“Come on, Lan Ran-kun.”

“Come on, Lan Ran.”

“Little Blue will win.”


“If you dare to lose, I will kill you!”

This day.

Lan Ran got up from her sleep and opened her phone to receive a text message from the quintuplets.

It’s all refueling.

Today is not the weekend, the five elementary schools only have classes to attend, and they can’t go to the scene to cheer him on.

There was no need to reply to text messages, wash your face, put on your backpack, and pedal off on your bicycle.

Although Xiangbei has allocated more activity funds to the basketball department this year.

But county colleges like Xiangbei don’t have much money that can be moved, and the team doesn’t even have a bus when it goes out.

Even if they end up in the national competition, the players need to take the subway themselves.

Of course, the young man in Xiangbei will not care about these details.

This is a group of stubborn “five-five-three” strong guys who have never won and refuse to admit defeat.

9:30 a.m.

Xiangbei and his group came to the competition site.

After completing the registration, be led by the staff to the dressing room and start preparing immediately.

Coach Anzai sat there drinking tea without saying a word, which was completely different from Shirogane Cultivation.

When playing in Diguang in the past, Shirogane Genzo always took the trouble to explain the tactics over and over again, telling the players not to underestimate the enemy.

When all the players were ready, he said something to Suddenly.

“You guys are the strongest.”

Then he stepped out of the dressing room and shot in the direction of the stadium with his head held high.

Ten o’clock sharp.

The competition officially begins.

Shonobi starters: Blue dye, Mitsui Shou, Rukawa Kaede, Sakuragi Hanamichi, Akagi Tsuyoshi.

This is the strongest squad in the minds of Coach Anzai.


And it also has extremely strong mobility, five people to stand there, the momentum is terrifying enough.

Miuradai was not frightened.

“Fish belly is fish belly, think you can win by raising your height, don’t make me laugh.”

Miuradai’s captain is a player named Kengo Murayu.

After losing last year, this guy naturally became the captain of the team this year.

He has a wish to complete his revenge on Haichang this year!

This guy is not a decent gentleman, his mouth is very broken, and he has a lot of small movements.

He is also a master of whole life!

Lan Ran did not respond, how could the lion care about the provocation of the bug?

The people of Miuradai did not think so, seeing that he did not speak, they thought that they were afraid.

“Blue dye, I will make you regret not choosing Miuradai.”

The coach of Miuradai on the sidelines wrapped his hands around his chest and looked very confident.

During the summer vacation, he was also part of the recruitment army.

In the end, Lan Ran joined Yubelly Xiangbei instead of his promising Miuratai.

He was also so annoyed that he dug Tetsuya Naito from the rugby team.

In fact, it was not excavated this year, as early as a year ago, he saw the possibility of Naito Tetsuya.

Therefore, at that time, Naito Tetsuya switched to basketball.

After a year of secret training, it is now officially taken out to play.

This is a player who combines speed and power, sprinting 100 meters at full strength, he only needs about 11 seconds to complete.

According to the original plan, he wanted to form an invincible internal and external dual core in Miuradai.

The inner line was sat by Tetsuya Muto, and the outer line was handed over to the blue dye of the miracle generation, and finally under his leadership, Miuradai rose to the top of the country strongly.

As a result, Lan Ran went to northern Xiangbei.

You wait for Lan Ran, I’ll beat you to death today!”

Just after thinking about it, the team lost the scrum.

Sakuragi Hanamichi, who is in charge of jumping the ball, actually outperforms Naito Tetsuya in bouncing.

Wow, how is that possible?

This is so unscientific, this is their Miuradai’s secret weapon.

How did you lose so silky?

When the ball reached Lan Ran’s hands, he immediately accelerated his sprint, intending to give the opponent a blow at the beginning.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he rushed to the top of the arc, Naito Tetsuya collided at a very fast speed, and that gesture was completely the action of rugby.

The referee saw it clearly, but did not blow the foul because…….

With a “bang”, Lan Ran and Naito Tetsuki also collided, and he was only knocked back a step.

This bald head is not simple!

Sakuragi Hanamichi was stunned, he didn’t expect that someone would be able to knock Lan Ran back.

As everyone knows, Coach Miuradai has already shown a ghostly expression at this moment.

Tetsuya Naito, who is sprinting with all his strength, uses rugby to cast Tetsuyama Back, which feels like a mud cart moving at full speed.

As a result, Nima only knocked back Lan Ran a step, and didn’t even frown?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Tetetsu Naito is also not convinced and continues to strengthen the fight against 0…

As a result, this time, Lan Ran didn’t even move.

The strength of more than 90 points on his body is not a decoration, and if it were not for Naito Tie’s help to run just now, Lan Ran would not even be able to retreat.

Seeing that this bald head was about to hit again, Lan Ran took a step back with the ball, and Naito Tetsuya threw himself on the floor in embarrassment because he moved too violently.

“I only know how to use brute force.”

A little disappointed, Lan Ran glanced down and divided the ball to the right.

Murayu Kengo saw that his secret weapon was so easily defeated, and quickly came over to help defend. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Lan Ran passed the ball in advance, and without raising his head, he divided the ball to the right side, and Rukawa Kaede cut to the basketball and received the ball for a layup.

Xiangbei scored the first attack at the beginning and got the opener.

That’s 2 points easy, and it’s not a big problem.

But the terrible thing is that the secret weapon they prepared does not seem to be used.

Kengo Murayu felt a bad feeling in his heart for no reason.

If one doesn’t get it right, it will roll over today.

Miura had the right to play billiards and passed the ball to Tetsuya Naito, who was staring at Sakuragi at halftime.

This power forward, who has been practicing for a year and a half, does have the capital to make Miuratai proud.

There are shots and breakthroughs, athletic ability is strong, and strategic value is high.

It’s just that I was not very lucky and ran into Xiangbei.

Naito Tetetsu also said that it was just an accident just now, not counting, and he wanted to come again.

So he chose to hit Sakuragi with the ball on his back, but Sakura 3.3 Ki knew that he was powerful, and he didn’t dare to be careless.

With a “bang”, the two muscles collided together, and they were evenly divided!

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Miuradai manager Pupil 12 magnitude earthquake.

What is going on in this damn Xiangbei, why are they all so strong?

The secret weapon prepared by Miuradai was prevented by the first and second commanders of the Blue Dye Legion in its first appearance.

“Pass, Naito.”

Murayu Kengo saw that the secret weapon was not good, and immediately came to receive it.

Tetsuya Naito gritted his teeth and did not refuse the captain, only passing.


The moment the basketball broke away from Naito Tetsuya, one arm was cut between the two in advance.


Murayu Kengo turned his head sharply, and he saw the slender figure of Lan Ran.

Immediately, the blue dyed figure disappeared, like a light, truncated the pass and galloped on the court.

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