as to better manage these people, let them make the best of their talents, and everyone can play their own specialties. ."

Zhang Jun nodded again and again: "Blacks have the advantages of blacks, and they can try to expand their advantages in sports and entertainment."

"Also." Xiaoqiang said, "Through biochips, people can directly enter the spiritual world."

"The spiritual world?" Zhang Jun was curious, "What is that?"

"The spiritual world is a special time and space formed by integrating the minds of all people with the help of spiritual communication. It is nothing and does not exist in the real world." Xiaoqiang said, "In fact, the spiritual world is the communication of the mind. At the core, I have verified the efficacy of the spiritual world through online games, and it can become the spiritual home of everyone."

"Spiritual Homeland!" Zhang Jun's heart jumped suddenly, and suddenly he thought of something. If everyone's thinking is brought together to form a huge spiritual world, isn't this spiritual world very similar to the wasteland?

Many thoughts flashed in his mind, and Zhang Jun suddenly said: "I think the spiritual world can be renamed'Desolate Land'."

"'Wonderland'?" Xiaoqiang didn't object, "Sounds good, so it's a wasteland."


Zhang Jun smiled and said: "If there are biochips, then the population of more than 200 million is really not much! So, our heavenly country will soon become a world-class power?"

"Yes." Nangong Zi said, "Regardless of population or area, Tianxingguo will rank in the top ten, and in the future, its ranking will continue to rise."

Zhang Jun smiled "hehe" and was very happy: "You have to eat one bite at a time. This piece of land is our foundation at the moment. Only by building it well can we do other things."

Nangong Zi looked at him and asked straightforwardly: "With this gift, how much contribution can I have?"

Zhang Jun asked Xiaoqiang: "How much contribution does this have?"

"A leader of the sixtieth level!" Xiaoqiang said without hesitation, "and everyone from Tianhua Company can become a citizen of Tianxing Nation."

Nangong’s purple eyes lit up, but she knew the preciousness of Tianxing Nation’s citizenship, and immediately said: "The deal, there will be no Tianhua company in the world, it will become a part of Tianxing Nation!"

Immediately, Tianxingguo accepted Tianhua Company. After this period of development, Tianhua Company's strength has been very strong. If all its assets are added up, the total amount will exceed one trillion US dollars, which does not include Those intangible assets.

Two days later, the four-nation coalition government held a referendum. A considerable part of the residents of the four countries are believers of the Holy Spirit. They were instructed by the above to strongly oppose joining the Kingdom of Heaven. But this will not change much. The so-called voting is only a form. No matter how many people vote in favor, the four countries will all be included in the kingdom of heaven.

On the day of voting, Tianxingguo sent a large number of fighters to patrol the four countries, forcing those fighters from various countries to dare not approach. Even the two U.S. aircraft carriers docked on the coast of Africa were shocked by the so-called "Skywalker Naval Exercise".

Just when Zhang Jun decided to take over the Four Kingdoms, Xiaoqiang began to build a large number of service vehicles. This Xuanwu vehicle is equipped with medical, fire-fighting, public security and other functions. It is equipped with intelligent robots and can perform various tasks.

Five days later, the four countries officially joined the Kingdom of Heaven, and two million service vehicles were manufactured. The first task of this mysterious vehicle is to inject biochips into the backs of all residents. This work alone is at least It takes a month to complete.

Xiaoqiang did not waste a little time. He also started to strengthen the infrastructure of the country. Communications, roads, railways, airports, settlements, etc., must be built quickly, and this is undoubtedly an astronomical investment.

In particular, the construction of communications facilities in Tiandiguo is a top priority, because without the support of communications facilities, biochips cannot operate.

Tianxing Nation took the four countries quickly, which made the United Nations and many developed countries with interests in Africa extremely dissatisfied. They have issued condemnations, and even some countries clamored to send troops to Africa and eliminate Tianxing Nation. Drop.

For several months in a row, Tianxingguo has become the headline of the world's major media. This newly established country has been taken under the magnifying glass by countless people. It has received attention from all parties. Some people hate it, and some like it.

Some people think that the Kingdom of Heaven is a monster, not a normal country. First, it embezzles other countries and is an aggressor; second, it belongs to private ownership and logically does not belong to the category of territorial countries. Some people even put forward the hypothesis that Tianxingguo might bring human society back into the monarchy, and there is only one emperor in the world.

Of course, there are also people who support Tianxingguo. They believe that Tianxingguo's points system can achieve true fairness. Here, you can gain as much as you pay. There is no bureaucracy, no power, no oppression, and no crime. There are even a lot of young people who apply to join Heavenly Kingdom on the Internet. For such people, Xiaoqiang generally grants release. In just one month, as many as millions of people applied to become employees of Tianxing Group through the Internet!

There is a whirlwind of sky travel around the world, and the sky travel country has become one of the must-talk topics in the streets and alleys. It is also because of the existence of the sky travel country that the world map around the world has been updated.

In a cheap room in an apartment in Kyoto, a young man in his thirties drew his eyes vigorously. His eyes were very bright and he was staring at a woman in his thirties: "My wife, I think it over. Let's go to the kingdom of heaven together, where is the country we yearn for!"

The woman is a more traditional and conservative person. She said worryingly: "In order to get the job of the institution you have at hand, you took the civil service exam for three years. In the meantime, you are giving gifts and entrusting you, and you spend a little bit more money. More than 100,000, just give up like this? Isn't our previous investment in vain?"

Hearing the woman's words, the muscles on the man's face twitched a few times: "I hate this country! It is full of **** and unfairness! When I was exams for civil servants, I was No. 1 for three consecutive years. It was because I didn't have a way to go. Rejected!"

"I thought everything would be fine when I entered the unit." He sneered, "But you look at those people, they are obviously incapable, but they still have a vegetarian meal. What do they know? In addition to public money for food and drink, public money travel, they also What will happen? Drink tea and read the newspaper! Play mobile games and play games, I've had enough!"

The woman sighed softly: "If you decide, I will still support you, but what about my job? Do I have to quit? Besides, is the treatment in Tianxingguo the same as ours now?"

The man took out a document and handed it to the woman: "Last year, the average annual salary of Tianxing Group employees was 50,000 U.S. dollars, and this is still after-tax income! And they don’t have to face high house prices or I am worried about the uneven distribution of educational resources, and there is no family planning. This is exactly what I yearn for."

"Fifty thousand dollars after tax?" The woman widened her eyes, "Is it so high?"

"It can't be wrong." The man said, "One of our college classmates works in Tianxing Group. After tax, fifty thousand US dollars is just ordinary income, and some people earn one million US dollars a year. I may be able to get it with my ability. So much money. When we have money, we can travel around the world and live a leisurely life like Westerners."

The woman moved a little, and she nodded vigorously: "Okay, I will go with you, we will work hard and fight together!"

All over the country, in countless corners, countless people are thinking and deciding. These people who decided to join the Kingdom of Heaven have the following common characteristics. They are highly educated and capable, dissatisfied with reality, and ambitious. For this kind of people, Xiaoqiang is very welcome.

Tianxingguo vigorously carried out infrastructure construction, Zhang Jun was not idle, he wanted to enhance the strength of everyone. It is not difficult to do this with the help of magical powers.

In a practice room specially built for Zhang Jun, Zhang Jun and Lin Xian sat face to face. Lin Xian is a real power level cultivation base, and it is a real power ninth layer, but she has never been able to touch the threshold of half-step magical powers.

"Can I do it? You also said that my qualifications are very ordinary." Lin Xian asked worriedly.

"Of course it can be done." Zhang Jun encouraged her, "Double cultivation can make our hearts resonate, so that my sentiment can be passed on to you, and my magical powers can be even more enlightened. In this way, your foundation is not comparable. The cultivator who came from that mortal repair is worse, even stronger than them."

Lin Xian smiled slightly, she hugged Zhang Junhu's body tightly, and whispered: "Then I'm relieved, but you haven't hugged me for a long time."

Zhang Jun felt warm in his heart, hugged her gently, and said softly: "Sister Xian, you are still the same as before, the only change is that your **** are fuller."

This is not a compliment. Lin Xian still looks the same as before. She is twenty-eight or nine years old, and she is not old at all. Moreover, after Zhang Jun’s "Huanxi Damumu" massage, her **** were indeed a lot bigger. She could do this, inseparable from Zhang Jun’s double repair and the magical effect of Buddha light.

The good time for cultivation was wasted by the two of them. They rolled the sheets all night and made Lin Xian sore and weak. The next day she couldn't get up at all, and she was embarrassed to come out to meet people.

Zong Yuan was not idle either, he and Qinglian followed Hardy around in Heaven. Although Hardy was older, he didn't dare to underestimate Zong Yuan, he wanted to call "Brother Brother" politely. Not to mention the strength of Zong Yuan's half-step supernatural power peak, just his shocking supernatural power made Hardy feel ashamed.

After all, Zong Yuan was a child and he was very playful. He finally came to Xiaoqiang's computer room and begged him to get some mechas to play with. Xiaoqiang fulfilled his wish and built a mecha tailored for him with a micro-built robot.

This mecha is much more advanced than Zhang Jun’s original one. It is equipped with five super-powered weapons developed with the Secret Cube technology, which can fight against the powers of the real class. Of course, if it is against Manifestation, this mech is still not an opponent, and there is no chance even to escape.

Zong Yuan sat on the mecha and tried a few moves, and the results were extremely smooth, but he was still dissatisfied, and said, "Such a big guy, if you can put it away, you can carry it with you."

Who knows Xiaoqiang said: "I am developing'light armor', which involves the mutual transformation of matter and energy, but it is a pity that I cannot overcome the key points in a short time."

"Light armor?" Zong Yuan's eyes widened, "Isn't that the mecha that only exists in science fiction?"

"The principle of light armor is similar to the principle of using energy for the sages among your practitioners." Xiaoqiang said, "Once the light armor is born, you can fight against the sage-level characters, at least you can escape."

Zong Yuan felt incredible. It was crazy to use light armor to fight the Xiansheng!

Xiaoqiang: "In fact, the mask you are driving can imitate people's spiritual power, and it can even open up a spiritual realm in the future."

Zong Yuan was completely stupid: "What did you say? This mecha can open up the spiritual realm?"

"Yes." Xiaoqiang said, "but I don't have the data to open up the spiritual realm, so I can't do it temporarily."

Zong Yuan's eyes rolled around: "Do you need data? This is easy to handle. It won't take long before I will open up the spiritual realm. You can test it at that time."

"At least five people need to be observed to get more accurate data." Xiaoqiang said, "As long as I get the data, I can live in the wasteland."

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