Seeing that everyone’s faces in Xiangbei changed, Little Peach immediately said in tea.

“It’s too much, don’t make people say so terrible, am I not cute?”

Don’t think you can do whatever you want if you are cute!

Lan Ran got used to her and pointed at Mitsui Shou.

“Do you know how many three-pointers he made in this game?”

“Mitsui-senpai? I don’t know, but I should have got a lot of points, and I’ve been training hard at the manager of Aida Jinghu recently. ”

Little Peach means that I am not deceived, is it really that I am stupid?

And Mitsui Shou and others all changed their faces.

This little girl actually knows where she is doing recovery training in Aida Jinghu?

Did I say something superfluous?

May blinked, trying to muddle through.

“What’s wrong, why are you like this.”

“How did you know I was training under Aida-senpai?”


Little Peach then realized that she seemed to be exposed.

“This….. Well, I have collected all the intelligence of everyone in Xiangbei. ”

“Wait a minute, don’t scold first, I just want to collect Xiaolan’s daily life and want to know what he usually does.” I just collected everyone’s intelligence by the way, I didn’t mean it! ”

It turned out to be because of you, bastard blue dye.

You are a ghost, don’t throw the pot at me!”

Little Peach said that I really haven’t thrown off the pot, since I want to collect intelligence on people I like, I have 337 hands from his teammates.

Ganga, right?

“There is not all, if Mitsui-senpai continues to train like this, the pre-national pre-competition state can be restored to the top ten of the national high school MVP list.”

“Akagi’s senior has excellent skills under the basket, and I have seen no more than 10 centers that are better than you.

With that, Peach turned her head to look at Sakuragi again.

“Sakuragi jumps so high, it’s not much worse than the sincere Vulcan-san.

Although there is a lack of offensive means now, by the time of the national competition, the mid-range shot should be able to practice a weapon that can be used as a regular scoring method. ”

It is worthy of being a player who has been trained by the little blue army for three years.

“Rukawa-san, well, is very good at scoring, and there was a single 50+ performance in junior high school.

However, if Xiaolan is there, he will be trained by Coach Anzai into a player like a sharp knife later, and the direct scoring ability after the empty cut cannot be underestimated. ”

It is also said that not all of them have been collected, and not all of them have been collected.

It was also deduced that Coach Anzai’s tactical deployment after that, and even how to arrange training, was clear.

How can this Diguang person be like a monster?

“What about him?” Rukawa Kaede pointed to Lan Ran.

He wanted to know the advantages and disadvantages of blue dyeing, and after the fiasco that day, he had no intention of giving up.

Want to go beyond indigo dyeing!

“Xiaolan’s words, you can’t predict it.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s literal, because I don’t know how strong Xiaolan is now.”

She said something that shocked everyone in Xiangbei.

Blue dyeing, perhaps not yet at full strength.

“In fact, it’s not just Xiaolan, everyone in Diguang, I can’t predict it.”

Speaking of this, she is nostalgic and sad.

These big boys, one by one, are too uncomfortable!

She cheered up and looked at Coach Anzai and said, “So, Coach Anzai can use Xiaolan as the core to fight Tonghuang, and my intelligence is not much to use.” ”


What a wonderful little girl, even guessed her own thoughts.

“So be it, you have also collected intelligence, I haven’t seen you for so long, let’s go out for lunch together.”

After this game, it was noon, and it was time for lunch.

Little Peach had already prepared, picked up a bento, and said expectantly, “I made the cooking!” ”


Hate to die!

People work so hard to make bento.

A Chinese restaurant near the arena, Lan Ran is eating a mouthful.

May completely ignored the resentment on his face and took the bento he made without saying a word.

The little girl doesn’t have a beep at all, and she doesn’t know that she can’t eat what she makes!

(adei) Your bento box is all in the dead air, don’t you see?

“It’s time to eat, don’t worry about your bento.”

“I don’t want it, the food I make is unpalatable, but it’s full of heart, you can definitely eat it.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is a sports channel, not a food channel, and you can’t eat something so powerful.

“Eat soon.”

“Don’t, unless you tell me what the coach told you.”

She was referring to Baijin Cultivation, why Lan Ran arranged to play in Xiangbei.

This matter has been bothering her for almost a year.

“Why are you so gossipy.”

“This is the power of women.”

“Don’t use this as an excuse!”

Lan Ran put down her chopsticks, thought about it, and decided to talk to her.

“That old thing, I hope I win to the end.”


“Maybe it’s to make up for Akaji, he guessed that there would be such a day before he fell ill in the second year.”

“So you want me to correct those guys’ illnesses for him.”

After Lan Ran awakened, Shirogane Gengyu guessed that Chiji’s talent would also completely explode at a certain point in time, and then fall into confusion.

Just didn’t have time to correct, his body couldn’t support it, and he fell down first. And Hongmura Shuzo also had to leave because of taking care of his family.

The two people who were calm at that time all left Diguang.

There is no way, he can only send his most optimistic Lan Ran to Coach Anxi to adjust, and then Lan Ran will correct the rest of the guys.

“Can everyone really be like before?”


“Will everyone play together like they used to do in the future?”

May, who learned the reason, was filled with hope.

It turned out that the coach had already thought of everything and made arrangements in advance.

“I know that.” Lan Ran didn’t dare to guarantee, but said, “I can only guarantee that I will win them all.” ”

That’s enough!

Little Peach heard the answer she wanted, immediately put down her bento, picked up her chopsticks happily and ate it.

“Xiaolan, I didn’t bring money out today!”

So are you Kanagawa who ran over?

Lan Ran was speechless, “I’ll pay well, you treat me like someone.” ”

Really, dare to underestimate me Lan.

He angrily ordered two cups of lemon tea before reaching into his pocket proudly.

It turned out to be empty, not even a piece of toilet paper, let alone banknotes!

“Huh? How is it not? ”

He opened his backpack again and rummaged through for a while, only his sneakers and two sets of jerseys.

Damn, I forgot my money when I went out!

“…… Well, May, can you pay the bill first, and I will pay it back to you later? ”

Little Peach’s face changed visibly, and the rice became unfragrant.

After so many years, she still can’t escape the white of Lan Ran!

“Xiaolan, I hate you!”.

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