Endless Trial Space, May 25, 1991.

Detroit Pistons’ new home stadium, Auburn Hills Palace.

At this time, the stadium, which had only recently been renovated and put into use, was already full of people.

Soon, an important Eastern Conference final will be held here.

The Pistons’ opponent is the Chicago Bulls, who have been taught by them for three consecutive years and have gained momentum this year.

In the previous two games, Jordan has led the Bulls to two wins on his home court.

For the 7-4 series, the Pistons have one foot in the ghost door at the moment.

Because there has never been an example of a reversal from 3-0 in NBA history.

Decades of data have told Pistons fans that if they lose again, the team will miss this year’s Finals.

Although the Pistons fans at the moment are worried about the safety of the team, they are not in despair.

After all, in the past three years, since the 87~88 season, the Bulls led by Jordan have been killed by the Pistons’ bad boys in the playoffs for three consecutive years.

This year they believe that it will be no exception, and the Pistons, who return to their home turf, will complete the comeback, win the series, and defend the dignity of Motor City.

So, when Jordan appeared, the entire Auburn Hills Palace booed enough to pierce people’s eardrums.

This is Motor City 03, this is Detroit, and the fans here hate the superstars the most.

And Jordan, who has been the scoring champion for three consecutive years, is definitely one of the biggest stars.

Jordan became the player the Pistons most wanted to kill today.

Unfortunately, the game didn’t go as smoothly as Pistons fans expected.

1st 24:16, 2nd 27:27, 3rd 31:31….

The Pistons, who returned to their home court, unexpectedly burst into extremely strong combat power.

However, the score is always behind, and occasionally overtakes, and will be immediately overtaken by the No. 23.

The Pistons’ bad boy legion has done everything, but they can’t defeat the owner of Windy City, Michael Jordan.

The Pistons used Jordan’s Law against Jordan early in this game.

Not the Jordan rule of the kind that dies against one and then puts the other four.

The pure Jordan rule is that once Jordan rushes to the Pistons penalty area with the ball, the Pistons immediately put down his kind of murderous defense.

The Pistons lineup at this time can be described as full of evil.

The assassin Thomas, the big worm Rodman, and the demon Bill Ranbir are all famous villains in the Alliance.

Especially Bill Ranbill, who was the most murderous butcher of the 80s.

This guy has an incredibly brilliant career, and has offended more than 260 players in total.

In this match, Beal was also ruthless, and after coming on the court, he played wrestling with Jordan on the court.

It’s a real wrestling, Hanamiya is really the best with Kirisaki and blocks the referee’s sight.

What about pistons?

That’s Nima acting without acting, if you dare to enter our forbidden area, we will put you down!

But with such a Pistons team, such a fierce defense, except for Joe Dumas, there is hardly a good guy bad boy legion.

Danko still played 68% true shooting percentage under their defense!

At this time, the game had entered the final quarter of more than 1 minute, and the Pistons were still trailing by 2 points.

Miyamoto-san Palace booed the sky, and various words beginning with the letter F kept pouring into Tanko’s ears.

But Danzi played harder and harder, and so far he has cut 12 points in a single quarter in the fourth quarter.

“Hell, Jordan at full level is too perverted.”

Lan Ran is also a member of the Pistons at this moment, and has witnessed how the Pistons Jordan.

The defensive action has not been clean, Kuroko came over and left the level in a second, and the pistons were black even in their hearts.

Jordan remained standing, shooting 11-of-19 from the field and scoring a game-high 33 points.

At this time, Jordan, in order to fight the Pistons, had completed that hellish training.

It is Bill Ranbill, the big evil, who is a little “elbowed” but Danzi, and was finally expelled from the scene.

It can only be said that Danzi at this stage is really too strong.

After spending seven years of itching in the bull, Jordan, who finally waited for Pippen and Zen Master, was completely on the road to becoming a god.

According to the original history, starting this year, Danzi will be officially crowned.

Overthrow the two mountains that overwhelmed him in the East (Larry Bird and Thomas) in one fell swoop, and finally took the crown in the hands of the magician.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with indigo dyeing.

He just wants to find a way to master ZONE now.

Especially after being beaten by the bulls led by Danko for 7 hours in a row, he became more and more eager for the power of ZONE.

“What the hell was I thinking?”

“It seems that he was stimulated by Kuroko, denied him, and recognized himself.”

“So, this ZONE is an idealistic thing?”

That’s right, ZONE is an idealistic thing, there is no skill at all.

This is the result of 7 hours of continuous trying.

Thinking about it, the provocative voice of the old rascal sounded in his ears.

“Dare to wander when defending Lao Tzu, not bad, boy, you are the first.”

Jordan complained, then rewarded Lan Dye with a back-up jumper to extend the gap to 4 points.

Lan Ran could only jump up and watch Danko throw the ball into the basket.

This is the strongest back-up jumper in the short tail, how can it be so easy to prevent? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Or the key ball…

Danzi plays the key ball, there is a bonus.

“Like it, I don’t mind shooting you against the wall if you like it.”


No matter how much it is, let’s finish off this guy first.

It’s not “physics” to take out, but win the ball, win this man!

The pistons attacked, dominated by slow-paced positional warfare.

This is very different from the Pistons, which played fast-paced offensive basketball because of the assassin Torspurs.

But even though Thomas was soft in 20+10 in those years, the team could not win the championship.

So in 1989, Daley made a painful decision to reduce the Pistons’ tempo to the first in the league.

Then the team won the championship.

Since then, the Pistons have abandoned their flashy offense and become the league’s feared halfcourt meat grinder.

Rodman’s no-ball cover helped Dumas get to the right side of the mid-range, and the assassin’s breakthrough actually got the ball right for Dumas.

Dumas catches the ball and shoots, the knife falls in his hand, and the basketball goes into the net and chases the difference back to 2 points.

The Pistons offense is like this, not flashy at all, and it is even more unpretentious compared to the Lakers’ show.time.

But it was such a piston that tortured 900 danzi for three whole years.

Turning around, Danko continued to attack with the ball, abandoning the extra thoughts and clinging to it.

Danzi was not afraid at all, and after using his back, he made a backward jumper posture, but in fact, a quick back breakthrough threw off the blue dye defense.

Too fast!

This is the peak of the fusion of body and technology, and Lan Ran knows enough about Danzi, after all, he has been abused at least a hundred times.

But I can’t prevent it.

Lan Ran gritted his teeth and chased after him, using his strength to eat and rush wildly.

The goal is right in front of you, beat him and become the strongest!

He completely forgot about the team and the time, and only had the idea of winning Danko in his head.

And it was this thought that once again brought him to the gate of ZONE.

This time, the ZONE gate did not refuse him again, and took the initiative to open the door to welcome this genius to come.


Danzi’s last-minute layup was slapped by Lan Ran and flew out.

In an instant, the entire Auburn Hill Palace was plunged into a magnitude 8 earthquake.

He actually gave Jordan a hat?!

But at this time, Lan Ran could no longer hear these sounds, he seemed to be thrown into a lake, and no sound could disturb him.

Basketball, only basketball is the only one in his world!

Lan Ran grabbed the basketball and ran wildly, and launched a mirror in Danzi’s pursuit, and hit a three-pointer worth thousands of dollars at the top of the three-point line arc after shaking the space.

The magnitude of Miyamoto’s Mountain Palace was raised from 8 to 11, because with Lan Ran’s shot, the Pistons were behind for a whole game and overtaken! .

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