“Don’t be listless, it’s just a practice race, our journey to the national competition hasn’t started yet.”

“Cheer up, the game is not over yet, don’t give up easily.”

Makoto was on the bench, and Riko Aita was doing her best to relieve the players.

But including Hinata Shunpei, they were silent at this time ~ down.

The joy of winning Hai Chang has long faded with the course of the game, as if a basin of cold water has been poured, and the boiling blood has become cold.

Vulcan sat on the side without saying a word, covering his head with a towel so that no one could see his expression.

Can’t win!

One or two!

We can’t win that guy!

It was his biggest setback since he started playing basketball.

Even his own teacher, former WNBA sub-professional Alex, has never given him such a sense of oppression from the mountain.

“Use trust as an excuse and you will end up with nothing.”

The words of blue dye involuntarily echoed in my ears.

That’s right, truly powerful and doesn’t need anyone to defeat your opponents!

“These guys can’t stand up anymore, and I have to rely on myself to win.”

He also noticed that Hinata Shunpei was depressed.

The fighting spirit of these guys has been destroyed by blue dyeing.

Then it’s up to me!

The inter-break was short, and the race soon resumed.

When everyone stepped on the court again, they were no longer the team that came to Kanagawa with a winning spirit.

Like a basin of loose sand, it cannot condense a lump and cannot play at the level it should.

“Baskets in northern Xiangbei,.”

Takeshi Akagi roared and refused the dunk of the Vulcan Daigo with his signature fly swatter.

In turn, Lan Ran gave the ball to Rukawa Kaede.

Rukawa Kaede accelerated, dodged Kuroko’s steal, and changed direction to break through from the other side to the basket.

So weak, this guy, is it really a miracle generation?

It was even worse than ordinary players, just a little harder, and Rukawa Kaede felt that he could tear Kuroko’s defense apart.

“Oh, it’s really not like words.”

“There is no way, the little sunspot can’t stay on the field for a long time, and it is expected to be beaten like this.”

“I didn’t say them, I meant us.”

Unexpectedly lost to a team like Makoto.

It doesn’t matter how many points you lose, it doesn’t matter how difficult the situation is.

What Yukio Kasamatsu couldn’t accept was that his own Kaizuki lost to such a cowardly team that lacked fighting spirit.

Shame on you!

What he said is not entirely right.

At least the Vulcan is big, and I don’t have the slightest intention of giving up.

He is still constantly running on the court, constantly attacking the basket in Xiangbei.

It is that the way of playing is no longer smart, and the brain is filled with personal heroism.

“What Indigo can do, I can do too.”

He wants to emulate Lan Dye and use the power of one man to turn the game around.

But in the face of the powerful Lan Ran, his resistance was so insignificant.

The other one that was not destroyed was Tetsuya Kuroko.

When Lan Ran finished holding the ball against the Vulcan Daigo all the way to the other half, Kuroko Tetsuya stood where he was in advance, spread his arms, and blocked in front of Lan Ran.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s an excuse, even if it doesn’t happen in the end.”

“If growing up is becoming like you, I’d rather never grow up for the rest of my life.”

“This is my basketball, I’m going to beat you with everyone!”

After all, haven’t you tasted defeat either?

Lan Ran will not waver, after years of endless trials and trials, he has failed a hundred times and thousands of times.

If he were as naïve as Kuroko, he would have been driven crazy by those real monsters.

He can persevere to this day, getting up from being beaten again and again, not by the help of his teammates, but by the unwillingness in his heart.

Kuroko’s fake and empty naïve thoughts could not pry his rocky beliefs.

“If you want to play happy basketball, whatever you want, that’s your freedom.”

“I won’t stop, I’m going to charge to the highest place!”

I want to keep winning!

At this moment, Lan Dye strengthened his belief.

Victory is the best reward for his hard work.

I want to keep moving forward!


The world of Lan Ran was suddenly dark, and his consciousness seemed to have entered some special space.

A door slowly opened towards him in front of him, and two sky-blue electric rays suddenly burst out from his golden pupils. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The already extremely powerful aura rose to a higher level at this moment, causing the people around to breathe rapidly.

“What is this feeling?!”

Vulcan is keenly aware.

Something that made him chill awakened, and it made him feel cold.

“This kid, just found the key?”

The little short tail also opened his cat’s eyes and looked at the somewhat stunned blue dye.

“What’s this feeling? Is Kuroko’s movement so slow? ”

Lan Ran muttered, and in his pupils, Kuroko Tetsuya’s movements were further slowed down.

Even the rate of his breathing can be clearly captured.

That I.

Lan Ran took a step forward, it was such a simple step, directly leaving Kuroko Tetsuya behind.

It’s really ZONE

The little short tail opened his mouth, not knowing whether to admire or say that Lan Ran did not know the height of the sky.

The key that this guy used to open the ZONE door turned out to be a better player than Jordan.

However, this state of affairs comes and goes quickly.

Lan Ran had distracted thoughts in his mind, constantly thinking about what the door was, and quickly withdrew from ZONE’s domain.

“That was….. What the? ”

Yukio Kasamatsu seemed to see something strange, and his face sank.

Even if it was only for a short moment, he still caught Lan Ran’s breath for a moment.

It was as if nothing had been done, but he had already torn apart Kuroko Tetsuya’s defense.

It’s so fast that people can’t react.

Not only Ryota Huangse and the others, but the team members in Xiangbei were also looking at Lan Ran in amazement.

The blue dye at that moment has a kind of strength that makes people dare not approach.

Just like the creatures at the top of the food chain, even if they have no killing intent, just where they stand, the smell emitted can scare off the rest of the creatures.

Lan Ran came to his senses and scored the ball and volunteered to apply for the next break.

His mind was now full of that door and the wonderful feeling he had just had.

PS: Fifth more, this is ….. This is my last ripple, brothers!

Accept him and let me book it all later!

Thanks to 15161: Urge to change the ticket, thanks? Grave jumping? of reminder tickets. Thanks 3622.., Ye Yun Hey, twinkle youth, good trouble, Yang Yang Yang Yang, tz89.., Mu Yuxuan, REMSIMYWIFE, I am a great god, ghost hand, S, B, Wlzzy lonely cry, Me.JOKER rolling, cx12.. Monthly pass, thank you brothers for the flowers, evaluation tickets, thank you for it!.

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