In the afternoon, Takao and Nari stepped into the Xiangbei Arena breathlessly.

At this point in time, he shouldn’t have been here because the team also had a training game to prepare for.

But his teammate Shintaro Midorima heard that two of his former teammates had a match today.

Therefore, they traveled thousands of miles to Kanagawa to collect intelligence in person.

Say what “do your best, resign yourself to fate.” ”

When the two came, they also made a bet, and the loser would pedal the scooter to drive the other person to Xiangbei.

As a result, halfway through, Shintaro Midorima got out of the car, saying that he couldn’t catch up with the time and took a taxi himself.

Takao and Cheng Youxin sit in the car together, but what about the scooter?

That’s what he borrowed, can’t you leave it alone?

I can only grit my teeth and continue to pedal forward.

Hell it, there are too many slopes on the road in Kanagawa, and this trip down is a hundred times more tiring than completing the team practice!

By the time he arrived in Xiangbei, the game had reached the third quarter.

“The Mountain King’s people?”

Yukio Kasamatsu noticed the person and recognized Kazuo Takao’s coat. 03 That was the uniform of Mountain King, one of the two overlords of college basketball.

“Ah, I was recognized, hahahaha, so I’m already so famous.” Takao and Naru laughed and asked again, “By the way, did you see my teammates?” ”

“Do you mean Midorima, where is he.” Ryota Huangse pointed not far away.

Somewhere a man slammed his spirit.

“How did you recognize me!” Shintaro Midorima wore a pair of toad sunglasses today in an attempt to blend into the crowd.

Huang Sixin said, you are so green that I am embarrassed to pretend that I can’t see you.

“Hey, why didn’t you say it earlier when you recognized me.” Shintaro Midorima took off his toad glasses unpleasantly and changed into a pair of glasses that he wore every day.

Kazunari Takao laughed again, amused by the stupidity of his teammates.

“Huh, Makoto Rin is still 3 points ahead, it looks so anxious.”

“It’s just a temporary lead.”

Shintaro Midorima snorted, his eyes firmly locked on the game on the field.

“Huh? What do you mean? ”

Attack sincerely.

Unsurprisingly, they used Vulcan Daigo as bait, pulled Lan Ran aside, and then helped Hinata Shunpei block the shooting opportunity through a small area of cooperation.

Unexpectedly, Mitsui stubbornly bypassed the cover and successfully interfered with Hinata Shunpei’s shot at the last minute.

Mitsui Shou, who joined the basketball club at the same time as Takeshi Akagi.

But unlike Akagi’s technical mess at the beginning, through continuous hard practice, he has become the strongest center in Kanagawa.

Mitsui was a well-known talent during his junior high school days.

It was only because of an injury that Mitsui gave up on himself and wasted two years in vain.

Now, he has woken up to the idea that he wants to get back lost time.

So whether it’s weekday training or practice matches, you will do everything.

Don’t try to get this hot-blooded man to give up a round.

“This guy.”

Shunpei Hinata knew that this ball was going to hit the iron.

So he loudly reminded his teammates, “Rebound!” ”

The Vulcan heard it clearly, and immediately rushed to the penalty area, jumping high to snatch the basketball back.

Akagi would tolerate this little devil breaking ground on Tai Shuai’s head, and followed it extremely bravely.

As a result, in the end, the basketball department did not go to Vulcan Daigo, nor did it reach Takeken Akagi.

Sakuragi Hanamichi rose from the two and roared to take off the rebound.

“Bring it to me!” Sakuragi sturdily took the basketball into his arms.

This robbery not only dumbfounded the sincere people, but even the two people of Hai Chang were shocked.

The strength of the Vulcan big and my bouncing is obvious to all, and the strength is not like words.

As a result, he lost to the rookie in Xiangbei in the fight for rebounds, although there was Akagi against the Vulcan Daigo.

But he jumped too high.

Lan Ran quickly started running, and everyone in the audience noticed it at the first time and ran back with the madness.

Sakuragi Hanamichi threw the ball hard in front, and Lan Ran picked it up and accelerated again, throwing Hinata Shunpei and Izuki Jun in one breath.

In addition to the Vulcan big me, this turtle is extremely athletic, and after losing the rebound, he can complete the final minute of the blue dye layup.

“This time, you must prevent it.”

He yelled and reached out to cover the blue-dyed layup.

Lan Ran turned his head slightly, and the control ball was gently thrown around his back.

Then, the Vulcan Daigo felt like a black shadow shrouded in a black shadow, and Sakuragi quickly rose into the air like a jet, catching the basketball in the air, and smashing it down with both hands.


The basket let out a loud wail, and Sakuragi violently dunked the ball into the basket, while also dunking the Vulcan Daego out of the line.


Vulcan slammed the floor hard.

Forget about losing to Lan Ran, now he can’t even grab Sakuragi Hanamichi. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The most egregious thing is that Sakuragi didn’t look at himself after scoring, turned his head and waved to Haruko Akagi, that face was simply stupid.

Bastards, one by two, neglect themselves.

“Any idea why Kuroko is a shadow, double eyebrows.”

“What do you want to say.”

The Vulcan Big I braced himself and stood up, looking angrily directly into Lan Ran’s eyes.

“That’s because he can follow the light right behind. Your light is too small. ”

As soon as these words came out, the fusion of the Vulcan Dame’s face was visible to the naked eye.

“Do you want to say I’m weak.” He clenched his fists, his eyes murderous.

Lan Ran was unimpressed, and said, “The gap visible to the naked eye is the easiest to find, I thought you were pretending to be confused.” ”

Bastard 657!

Beat you now!

Makoto attacked, Vulcan Daigo took the initiative to ask for the ball, and had completely forgotten the deployment of Reiko Aida in the third quarter.

Let him only focus on defense, save his physical strength until the last quarter to partner with Tetsuya Kuroko and fight Xiangbei together.

“Hey, Vulcan, don’t mess around.” Hinata shouted.

Noisy to death!

He can do it, and I can do it with my Vulcan.

Isn’t it just one person breaking through the line of defense.

Now, right away, do it right away to show you!

The Vulcan Daigo activated with anger and burst out at the highest speed.

“When it comes to the defensive end, I see how you still lie to me.”

A big stride breakthrough, followed by a large turn and direction, made the Vulcan big me cross the blue dye.

“What made you have the illusion that I can’t take you to the mirror without holding the ball.”


The Vulcan rushed fiercely, but the world in his eyes soon cracked again, and quickly spread in all directions.

Until it finally exploded again, the world turned into pieces and scattered, revealing its true face.

What the?!

His pupils widened incredulously, and he turned his head just in time to see Lan Ran looking sideways, holding the ball in his hand without moving, just looking at himself.

Those eyes, calm like a lake without waves, seemed to mock him for not measuring himself.

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