The other side.

On the bench in Xiangbei, except for Sakuragi and Rukawa Kaede, who had been brutally beaten by Blue Dye, Akagi and Mitsui Shou’s gaze at Blue Dye changed.

With a 90% shooting percentage, this offensive efficiency is out, even they themselves do not believe it.

I didn’t feel much on the pitch just now, but now calm down and think back, every pass Lan Ran makes is the position where his teammates are best at scoring.

It’s no wonder they have a feeling that the game seems to have become easier, and their state is getting hotter and hotter.

“But you still can’t be careless, that Chengrin No. 11.”

“Kuroko’s don’t care, his sense of existence will not be endless.”

“You say he has no weaknesses?”

“Kuroko is really difficult to deal with when his presence is weak, but over time, you will gradually adapt to his existence.”

Players are super adaptable. The weakest time for the existence of “four three zero” sunspots is when he first plays.

At that time, he was like a ghost, elusive.

But over time, after all kinds of strange things happen, the player will gradually become vigilant and will inadvertently get used to his presence.

At that time, Kuroko’s magic show is over!

And this adaptation time will not exceed 25 minutes at most, that is, the time of halftime.

Some players with strong adaptability and excellent vision can see sunspots earlier.

At this time, Kuroko had to take a break.

“That is, in the second half, Cheng Rin’s No. 11 is likely to rest off the field?”

“Well, that little girl Makoto should leave Kuroko in the decisive stage.”

It was so simple that I didn’t think about making a substitution in the middle of the race.

He did not hide the sunspot when he held the advantage, and now it is too late to hide, and Xiangbei has already risen.

The game resumes.

In the second half, Makoto came up and left Kuroko on the bench.

Finally, in the fourth quarter, he fought against Xiangbei.

As long as the third quarter difference does not exceed double digits, with sincere attack, there is a chance to turn the game around.

And during this time, Makoto’s No. 1 scoring point was not the Vulcan Daigo, but Hinata Shunpei.

The work of others is to help Vulcan limit the indigo score.

“It’s exactly what he guessed.”

Mitsui Shou was keenly aware that most of the arrangement of sincerity revolved around indigo dyeing.

Vulcan was the main defense, and there were one or two players in ambush nearby.

“So, are you going to keep fighting like that?”

People in northern Xiangbei looked at the reverse of the blue dye, and then saw the blue dye gesture towards the sky.

Everyone pull away, he wants singles!



Ryota Huangse and Yukio Kasamatsu immediately concentrated.

To see what great skills this original awakened person of the miracle generation has.

The sincere player noticed the Xiangbei formation, gritted his teeth or let go a little, and did not dare to get too close to Lan Ran to prevent his pass.

However, they did not get too far away, always maintaining a distance that could assist in time.

Lan Ran stood in the arc, slowly dribbling the ball.

The moment it started, some strange pictures suddenly appeared in my mind.

It was his brain simulating the alignment with the Vulcan ego.

“Huh? This guy. ”

That’s the reaction that Lan Ran will have when he encounters an opponent who is strong enough. The brain will involuntarily simulate the outcome of the battle.

This means that the Vulcan Great Self is not so unbearable.

You’re still tender, though.

The other party could not even trigger the effect of Mr. Key, and the situation never got out of his control.

Lan Ran’s riot without warning, super explosive power, let him step over half of the Vulcan in a second.

“So fast, faster than in the second quarter.”

“Does it mean that I didn’t do my best before?”


Sincere players are ready to come over at all times to help Vulcan defend the big self.

“Don’t think about passing so easily.” The Vulcan Dai I hurriedly traversed, and at the moment of the change of direction of the blue dye, it moved horizontally again, continuously blocking the change of direction of the blue dye.

He was so emotional that his cells seemed to come back to life.

“This sense of oppression is stronger than that guy from Huangse.”

There can be no mistake, this guy is going to get real!

Vulcan big me played 120,000 points of spirit, clinging to Lan Dye, looking for an opportunity to break Lan Dye’s pass 0…

He took the initiative to seek confrontation, and after slightly lifting the blue dye, his usual hand quickly reached out and stabbed off the basketball.

“Take it!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A smile appeared on his face, but he was immediately silenced by a sound like glass shattering.

In the eyes of the Vulcan Great Me, the world actually appeared cracks, spreading little by little, until finally completely exploded before returning to reality.

At this moment, the Vulcan big me still maintains the action of stealing, but where is the shadow of basketball in front of him?


He turned around suddenly, and sure enough, Lan Ran had completely stepped over his defense, and extremely quickly turned around and flashed past Yi Yuejun, who was assisting in the defense.

After connecting the two, Lan Ran faced Mitobe Rinnosuke to block the air and change hands to score the ball.

“This is….. What the? ”

Bang bang bang ~ ~

The basketball landed from the net nest and hit the floor one by one.

Reiko Aida had already risen from the bench, her pupils trembling.

“Vulcan Kun, what the hell is he doing?”

Completely incomprehensible, she only saw the Vulcan big me very risky to move the tackle, and then Lan Ran completely got rid of the person with a change of hands and dribbling.

“That’s Lan Ranjun’s mirror flower water moon!” Kuroko Tetsuya spoke calmly, but his face was very solemn.

Mare’s nest….

“What’s that?”

“In principle, it is still a feint, and the opponent is deceived with a feint to tear open the blockade.”


“But what?”

Reiko Aida asked.

“Lan Ranjun’s fake movements are different from what he usually sees, and his every movement is perfect, both true and false.

Able to fool the opponent’s brain and make wrong commands through the five senses and six senses. ”

Deceiving the brain?

Is there such a thing?

How else to play this game?

“Is there any way to crack it?” Reiko Aida asks Kuroko that not long ago against Kaihiro, Kuroko tells them about Huangse’s weaknesses and helps the team win.

Looking at this time, Kuroko just shook his head.

“There is no way, you can only rely on the Vulcan Monarch himself, otherwise you can only take more than two bags.”

More than two people, but Lan Ran can pass the ball!

Reiko Aida habitually clenched her thumb, how can this be good?.

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