“What’s wrong, is it unwell?”

It is strange that Lan Dye will take the initiative to ask for an end.

People who know him well are surprised, including Coach Anzai.

Listening to Ernai’s question, everyone turned their eyes to Lan Ran.

He shook his head and said, “Nothing, there are some things I want to figure out.” ”

“Is it that special state just now?”

“You know?”

“Of course, the temperature of the entire stadium dropped just now, how could we not notice.” Miyagi Ryota said with some exaggeration.

He is now completely convinced, and compared to Lan Ran, he is indeed the weaker one.

This starting No. 1 position, he can’t keep it.

“What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know, I also want to find out now, old man, I want to go back to “five zero three” first.” ”

“Oh he

Coach Anzai agreed, and his gaze under the lenses flashed with brief surprise.

If he guessed correctly, it should be the ZONE field.

A kind of Xeon realm that only true geniuses are qualified to step into.

Lan Ran asked Ernai and them not to follow them for the time being, and walked out alone.

“Naw, female cat, that was just now…”

“ZONE, congratulations little ghost, you found the key to step into the realm of genius.”

Koko no longer hid it and told him about ZONE.

It is a supreme competitive state that countless players, even professional players, are pursuing.

But the conditions for entering this field are extremely demanding, and the extraordinary talent alone is enough to reject 99% of the players in the world.

Then, you’ll also need to find the key that pushes the door open.

This is the exclusive domain of true genius!

“Key?” Lan Ran didn’t quite know, this was his first time entering that field.

It feels wonderful, as if everything is under control.

“Don’t think about it, the more you crave it, the harder ZONE will reject you.”

“To use a metaphor, lick the relationship between dogs and girls.”

Your analogy is quite vivid, but it is not very polite.

He doesn’t want to disobey things, but to find a way to enter freely.

Lan Ran left the arena just like that, which should be good news for Makoto.

But no, the Vulcan Daigo, who lost his cool, and Tetsuya Kuroko, whose sight induction failed, could not help Makoto reverse the point difference.

Shonhoku grabbed Kuroko, a black hole on the defensive end, and scored constantly on the offensive end, forcing Reiko Aida to replace Tetsuya Kuroko.

And the Vulcan big me, who only knows about dunking, also ate a nose of ash when he met the basket guarded by the King Kong brothers.

When the final whistle sounded, the scoreboard showed a 98-82 number, and Xiangbei won the practice match by 16 points.

After the game, the sincere players who returned to the locker room did not say a word, silently took off their jerseys and basketball equipment.

In this battle, they lost very completely, and their spirits were almost lost.

They came with great momentum, but they could only leave in silence.

When everyone was gone, the new light and shadow duo of Vulcan Daime and Tetsuya Kuroko turned their backs to each other.

“It seems that if there are not many people, you will definitely win, Kuroko.”

“To be honest, I thought we could go further, and at the end of the day that’s our limit.”

Vulcan Daigo lost this ball extremely angrily.

Anger himself is so weak, so weak that even Lan Ran can’t reverse the game. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Your light is too small.” Lan Ran’s words suddenly echoed in his ears.

He or Kuroko, the weak is the weak, and the two together are still weak in the end.

Kuroko Tetsuya remained silent and did not respond.

His basketball also lost badly today!


After dealing with the affairs of the basketball club, Reiko Aida returned home exhausted.

“I’m back.”

She took off her shoes, threw them on the shoe cabinet, and then the whole person crouched where she went, burying her head in her knees.

“Yo, I’m back, Reiko.” Aida Keitora immediately rushed out to welcome, only to see the baby daughter lost her soul 0…


Moreover, it is not as simple as simply losing.

“Was you severely taught a lesson by Xiangbei.”


“Coach Anzai, or that blue dye?”

“All of them.”

“I guess too, Xiangbei is not as simple as it seems, after all, it is Coach Anxi and the team of the miracle generation.”

“Where to say less cool words, bastard dad, my girl’s heart is about to break, do you know if you know.”

Reiko Aida finally couldn’t bear it anymore and roared at her father.

“Obviously they are all high school students, why can he be so strong, our team’s ace Vulcan is big, he is the most talented player I have seen in all these years.”

“As a result, I was completely defeated! Confidence and sanity were swallowed up, and in the end even teammates forgot, and so did everyone else, and in the end…. By the end…

“This is not the team I remember at all, everyone is like they have been beaten stupid!”

For the first time since becoming a head coach.

Reiko Aida has never felt such pressure, and the whole team is out of her control.

No matter what they do or say, the team members will only nod their heads woodenly, and then have no fighting spirit at all.

She’s desperate!

“To actually say such demoralizing things is not at all like my daughter.” 0.1

“I don’t want to either, but……. He’s too strong…”

“There can be many reasons to win, but there are no reasons to lose.

Lizi, you must remember that as the manager of the team, you must be strong at all times and in any place, and anyone can be afraid, but you can’t, because you lead them. ”

Aida Jinghu leaned over and sat down next to his daughter, comforting him bitterly.

He also said many difficulties he encountered when playing ball, and shared them with her one by one.

Of course, Lan Ran didn’t know that he almost broke up the other team today.

After feeling the power of ZONE, he immediately returned home and plunged into the endless trials.

He wanted to take ZONE into his hands while he remembered that feeling.

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