The quarter passed quickly, as neither manager called a timeout and the players had to keep playing.

35:24 This is the score of both sides in a single quarter, with Shonang Bei behind.

Makoto Rin’s attack is a bit strong because they are a fast-paced team that plays run-and-blast.

Use frequent runs and high-speed ball transfers to quickly plunder points with blitzkrieg that is too fast for opponents to react.

Such offensive tactics can maximize the advantages of Tetsuya Kuroko.

Because he has almost no defense, the defensive end relies on a weak presence to intercept the opponent’s pass.

But the athleticism is very poor, not necessarily always in the key I eh, the defensive end can only be regarded as 4.5 to play 5.

Under such circumstances, if Cheng Rin fights a positional war with Xiangbei, it will be to seek his own death.

Defeating the opponent with a higher score can make up for Tetsuya Kuroko’s lack of defensive ability.

Cheng Rin’s team likes to fight with the opponent to attack and score, as long as the score is higher than you, it is naturally me who wins.

And speaking of Tetsuya Kuroko, Mitsui Shou couldn’t help but ask.

“That former teammate of yours, what the hell is going on.”

It was supposed to be an excellent open three-point pass given to him by Ryota Miyagi, but it was inexplicably truncated by that Kuroko Tetsuya several times.

There is also the kind of pass that automatically turns the ball, which makes Xiangbei’s defense bitter.

“Sight induction.”


“A core principle of magic show.”

Lan Ran picked up a ball, grabbed it with his right hand, presented it in front of everyone, and then threw it aside at random.

In the process, Mitsui Shou, including all the Shonan players, shifted their gaze to the basketball on the ground, rather than Lan Ran himself.

“Understood, Kuroko’s low presence is just an introduction, and his awesomeness is his passing and vision, and each touch will not exceed 1 second.”

So it was.

“Is there a way to fix that?”


What the?!

Is there actually no weakness in the ability to make such a bug?


At this time, the door of the basketball club was pushed open, and Nino walked in with quadruplets.

The members of Xiangbei planned to invite them out, but they were stopped by Lan Ran and let them in.

Er Nai looked at the scoreboard for the first time when he entered the door, and saw that Xiangbei was actually 11 points behind, and couldn’t help muttering.

“It’s 11 points behind, and it’s said that Xiangbei is very strong.?”

The hope of the old lady to get rid of the order can be in you, can you be serious!

Several starters of Mitsui Shou were blushed by Nina’s old face when he said this.

He shouted unpleasantly, “It’s noisy, this is the place for the game, how did you bastard call your girlfriend over.” ”


Ah this, oops, how are you a man….. He doesn’t look good, but he talks so well.

Erno changed his opinion of Mitsui Shou for a second, and said proudly and coquettishly, “I haven’t agreed yet, don’t talk nonsense.” ”

The four sisters said in their hearts, you can’t wait to marry yourself.

When I went to the summer vacation in the summer, I ran to people’s homes all day, and I also took the initiative to cook rice and show a woman’s strength, an uncle and an aunt, and the name was more cordial than my father.

Don’t think I don’t know what you think!


“In the second quarter, Lan Ran, you play the number one position.”

Coach Anzai opened his mouth at this time, and there was no special arrangement, but he replaced Miyagi Ryota with blue dyeing.

The second-year Miyagi Ryota was naturally very dissatisfied, but he did not protest, he wanted to see what Lan Ran was capable of.


Lan Ran took off his coat and got up, smiling at Er Nai, “You came just in time, let you see how strong Xiangbei is right away.” ”

The second quarter begins.

Xiangbei made personnel adjustments, which were not big, and only replaced the No. 1 position.

“Finally up, Ace!” The Vulcan Dai immediately ran over and said defiantly, “I thought you were afraid.” ”

Lan Ran looked at him and returned to the defensive end without saying a word, making the Vulcan big me angry, feeling that he was being ignored.

Sincerity to the ball.

On the first attack, the characteristics of this team are weak.

From the number one to the number five position, once the basketball is pushed through the half court by Izuki-jun, the rest of the rest will start a crazy run.

The same is true for center Mitobe Rinnosuke, who performs both ball-on-ball and off-ball blocks for the team’s pitchers Shunpei Hinata or Izuki Jun.

Once there is a hole in the opponent’s defense, Izuki Jun will strike immediately.

Just like .

“It’s now!”

When Mitobe Rinnosuke gave Hinata Shunpei no ball cover, helping the latter run out of the empty spot.

The ball in Izuki Jun’s hand immediately came out of his hand and flew in the direction of Hinata Shunpei.

“Look down on people less, second-grade imp.” Mitsui Shou rose to his defense.

The player, known as a hot-blooded man, did not fully recover his physical condition, but his fighting spirit was ignited first.

Sincere basketball, it’s not so simple. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Izuki-jun smiled confidently.

Then, when Mitsui Shou pounced on Shunpei Hinata, the basketball was suddenly intercepted by an arm.

“That number 11 again?!”

It is not clear at all, but Mitsui Shou guessed that it must be that Makoto 11 started.

Sure enough, the basketball flying straight suddenly turned at a 90-degree angle, changing from flying to the three-point line to straight into the box.

At this time, the defense of Xiangbei has long been pulled to the right half of the area, and the Vulcan Big I cut from the left side at this time, just hitting an inner line void in Xiangbei.

“‘I won this ball!’

The Vulcan caught the ball and flew up, and the unparalleled bounce height and speed made him seem to fly.

Get hands!

This was the first thought of everyone in Makoto, including Reiko Aida.

Such an attack, so fast that a giant like Haichang can’t resist it, is also Cheng Rin’s winning weapon this year.

The duo of light and shadow!

“It’s really simple, from the beginning to now, I have always wanted to dunk.”


Lan Ran’s voice suddenly sounded from below, and the Vulcan was startled and quickly looked down.

I saw Lan Ran’s body soaring into the air at an extremely slow speed.

Of course, such slowness was relative, at least in Hinata Shunpei and their eyes.

Blue dye is a sprint from the three-point line into the box.

After spending time, he stood up at the moment when the Vulcan Big Me dunk was about to win, and slapped the Vulcan Big Me dunk in the air!


“It doesn’t matter, the void (Wang De’s) is the realm of the Vulcan King.” Riko Aida has witnessed with her own eyes more than once how the Vulcan Daigo defeated Ryota Huangse and other strong enemies in the air.

But right away she didn’t think so.

She only saw that the blue dyed palm in the air pressed down violently, forcing the Vulcan big me to have no strength no matter how good my waist was, and finally even the person brought the ball down with the cap.

How so?

Vulcan was defeated so easily?

And still in the air?

Without sighing to the sincere players, Lan Ran picked up the basketball after landing and started to run wildly.

“Damn, it’s not over yet!”

Vulcan gritted his teeth, got up and moved his legs to chase.

Lan Ran, as if he didn’t see it, suddenly stretched out his palm when passing by the bench in Xiangbei.

Ernai leaned out his head with a spirit in his heart, and also stretched out his hand, and hit Lan Ran’s palm hard to complete a high-five.

Bastard, don’t look down on people!

Vulcan is angry and attacking, you are still in the mood to pick up a girl when you play with me, and you have to defend this ball to death.

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