Before the first quarter was played, the three starters in the team went crazy.

How can this game continue?

The manager of Miuradai is completely helpless, and a person who goes crazy may have a mental problem with that person.

But one after another team members have encountered such things, then it can only be said that it is not his team members who have problems.

The problem is with the indigo dye.

“It seems that the rumors are true.”

The manager of Miuradai has heard about it.

Lan Dye in the Diguang era, every player who plays with him, will encounter many strange things during the game.

There will be confusion in the five senses and six senses, and they will often do things on the field that others cannot understand.

Mare’s nest!

This is a rumor in the middle of the country, and it is also the ability of Lan Ran after awakening.

Use a fake move that is perfect enough to be like the real one, and bring the opponent into the false reality.

The first quarter was over, and the score was 40:9!

Miuradai scored only 9 points on the head of Shonbei, and was bombarded by his opponent with a high score of 40 points in a single quarter.

Blue dye 7 points, 7 assists, 4 steals and 2 blocks in a single quarter, iconic blue dye statistics.

When the situation allows, he prefers assists and steals to scoring.

The second quarter came up, and the situation did not improve.

Murayu Kengo and the others were forced by the pressure of the blue dyed mirror flower water moon and did not dare to use small movements.

Because every little movement they make may be exposed to the air under the light of the mirror.

This is equivalent to Miuradai’s martial arts being abolished.

Iron-blooded defense is the foundation of Miuradai’s survival in Kanagawa.

But under the deterrence of blue dyeing, they had to throw away their sharpest weapons.

“Miuradai is not as strong as Saiko said.”

Aida Keitora’s training was hard, like hell.

But the effect was also obvious, he could feel that his body gradually became energetic.

Turning his head, he saw Coach Anzai leisurely drinking tea on the bench.

“Coach Anzai, you just need to be where to drink tea all the time~.”

This hot-blooded man showed a hearty smile at this moment.

That day, he took people to the arena to make trouble, and Mitsui Shou was either beaten by Takeshi Akagi and the rest of the Blue Dye Legion, or by the Twilight Gong Yanzuo.

He refused to admit his mistakes.

But the moment Coach Anzai entered the door, it was just an encouraging look.

Mitsui Shou’s emotions collapsed uncontrollably, and he could no longer hold on, crying and saying, “Coach, I want to play basketball.” ”

At that moment, he was completely reborn!

“Maybe we’re too strong this year.” Saiko was in a good mood.

Miuratai was able to fight with the sea to the end last year, and his strength is naturally not bad.

Now in Xiangbei’s hands, they show a weak appearance, and it can only be said that they are really strong in Xiangbei this year.

“Maybe.” Mitsui Shou walked off the court, and only the Buddha Coach Anzai saw in his eyes.

Lan Ran looked at the cold for a while, this Mitsui Shou, the taste is too heavy, it is actually controlled by grandpa?

The game ended quickly, and Xiangbei won the opening match without suspense.

The score was a huge disparity of 132:35, and Miuradai’s score almost couldn’t catch up with the tail number of Xiangbei.

Lan Ran played 33 minutes, cutting 35 points, 20 assists, 12 steals and 5 blocks.

There were no rebounds, and they were all divided equally by the King Kong brothers.

700+1000+1200+500, a total of 3400 experience, plus 2000 victory guarantee, a total of 5400 experience.

Thanks to the improvement in scoring experience from 1 point 10 points to 1 point 20 points, the experience of scoring is no longer a chicken problem.

Until the next upgrade: 9932/100000!

There is still a gap of more than 90,000 experience points.

“Not enough, more.”

At the end of the game, Lan Ran took a picture of the scoreboard and sent it to the quintuplets before leaving the stadium with the team.

At the moment when he changed his clothes and walked out of the dressing room, a pink figure and a flying pounce hung on Lan Ran’s body.

It’s Momoi May, Kirito also has a game today, and as the team manager, she doesn’t need to stay at school honestly.

Instead, he went out with the team, and ran to Kanagawa to watch Lan Dye play on the pretext of inquiring about intelligence.


Little Peach wrapped her hands around Lan Ran’s neck, and her delicate face wanted to be made of white jade, constantly rubbing back and forth.

“May, why are you here?”

“Of course I missed you, it’s too much, you won’t look for me after going to school.”

“I’m going to work.”

“Yes, then forgive you.”

The two reminisced, while the others in Xiangbei watched blankly.

Or Caiko couldn’t help but ask first, “Lan Ran, this is…..” (Read the violent novel, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

Little Peach rushed to reply, “I’m Xiaolan’s girlfriend!” ”

Generals in northern Xiang: “‘Beasts! ”

This scumbag, actually stepped on two boats, and … Both of them are so good-looking, just like they came out of the comics!

“Don’t talk nonsense, May, they will misunderstand.”

“Misunderstood what?” Little Peach asked innocently, “Xiaolan is my boyfriend, although sometimes eating will cheat me to pay, but occasionally I will pay for myself, Xiaolan is great, right?” ”

What the hell have you been through before!

The people in northern Xiangbei were shocked, and looking at Lan Ran’s eyes was like looking at garbage.

Lan Ran touched his nose awkwardly, he was not deducted by his father before.

It’s tough!

Miyagi Ryota couldn’t bear it at first, and said directly, “I said, don’t you know that this guy already has a girlfriend?” ”

“Isn’t my girlfriend me?” Little Peach got down from Lan Ran and said with a smile, “If that little blue girlfriend you said is called Nakano Nino Little Slut, that’s not oh!” ”

Ni Nakano is a little slut:

Is hostility so great?

“Isn’t it true that if you seduce someone’s boyfriend with four twin sisters, such a woman must be a slut?”

Lan Ran didn’t dare to let her continue, “It’s excessive, May.” ”


Little Peach held her head.

She had already collected all the information about Ernai, and she knew everything about the Coke that was originally splashed with blue dye.

Obviously he began to hate Xiaolan to death, and then took the initiative to run to work in Lan Ran’s shop.

It’s shameless!

Akagi Gangken and several people saw it and looked at Lan Ran with a mocking face.

They are now looking forward to what will happen when Little Peach meets Ernai, two women who are not fuel-saving lamps.

It must be exciting, right?

“What are you gloating about, your own old bottom has been peeled clean in May.” Lan Ran rolled her eyes.

“Eh?” A few people were puzzled, and Lan Ran explained to them, “May is an intelligence gathering expert, three or four stories taller than Caiko. ”


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