“How come, even defense can …”

Sincere people have long looked stupid.

Vulcan Daigo is their sincere trump card, and they have played the entire basketball department from the first day they joined the department.

And now…

It was so embarrassing that he couldn’t be beaten at all, and he could only be beaten the whole time.

“This monster.”

“It’s not at the same level as Huangse!”

“This…. Is it the true strongest of the Miracle Generation? ”

Bastard dad, you didn’t tell me that this difference means this!

Reiko Aida clenched her teeth.

Think of Daddy’s advice before departure.

It is indeed completely different from Ryota Huangse, and he is so strong that he is almost a supermodel, which is not at all what he should look like in high school.

Athletic talent, technique and technique, all reached the highest level.

This is the weight of the first awakened!

After thinking about it, Lan Ran had already started, and with the extreme speed that Yi Yuejun and the others could not catch up with, it turned into a ray of light and flew through the half.


The Vulcan roared and ran tirelessly in pursuit.

His athletic ability is really fast, conservatively estimated, strength, speed, physical fitness three attributes reached an average level of 90.

The mental attribute should also be very high, and this behavior of not being able to fight to death no matter what, and getting up no matter how many times you fall is the best evidence.


Lan Ran stepped heavily on the floor during the attack, and the running figure stopped sharply.

“The balance of the body is also excellent, but it is not enough.”

Lan Ran slapped the basketball hard, and the cross dribbling of one left and one right was accompanied by two extremely fast changes of direction.

This is the result of the confusion between the body and the brain, and of course the exhaustion of continuous running.

The Vulcan was big, and I could only watch Lan Ran pass past me.


Blue Dye finished the attack without forgetting to hang the basket.

For a dunk like this high-speed sprint with full sprint, it’s best to hang up the basket.

Otherwise, it is easy to get hurt.

Just like Ross, change direction does not slow down, dunk does not hang the basket, after a long time, the body can not withstand it, and a generation of geniuses falls.

“It’s really merciless, little blue dye.” Ryota Huangse took a deep breath.

His current mood can’t be said to be good, after all, Hai Chang lost to Makoto not long ago.

Watching the Vulcan big me being beaten so embarrassed now means that it may not improve much in changing yourself.

Yukio Kasamatsu is even more so.

Shonhoku and Kaizuki are both Kanagawa’s teams.

There is still a tolerance rate in the round-robin competition, but if it is met in the group stage, it will have to be killed by real swords.

“Hey, don’t worry about it, do you have a way to break the blue-dyed mirror flower water moon.”

“If there was a way, everyone would have known it when they were in Diguang.”

This question has been seriously thought about not only by Ryota Huangse, but also by the rest of Diguang.

In the end, there is no answer.

After all, that’s something that even the wild can’t break through.

Unless you can control your five senses and six senses.

Unfortunately, no one can manipulate their hearing, touch, vision, etc.

Offense and defense conversion.

The Vulcan launched an onslaught without dying.

He doesn’t believe that there are absolutely invincible people on the pitch, as long as he is fast enough and strong enough, all defenses can be torn apart.


The world in his eyes once again cracked, and Vulcan knew that he was afraid that he would be deceived by the other party’s fake actions again.

He gritted his teeth sharply and rushed forward regardless of everything, “Past! ”

And then…..


He really passed, the ball in his hand was not truncated, and he broke through the mirror.


Everyone was shocked, they stood on the sidelines, naturally they would not fall into the blue-dyed mirror.

The Vulcan Daigo really crossed the blue dye defense under their gaze.

“Hmph, how could it be so simple.” Shintaro Midorima suddenly snorted.

Kazu Takao was puzzled, but immediately knew what Midorima Shintaro meant.

The Vulcan Dai did break through Lan Ran’s defense, but immediately fell into the encirclement and suppression of northern Xiang.

When he jumped up after a desperate breakthrough, Sakuragi and Akagi, like two King Kongs, solidly blocked all the attack routes of the Vulcan Daigo.


His dunk was slapped hard by Akagi, and the position happened to be in the direction of Lan Ran.

Lan Ran raised her hand to grab it, “Try to catch up.” ”

I don’t need you to say it, I’ll do it too!

The Vulcan Great Self once again ran wildly with his legs open, completely ignoring the wear and tear of physical energy.

No, it has completely fallen into the rhythm of the other party.

Riko Aida hurriedly gestured with a “T” with the referee.

But before the pause, the Vulcan Dame, who was carried away by anger, was made a 2+1 by Lan Dyeing.

Just a few minutes into the third quarter, Xiangbei overtook the score and firmly controlled the situation on the court.


After Lan Dye executed the penalty, the game was blown off.

“‘Damn, I can’t win him at all!'”

This was a feeling that the Vulcan Dai had never felt before, and it made him frustrated and angry.

Even in the wild court of the ugly country, he has never met such a powerful guy.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Vulcan-kun.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Don’t you understand such a simple meaning, I can’t win him alone.” Vulcan responded with annoyance.

He was beaten and sprayed by Lan Ran.

“So, why do you want to fight alone, didn’t you say that you want to defeat the Miracle Generation together.” Kuroko Tetsuya is also rightfully authentic.


The Vulcan was stunned and suddenly came to his senses.

It seems like…. It seems to be so, that’s how they defeated Hai Chang!

Seeing that he finally calmed down, Kuroko Tetsuya turned his head to look at the coach.

“Coach, please let me play.”

“But…. Your gaze induces timeliness. ”

“It’s okay, now is not the time to look ahead.”

That’s right, in the current situation, Makoto Rin is no longer qualified to think too much.

End of suspension.

The sincerity that came back showed the calmness of the beginning.

But without the ease at the beginning, this Xiangbei team is definitely the strongest team they have met so far.

“Are you back on the field so early?”

Yukio Kasamatsu noticed that Makoto had once again replaced the number 11.

“There is no way around this, if Xiao Kuroko doesn’t play again, Makoto Rin won’t have a chance.”


From the moment Kuroko decided to appear, Makoto was bound to lose.

For the first time, Shintaro Midorima took the initiative to speak, “Haven’t you noticed yet, you can already vaguely notice the existence of Kuroko.” ”

Huh?!! It!.

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