Tetsuya Kuroko’s gaze induction is actually quite unsolvable, and the only drawback is the time limit.

But as he said, now is not the time to look ahead.


“Doesn’t it matter?”

“Well, now is not the time to hesitate, let’s defeat Xiangbei together!”

“Ah, together!”

Morale has rebounded.

Before Muyoshi Teppei returned to the team, Tetsuya Kuroko was the spiritual pillar of this team.

A few words awakened the Vulcan big me, and the appearance brought confidence to the team members.

In fact, Kuroko’s first attack helped Makoto, who had not scored for a long time, break the situation.

A weird angle, the basketball turned in the air and fell into Shunpei Hinata injured, Shou Mitsui still defended well this time, but Shunpei Hinata still hit this three-pointer.

“Yo what!”

The crowd will raise their arms and shout.

“The game is not over yet, Lan Ran-kun.”

“Of course, the time is not over yet, and the game is not over.”

Lan Ran turned around to take his teammate’s serve and slowly advanced through the half.

Such a provocation is neither salty nor light.

He continued to grind his ground with Makoto 160, playing with a success rate and minimizing the pace of the game.

“It’s not wavering at all.” Takao and Nari sighed, Xiao Zhen’s former teammates, all of them are monsters.

Just this calmness gives people a lot of pressure.

“Of course, after all, Kuroko’s gaze induction was developed by the guy who ran the blue dye to help him.”

“Kuroko’s gaze induction was developed with the help of indigo dyeing.

Apart from Kuroko, he is the one who knows sight induction best. ”

Isn’t that bad?

Takao Kazunei’s face was stunned, no wonder people were so light.

“That is, has he noticed that Kuroko’s presence is becoming apparent.”

Hearing this, Shintaro Midorima did not respond and acquiesced.

Makoto Rin can bite the score now, but it is only the final struggle of the trapped beast.

At the end of the day, the gap between the trump cards of the two sides is too big.

Before the words fell, Shonobi spent 17 seconds of attacking time to score the goal steadily by Takeshi Akagi.

Cheng Rin’s lineup is a very fashionable lineup of big four small balls.

There are King Kong brothers sitting in the Xiangbei forbidden area, and the advantages are extremely obvious.

Unless Muyoshi Tetsuhira returns to the team, then Makoto’s interior defense will have enough protection.


“Vulcan kun.”

“Got it, no matter how many times it is, your pass, I will catch it all.”

Feel free to pass it on boldly!

The moment the Vulcan Dai entered Xiangbei, he turned around and ran wildly.

Tetsuya Kuroko ran to the bottom line unconsciously, grabbed the basketball to rotate, and threw the basketball out with the help of the power of inertia.

“That was…”

“It’s the kind of pass that goes through the whole court again.”

“Back to defense!”

Kuroko’s pass was too secretive, until he threw the ball out, the players in Xiangbei noticed and accelerated the pace of returning to defense one by one.

But how can the running speed of human beings catch up with the high-speed flight speed of basketballs?

The basketball passed everyone on the court straight and rushed towards the Vulcan big me who rushed to the front!

Seeing that Cheng Rin’s fast attack was about to win again, Lan Ran, who had been walking like a defense, suddenly stretched out a hand.

With his back to Tetsuya Kuroko, he lightly intercepted the high-speed flying basketball.


Cheng Rin’s heartbeat seemed to have missed a beat, and they froze in place, as if they had been cast a body-fixing technique.

The Vulcan Dai, who was running in the front, did not wait for the pass, only the flat voice of Lan Ran.

“That Akaji guy always says you can’t win basketball, I don’t approve of it.”

“What one person can’t do, two people may be able to do, and that’s the power of the word “adee.”

“But always relying on others, using trust as an excuse, will end up with nothing.”

“Kuroko, what makes you not grow a little in a year.”

Lan Ran turned back suddenly, and his golden pupils made Kuroko Tetsuya cold.

But what is more impactful is the words of the blue dye.

Himself, is it really not growing at all?

“Actually caught Kuroko’s accelerated pass so easily!”

“Vulcan, return to defense!”

“Don’t let him score.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The offensive and defensive transitions were so fast that no one except Vulcan crossed the half.

Xiangbei briefly formed a 5-on-4 situation, and Lan Ran suddenly fired a cold arrow at the top of the arc and hit his first three-point of the game.

The score difference is further widened.

Such a ball is the most demoralizing, because their two magic weapons against Hai Chang are both hit their heads and bleeds in front of Lan Ran.

Makoto fell into the same self-doubt as the team that played against Teiguang before.

What to do, how to defeat this monster.

Damn, can we really win?

First Vulcan, then Kuroko, what else can we do?

Looking at the solemnity of the players on the field, Riko Aita also began to mess with herself.

She hesitated to pause.

Now that the morale of the team is low, it’s better to call a timeout to calm them down.

But in the face of this situation, she has no way to break the situation.

She couldn’t imagine if the players would be more disappointed if everyone looked at her expectantly, but she couldn’t give them the answers they wanted.

The pressure swept through her like a tsunami.

Her panic was seen by several people in Shunpei Hinata.

Shunpei Hinata, who did not want to see his manager show such an expression, took the initiative to ask for the ball and made a three-point shot against the defense of Mitsui Shou.

“Let me in!” He roared in his heart.

Heaven forbid, this kind of reluctant shot that is not a ball of chance, that can be easily hit?

The basketball bounced off the front, and Akagi noticed the Vulcan move and immediately stuck him in position, leaving Sakuragi and Mitobe Rinnosuke to fight for the rebound.

In the end, the basketball was protected by Sakuragi’s high jump and by an absolute advantage!

“It’s completely out of order.”

“Let’s go, Takao.” Shintaro Midorima turned his head and left, “There’s no need to look any further.” ”

“Ahhh…. Oh, here it comes. Takao and Nari followed and left.

I only feel that the miracle generation is really too strong.

The fighting spirit that was so strong that it was so strong that it was almost destroyed.

The gap was widened step by step, and by the end of the third quarter, Xiangbei had gone from being 5 points behind to leading by as many as 18 points.

Shonbei played a 33:15 in this stanza.

For Makoto, this is a very cruel fact, everything at the bottom of the box is taken out, but it is beaten so badly.

It’s a joke to think about giving the team confidence before the game.

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