Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 882: Improve all

Xiaoqiang can enter the wasteland! Zong Yuan was stunned. He stared at the hippy-smiling indoctrinaire on the screen in astonishment, and asked: "Sacred-level light armor, you can also enter the wasteland. According to you, can't you also become the eminent saint power?"

Xiaoqiang: "I have asked my boss many questions about cultivation, and the boss told me a piece of his experience and ideas. The basic component of the wasteland is the Yixuan foundation rune, which has undergone complicated permutations and combinations. , Forming one command after another, don’t you think it is more like a computer program?"

Zong Yuan was stunned. Master has done everything to the extreme, and there is a connection, and it is true! The technological and the cultivating, as expected, coincide!

"After a lot of calculations and deductions, I think we can rely on the means of telematics to open up our own places in the wasteland." Xiaoqiang said, "There are many treasures and countless ruins in the wasteland. If we can develop and use , Will be a great wealth."

Zong Yuan didn't know what to say, think about it, one day Xiaoqiang led the light armor army into the wasteland, then who can resist? Doesn't it have to sweep the cultivation world and dominate the world? Of course, it is still far from that level.

Two days later, Lin Xian successfully broke through to a half-step magical power. Her magical power originated from Zhang Jun, which was a cutting magical power. At the moment when Lin Xian's Xiu base rose sharply, Xiao Qiang's voice sounded: "Can the boss also enlighten me?"

Zhang Jun was taken aback when he heard: "Enlighten you, you have no body, how can I enlighten you?"

Xiaoqiang "hehe" smiled: "I haven't told the boss that the source of telepathy requires a telepathy host. Let's just call it that way. Without a telepathy host, there is no way to generate communication energy. Before that, I planned to design a binary system. Operating system. But after knowing the nature of the wasteland from the boss, I decided to change the base system according to the construction rules of the wasteland to make it consistent with the number of basic runes in the wasteland."

Zhang Jun blinked: "Talk about the point."

Xiaoqiang: "One hour ago, I tested the modified mind host, and it turned out that it consumes a lot of power. Therefore, Tianxingguo must build several super nuclear fusion power stations."

After nearly two decades of development, mankind has initially mastered nuclear fusion power generation technology, but some key technologies are still being overcome. Xiaoqiang is one step ahead and has matured this technology, ready to build a super nuclear fusion power station.

Zhang Jun understands that electricity is the driving force of industry and power stations must be built, so he nodded and agreed: "Yes, you can decide this kind of thing."

"After I have enough power, I can run the psychic host." Xiaoqiang said, "The psychic power is a very magical power, it is almost equivalent to the boss's spirit, this is the direction of my future evolution, so I decided , The deity enters the mind host!"

Zhang Jun was taken aback. Xiaoqiang was the core of Skywalking Nation. Without Xiaoqiang, this Big Mac would immediately collapse. Hearing that Xiaoqiang had made such a hasty decision, he immediately objected: "No! The Mind Host has just succeeded in the experiment, and your decision is too rash, so wait."

He thought for a while: "You can let the clone in first, and try for a while."

Xiaoqiang naturally obeyed Zhang Jun's order, and immediately, a metal wall in the machine room was divided into two, revealing a machine composed entirely of crystal-like parts.

"This is the psychic host." Xiaoqiang said, "I call this crystal a psychic spar. It is a synthetic product. The cost of synthesizing this spar is about one hundred thousand US dollars per gram."

Zhang Jun widened his eyes: "How much does this machine cost?"

"300 billion U.S. dollars." Xiaoqiang said, "this is not even R&D costs."

Zhang Jun was speechless for a while, 300 billion US dollars!

Xiaoqiang immediately said: "The boss can rest assured that Tianxingguo's finances are currently very loose, and many profitable projects are being done. The world's top 500 companies have more than 400 full sets of products purchased by us. In addition, we It has a dominant position in the automotive market, aerospace market, weapons market, medical device market, and electronic product market..."

Zhang Jun interrupted him and asked: "These are too complicated. You can tell me directly, what is the annual profit of Tianxingguo, what is the expenditure, and what is the surplus."

Xiaoqiang: "Based on the analysis of the current situation, Tianxingguo's annual profit is about 750 billion U.S. dollars, and its expenditures have changed greatly. For example, this year's major infrastructure construction may require more than 10 trillion U.S. dollars.

Zhang Jun couldn't help but smile: "So, financially is a deficit?"

"Yes, but it doesn't matter. Tianxingguo's finances are very healthy, and this amount of deficit is within the allowable range." Xiaoqiang said.

Zhang Jun nodded, he stopped asking anything, and said, "Then, let me see this psychic host."


The host shook, and the crystal on it released a soft light. These rays of light were flowing and dancing, converging on the side of the host into a little Taoist about 1.5 meters tall, which is exactly the image of Xiaoqiang all the time.

Zhang Jun looked at the little Taoist priest formed by the light, and said with a smile: "Is this the enlightening medium you prepared?"

Xiaoqiang: "There are still key problems that have not been overcome. As long as the difficulties are overcome, I will be able to condense material entities and have a real body."

Zhang Jun felt unbelievable. He was stunned and said: "Your development has exceeded my expectations." After that, he urged the magical powers and pointed at the little Taoist's eyebrows. The brilliance flickered, and the light that formed the little Taoist's body shook for a while, and seemed to collapse at any time.

After a few breaths, the little Taoist murmured: "This feeling is really amazing. That's how the boss gave me a new life." When the words fell, the host clone suddenly dimmed and then completely stopped.

Zhang Jun frowned and asked: "Failed?"

Xiaoqiang's voice sounded, and the inside of the psychic host was only a clone of Xiaoqiang, and Xiaoqiang's deity was still outside. He said, "The reason is unknown, maybe, the result will be known after inspection."

Zhang Jun comforted: "It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future."

After Zhang Jun left, about half an hour later, the mind host suddenly emitted a faint light, a signal was transmitted, and Xiaoqiang's excited voice suddenly sounded in the computer room: "Success! The boss's initiation has worked! I really look forward to it! Ah! How far will my clone evolve?"

In more than a month, the cultivation bases of Ge Xiaoxian, Shangguan Meixue, Bai Lingxue, Su Xiaoyu and others have successively broken through half-step magical powers, and each of them possessed a kind of magical powers of Zhang Jun. In the meantime, the three brothers Bai Xuan, Ouyang Ningjing, Xiaocao, and Fabin, and even the two culprits of Fortune, Dahua, and Daogui also came to the Kingdom of Heaven, and Zhang Jun also helped everyone to improve their cultivation.

One day, just as Zhang Jun helped Xiaocao break through half a step, he called Fabin, Adam, and Adolf in front of him. These three brothers were loyal to him, all the way from birth to death. After experiencing countless dangers, he decided to further enhance the strength of the three.

However, the cultivation of the blood race is different from the Eastern monk, and he has no bottom in his heart, saying: "In your body, there is a terrible virus, and the virus promotes you to continue to evolve and become stronger. But the virus in your body has been cleared by me. , So evolution is over."

Adam said: "Master, during this time, Mr. Hua has been helping us improve our physique. We have made great progress. We feel that we are infinitely close to the prince."

Zhang Jun nodded slightly: "But you never get past that level, right?"

The three nodded. This was exactly the problem they encountered. It seemed that they had encountered a bottleneck and could not break through for a while.

"That's it." Zhang Jun was silent for a moment thoughtfully, and then inspected the physique of the three of them in turn. Finally, he said, "Enlightening magical powers should not be effective for you, but I have another method, but this method The risk is great."

Fabin's eyes narrowed and said: "Master, becoming stronger is one of our ultimate goals. Even if there is danger, we are not afraid."

Zhang Jundao: "I have also asked you to practice before, but the effect is not ideal. It seems that a person who cultivates a muscle is not suitable for you. As far as your physique is concerned, theoretically you should cultivate physical supernatural powers, but the facts tell me, That's not appropriate."

"I was conspired by a Westerner in the ancient holy land, and used what is called a'demon's entanglement' on me. It is a strand of the demon king Satan's hair, and it actually has a remarkable attack power. Baochu, I'm afraid he has been killed."

Hearing the name "Satan", the three brothers looked at each other, and Fabin said, "The master is blessed!"

Zhang Jun asked: "Do you know the origin of Satan?"

The color on Fabin's face changed, and he said: "It is rumored that the ancestor of our blood race was Satan. That is a magical thought of God."

Zhang Jun smiled "Hey": "A magical thought? I don't think things are that simple. But these are not important. The important thing is that I can use Satan's power to improve your cultivation." , He took out the Devil's Pestle and yelled softly, "The devil's head appears!"

Jiang Mochu vibrated slightly, shooting out ten thousand golden lights, and the ghost of the demon king appeared. This demon is still one of the eight law-protecting heavenly dragons, but was beaten by Absolute Heaven Demon Venerable last time, and has not been able to release it until this moment.

"What's the order?" A ray of divine thought came out from the demon shadow, giving people a blunt feeling, and it seemed that there was no voluntary intention.

"I want to lend you three strands of original power." Zhang Jun said, "Can you?"

"My origin is a strand of hair, then I will give you the origin of three hairs." The devil said, and then he stretched out his right palm, his palm devilish energy rolled, three long eye-sized black lights appeared, and then flew towards Zhang all.

Zhang Jun caught the three groups of black lights, his eyes lit up, and said, "Thank you!" Then he turned to the three of them and shouted, "Sit down!"

The three Fabins knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that was the original strength of the ancestor! If this power is swallowed, where will it grow? Is the blood prince? Or a more powerful blood emperor?

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