Amazing four.

Kuroko helped Makoto keep his advantage in double digits with a pass that ran through the game.

“I have made an agreement with the Vulcan Lord, we will defeat the Miracle Generation together.”

Kuroko Tetsuya maintained a posture from the ball, his eyes looking directly at Lan Ran through the crowd.

“My attack may be a little more direct, but I have this guy.”

After the Vulcan big me vented the violent button, I was in a much better mood.

He also touched the head of Kuroko defiantly, which means that the seventh person of your imperial light is now mine.


Lan Ran suddenly laughed, “I haven’t seen you in a while, and you have become able to talk big, Kuroko~.” ”

“I’m serious, and I’ll do it for you—see.”


Lan Ran hooked his hand and told Akagi to serve quickly.

“If you can do it, as long as there is Vulcan and Kuroko, Makoto will have enough weapons to fight against the team of the Miracle Generation.” Reiko Aida’s heart was fiery.

Even if Vulcan One-on-One is not a blue-dyed opponent, it doesn’t matter, he still has Kuroko by his side to help.

Lan Ran also slowly dribbled the ball through the halfway at this time, and Coach Anzai on the sidelines pressed his hand.

This is to make him slow down the pace of the game and not be driven by the other party.

This is the best way to deal with the run-and-bomb tactic, play the success rate and let the opponent into their own rhythm of the game.

Lan Ran did so, summoned Sakuragi to block the demolition, and with an acceleration he rushed past the Vulcan Dame.

Makoto Rin’s side had already guarded against him, and even before Lan Ran played, Reiko Aida arranged the bag clamping tactic.

Tetsuya Kuroko suddenly came out from behind his teammates, and Vulcan Daigo bypassed the cover and surrounded him.

A new duo of light and shadow, one in front and one behind the other.

“You really can’t be careless at all.”

Lan Ran was also startled by Kuroko, and he needed to be wary of his steals at all times before he was completely familiar with his presence.

“But you forgot who led you to win all of them in those two years of Diguang.”


Lan Ran slapped hard and slammed the basketball twice before the bag formed a clip.

It is customary to quickly cross dribbles and divide the ball, as this confuses the opponent and makes the pass safer.

The basketball was assigned to Sakuragi by him.

In a “Look at my genius slam dunk”, Sakuragi Hanamichi dunks the ball through Mitobe Rinnosuke with both hands.

His mid-range shot may not be trustworthy yet, but his excellent bounce is matched by few people in the country.

Came back.

Makoto is still playing blitzkrieg with Kuroko’s grooming through a quick conduction ball.

Lan Ran stared at the other party’s sharp soldier, the Vulcan Dame.

As if he didn’t care that he was personally stared at by Lan Ran, Izuki-jun threw the ball in the direction of Vulcan, attracting Sakuragi’s assistant.

“Don’t come here, Sakuragi.”


Sakuragi was puzzled, and then the basketball turned a corner, and was re-passed by Tetsuya Kuroko to Izuki Jun, who accelerated to a jumper near the free throw line.

“Damn, this vile number 11.” Sakuragi jumped to her feet in anger and was tricked by Kuroko.

“Stupid.” The flowering river maple floated by gently.

“Who do you call stupid, stinky fox!”

“The person who is optimistic about himself can Sakuragi, and he will leave it to me.”

Kuroko is very good at seizing this kind of opportunity, and if he rushes back to defense, he will mess with himself.


After a while, the whistle for the end of the game was blown.

In this quarter, the coaches of both sides still did not pause to adjust, so the game went quickly.

The sincere players returned to the bench, seized the time to rest one by one, and gulped themselves with water.

When Riko Aida saw it, her face was a little solemn.

She took out the technical statistics and looked at it, the score of 30:24 in a single quarter Xiangbei recovered 6 points in this quarter, and Cheng Rin still held the advantage of 5 points.


“Xiangbei’s shooting percentage in the second quarter actually reached 90%?”

Reiko Aida’s pupils contracted violently.

She only knew that the pace of the second quarter was very slow, and Xiangbei had to grind its position every time she attacked.

I never expected that the offensive efficiency of the second quarter of Xiangbei was so high.

No wonder she has always had a sense of discord, the efficiency of the game in the second quarter of Xiangbei is too high, and the fast-paced play style that Cheng Rin is familiar with has never been shown.

And all this only comes from the appearance of indigo dyeing.

5 points, 7 assists, 2 rebounds and 2 blocks in a single quarter, not many individual points, far from the level of Vulcan 14 in a single quarter, but there are many assists.

In the second quarter, Lan Ran gave out several lethal assists, as well as many indirect assists.

What is a lethal assist is the kind of pass that goes out and is the perfect chance ball.


“Although Lan Dye is really strong, after his debut, he played all the advantages of Xiangbei’s players.”

“But compared to Ryo Huangse, I always feel that something is missing.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Does Hizensenpai feel the same way?”

Vulcan Da, I have long been aware of it.

Although Lan Ran was difficult, he never gave him the same sense of oppression as Ryota Huangse.

Does it even seem a little ordinary?

This was felt even by Yukio Kasamatsu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines.

“What’s the matter, Huangse, aren’t you that blue dye you haven’t won once.”

“Well, because I always felt that I couldn’t win when I was in middle school, I never dared to challenge Xiao Lan Ran.”

“So what’s going on now? Isn’t he too ordinary in other aspects except that he seems to be very athletic? ”

This ordinariness is for the miracle generation.

The ability shown in the second section of Lan Dye was enough for Yukio Kasamatsu to marvel.

It’s just that there is less of that absolute visual impact, just like when he first met Ryota Huangse.

That unparalleled learning ability can easily make other players’ years of hard work become a laughing stock.

Three-pointers, mid-range shots, breakaways, layups, any skill, you can learn at a glance, and it’s even stronger.

“This is probably because Xiao Lan Ran is playing well.”

Are you kidding me, playing well is still so ordinary?

“So what does it look like when he doesn’t play well.”

“Probably…,” Ryota Huangse thought about the metaphor for a while before saying, “It’s probably the feeling that you don’t even know if you lose.” ”

I don’t even know if I lost …..

“What are you kidding! Losing is losing, where will not know? ”

“I don’t know how to describe Xiao Lan Ran, in short, every one of his actions can’t be believed, but every one must be believed.”

The more you say it, the more outrageous it gets.

“You mean to say he’s good at feints, right?”

“Little blue-dyed mirrors can’t be looked at with conventional feints.”

“In short, the seniors should understand in the second half.”

Mare’s nest…..

When I heard it, I didn’t know if it was something to mess with.

Yukio Kasamatsu waited with peace of mind, while Kanagawa’s team, Shonbo, there was a miracle generation, and he could not turn a blind eye in any way.

It is necessary to figure out the bottom of indigo dyeing!

PS: Continue six more, don’t ask me how I did it, real man, good liver!

Then, thank you for the 1000 VIP tip of the paper master, thank you for the 1000 VIP tip, thank you 13359.. 100 tips and reminder tickets, thanks to as1533: of reminder tickets,

Thanks to MXYLXCYX, Stars Urchiorasia, Deep Night, Zo Xiaoyi, Return, ? Grave jumping? , Invincible Supreme Shuai, 13500.., NIGHTn.13066.., Zongzheng Gaoming, Victory Dongjun, Demon Demon, Demon Sword Immortal, moufe.., 13387.., qq1359.., Crimson Night, Xinzi, Jiuyuzi, [Xin]

Thank you brothers for the flowers, evaluation votes, and subscriptions, thank you very much for your support.

I don’t know if there is a leak, if there is, I hope the big guys will forgive me, people don’t deliberately drip work.

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