
Lan Dye showed the whole audience on his debut.

After the cap, the next quick attack actually had time to flirt with Erno with the mood.

It’s really a thunderclap!

“Don’t try to escape!”

The Vulcan Big Me was even more angry, moving two long legs to run from the rear.

The two of them were like two whirlwinds blowing through the street, quickly blowing through the half, and killing towards the forbidden area on the other side.

“How could it be so fast.”

In the eyes of Riko Aida, the Vulcan running at full speed is approaching the blue dye little by little.

It doesn’t seem much worse, but considering that Lan Dye is in a ball-holding state, this speed is a bit strange.

At this moment, after the body entered high school, most of the data was refreshed.

In the three years of middle school, he suffered day and night in endless trials, and finally raised his overall attribute to an average level of 95 points.

At the end of the third grade of junior high school, he was Danzi in the basketball altar of junior high school.

Whether it is the body or the technology, it has reached the peak of middle school students.

By high school, his average attribute had fallen from 95 to 80.

It may not seem like much, but it is actually very different.

Because the technical attribute decline is the lowest, the real decline is more of the body’s four-dimensional attributes.

Fortunately, he saved attribute points in advance, and only then did he make up for the missing part, or even more 990.

Of course, the decrease in attributes does not mean that his speed has slowed down, but that his attributes have not reached the top of the world’s high school students.

Before he adds points, he can run as many seconds as he can in the 100-meter sprint, and he will not slow down because he enters high school and his attributes are reduced.

Now he has added a little, much faster than he did three years ago.

Name: Indigo dyeing.

Level: Level 6.

Gender: Male.

Age: 16 years old.

Height: 189CM.


Weight: 82 kg.

Power: 90.

Speed: 97.

Fitness: 99.

Spirit: 100.

Offense: 90 for confrontational layups, 98 layups for no confrontation, 90 for back technique.

Shooting: 90 from close range, 87 from mid-range, 70 from three-point range.

Possession: 93 dribbling, 95 passing.

Defense: 90 traverses, 87 steals, 88 blocks, 84 rebounds.

Note: This attribute is calculated based on the standard of high school basketball players, with a maximum score of 100.

(ADAF) Mastery skills: Judo (black belt 5 dan), Perfect Layup, Perfect Shot, Perfect Breakthrough, Perfect Dribbling, Perfect Shift, Perfect Pass.

Possession of badges: Mirror Years, Mr. Key, Diligent Postman.

Experience required to upgrade: 4532/100000!

Today, his average attribute is 85, and his three-point shooting has pulled down the average.

Other aspects such as athleticism, attack, passing and defense are much better.

It is worth mentioning that the diligent postman was the badge he received for the third year.

It’s a badge that reduces the risk of injury.

When Lan Ran saw this badge, he thought of the famous Knight, Karl Mallon.

His nickname was Postman, a compliment to his years in the league and never missed a game.

These are the results of Indigo’s past efforts.

Vulcan ran all the way and chased hard, but fortunately the court was long enough, and he finally intercepted the blue dye at the free throw line at the last moment.

“Don’t think about it.”

He spread his arms left and right with all his strength, and his mind was mired in crazy thoughts.


Lan Ran braked sharply, slapped hard twice, and the basketball rebounded at high speed, while his body swayed slightly with the basketball.

“Left? Right? Or is it a shot? ”

Vulcan Damei focused on observing the blue dye, and did not dare to let go of every move.

Then, the basketball quickly crossed the ground twice in Lan Ran’s hand, and then suddenly disappeared.

What the?!

The Vulcan looked up sharply, only to see Lan Ran’s relaxed face.

As for basketball, he was already thrown into the hands of Mitsui Shou, who followed on the other side.

With no one to defend, Mitsui Shou aimed for another shot, hitting a three-pointer.

“You’re too focused on singled out, don’t be so tendoned.” Lan Ran turned back to defense, not forgetting to stretch out his hand, “Cool three-pointer, I thought you would rush to the basket more safely to score.” ”

“Hmph, who do you think I am.” Mitsui Shou gave Lan Ran a high five. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This ball, he is really comfortable to pass, and he can shoot without adjustment, much stronger than that Miyagi Ryota.

It’s not easy to catch the blue-dyed ball, and you must pay attention, otherwise you will be easily deceived by his unseen pass.

“Played, cunning fellow.” Vulcan clenched my fist hard.

He didn’t have such trouble playing against Ryota Huangse.

Two of you, you hit me once, and then I hit you a ball, the whole time.

Everyone is a genius, how can you easily admit defeat?

But Lan Ran, this guy actually passed!

Come and single me out, aren’t you Miracle Generation?

“Run, Vulcan-kun.”


Kuroko Tetsuya’s voice suddenly sounded from his ears, and Vulcan Dai immediately understood what it meant.

Without the Xiangbei players noticing, the Vulcan Big Me suddenly rushed to the half like a madman.

Almost at the same time, Kuroko Tetsuya quickly ran to the bottom line, picked up the basketball in place and slalom, gathered inertia and full strength, and forcefully threw the ball in the direction of another basket.

Speed up the pass back!

This is one of Kuroko Tetsuya’s unique skills.

The basketball runs through the court at a speed that is invisible to the naked eye, crossing all the players in Xiangbei and Chengrin.

“What’s that?”

“Pass? Pass from that place? ”

The sudden quick attack made Xiangbei unable to defend itself.

By the time they reacted and accelerated back to defense, Vulcan had already caught the ball and dunked it hard into the basket.

“When I saw such a pass again, my mood suddenly became complicated.”

Ryota Huangse also walked in at this time, but he didn’t expect to see such a scene when he entered the door.

Not long ago, they suffered a big loss on this pass.

“Say less of the nasty things.” Kasamatsu Yukio, the head of the basketball department at Kasamasu, elbowed him.

Looking at the scoreboard, Makoto still maintains a 10-point lead after Vulcan Dunk scored.

“Actually so much ahead?”

“Didn’t you say that blue dye is stronger than you.”

“How do I know, it may be that the little sunspot and the little fire god are too powerful.”

It’s weird.

Little blue dye, he didn’t even sweat.

“We’ve come at the right time.”

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