Lan Ran broke the ball and began to run wildly, and the consequence of the extreme speed was that the surrounding scenery quickly receded.

“How can he run faster than Naito!”

Miuradai boss jumped up from the bench.

In his field of vision, Naito ran at full speed without the ball, and he couldn’t catch up with the miracle generation who refused his recruitment.

The next moment, Lan Ran jumped across the free throw line and forcefully dunked the ball into the basket.

The opening game is 40, and Xiangbei has a pretty good start.

Kengo Muraya could see that the secret weapon carefully prepared by the instructor was completely useless.

“Arrogant little ghost, make you cry right away.” Murayu Kengo stared viciously at Lan Ran.

What is the master of the whole life, what is the master called if it is not the whole life?

Offense and defense conversion.

Miuratai also became serious after conceding two goals in a row, and the defensive end kept making small moves.

This team is like this, provoking the opponent with nonsense and small actions.

When encountering a heavy referee, such a style of play can be very painful for Miuradai’s opponents.

The referee on duty today has a heavy taste.

Even if he saw the players in Xiangbei being pushed and shoved, he didn’t look like he wanted to sound the whistle.

When Kengo Murayu saw it, he immediately knew what to do.

He took the initiative to find Lan Ran through the cover of his teammates and asked to cross the ball to single Lan Ran.

But the reality is that he is not good at singles, and his scoring methods are mainly fast-attack dunks.

Positive one-on-one, bullying some short players is okay, playing blue dye such a fierce man, there is no chance of winning.

But it doesn’t matter!

His purpose was not to play well.

The pretending had a few feints, and the next second he was facing away from the blue dye, basket.

It looks like it’s going to turn around and break through.

Lan Ran moved sideways to defend, and Murayu Kengo saw it very clearly, and immediately showed a treacherous smile.

Then, the moment he blocked the referee’s line of sight with the help of blue dye, he waved an elbow, five.

How about it, little ghost, basketball is fun!

Just as he was secretly proud, he was struck by his iron elbow, and his body actually cracked and shattered like glass.

This can startle Kengo Murayu.

How bothersome, is my iron elbow so ferocious, it can actually break a person’s elbow into pieces?


The rift became even bigger, and the blue dye exploded in all directions, and Kengo Murayu was frightened to the point of brain downtime.

It wasn’t until a hurried whistle pulled him back to reality.

What’s going on?

Murayu Kengo woke up like a dream, and the blue dye who was broken into pieces by his elbow was still standing well.

And his ugly elbow swing was exposed under the mirror.

Everyone at the scene clearly saw his ugly elbow swing!

No matter how heavy the referee’s taste, it is impossible to tolerate this kind of action aimed at hurting people.

This was aimed at Lan Ran’s head, and although it didn’t hit, he had to take back the foul.

“The strength and angle are very good, a beautiful elbow.” Lan Ran stood aside, commenting.

When Murayu Kengo heard this, he was so shocked that he instinctively retreated.

Stand-in attack, this is a stand-in attack!

“What have you done to me!”

He was really scared, and when he encountered such a thing for the first time playing ball in his life, he had a kind of day-of-the-day horror.

“Nothing, just a joke with your brain.”

Kidding my brain….

Neuropathy you are!

Kengo Murama’s ugly appearance is caught, and the ball falls into the hands of Shonobei.

There was no malicious foul under FIBA rules, and the referee gave Kengo Murama a technical foul.

Xiangbei got two free throws and one throw.

Lan Ran personally scored two points on the free throw, and Xiangbei continued to hold the ball.

Lan Ran receives Sakuragi’s serve and finds Kengo Murayu again.

“Hallucinations, it’s definitely just hallucinations, they don’t scare me!” Kengo Murayu cheered up.

He wouldn’t give up so easily.

Lan Ran kept observing his expression, smiled softly, and after taking a step forward, the whole person came out like a fierce beast, and actually crossed the Murama Kengo defense at once.

The unparalleled explosiveness surprised the entire Miuradai.

Murayu Kengo didn’t have that ability to chase after him, and instinctively reached out and grabbed Lan Ran’s shoulder.

Who knows, Lan Ran suddenly disappeared from his field of vision, so fast that people could not see the retreat, making Murayu Kengo mistakenly think that Lan Ran had never moved.

Without a chance to give him a sigh, Lan Ran crossed the basketball twice hard, taking another step in the other direction in the same way.

Kengo Murama’s five senses, including vision, touch, perception, and sense of security, immediately send the collected information to the brain.

Then, his brain made a judgment in a thousandth of a second, giving instructions to move horizontally to his limbs.

But when he moved sideways to the right, blocking Lan Ran’s path, his sense of touch told him a message, he didn’t touch anyone. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Immediately, his vision also sounded an alarm, and the blue dye in front of him dissipated like a mirage.

Wait until Kengo Murama’s brain receives the information and makes an accurate judgment.

Murayu Kengo immediately turned his head, and the blue-dyed figure appeared on the other side of him, wiping past him in one breath.

“What the hell is this special code?!”

He felt like he was going crazy, just playing a ball, how could he still use magic?

Nima’s Xiangbei, can’t afford to play, right!

Kengo Muraya watched as Lan Ran entered the box, attracted the defense and distributed the ball to Takeshi Akagi, who finished the finish.

Less than 2 minutes into the game, the ambitious Miuradai was beaten 8:0 by Xiangbei!

It seems that there is no chance to seek revenge on Hai Chang.

263 Miuradai coach quickly asked for a timeout, and when he came down, he chased Kengo Murama and cursed angrily.

“What the hell are you doing, why did you let Lan Dye pass so easily!”

“He can do magic.”


“He can magic, he’s not a player, he’s a magic mentor.”


The head coach of Miuradai turned dark, and now, this stupid man dared to fool himself with such an excuse as magic.

Kengo Murayu is bitter and can’t say, the kind of encounter that is like falling into illusion, isn’t it magic or what?

As soon as the game started, one of the starters went crazy with one.

This game can’t be played!

Coach Miuradai has no choice but to let Naito Tetsuya go to prevent blue dyeing.

Although it is a misplaced defense, he believes in Naito’s athletic ability.

As a result, a few minutes later, Naito Tetsuya’s terrified screams were heard on the court.

“Illusion, this is illusion, he is a ninja, it is given by Sas!”

Another crazy one.

The Miuradai boss covered his face in pain, who are his own players?

He can only change the anti-blue dye again, and he does not believe that his team members are fools.

Who knew that after a few more minutes, the third madman appeared again.

“Stand-in attack, this is a stand-in attack.”

“Is your ability to make your opponent fall into illusion, I already know!”


This game is not going on!.

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