“I really didn’t mean to.”

It’s so embarrassing that Lan Ran doesn’t know how he left the restaurant.

I just remember that after Little Peach said “I hate you”, the other customers in the store looked at themselves with a subtle expression.

“May this guy is really, why should he be so excited, I don’t ~ don’t pay it back.”

Women are so troublesome!

After sending May on the subway, Lan Ran returned to Xiangbei on his bicycle and continued to exercise.

I want to boost my fitness to full value!

ZONE is powerful, there’s no doubt about it.

But side effects are not absent, once the ZONE is turned on, the consumption of physical energy will increase exponentially.

It was the Vulcan Dame, who was holding the aura of the protagonist, and the final battle with Luoshan, was only in this field for about ten minutes.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to maintain a whole section, even physical monsters like Lan Ran can’t hold on.

You may be able to finish the quarter, but your combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced due to the decline in physical fitness.

There is a possibility that an open shot may be missed.

Lan Ran decided to fill up his physical attributes, and if he was in the ZONE field for 10 seconds, the result of the match could be different.

“I haven’t encountered a four-dimensional attribute for many days.”

Lan Ran frowned, the attributes recently brushed by the endless store are all shooting, traversing and the like.

Except for the two appearances of power, which increased his strength to 92 points, the rest has not been seen at all.

“I still have to upgrade.”

After fighting Miuradai’s Shonobei, their opponents were Takahata, Tsukutake, and Shoyo.

After these three matches, they will fight Hai Chang head-on.

In this game, Lan Ran can’t continue to brush the data, and he has to go all out.

With his current scoring ability, there will be no big problem with 50+60+ cuts in a game.

He has more experience in assists, so he can score 40 points in a single game.

In terms of assists, the players in Xiangbei are strong enough to seize opportunities, +.

40 points is 800 experience, 20 assists is 1000 experience, plus 2000 wins, it is only 3800 points.

He is confident of averaging doubles per game, and Miuradai’s strength is good, but he still grabbed double digits.

But it’s just over 1,000 experiences. If you want to make 20 steals in a single game, you need luck to cooperate with your opponent.

Counting it 2000, it adds up to 5800.6000 experience.

“Where to make up for this 4,000 points of experience?”

Basically can’t do it.

Most of the two statistics, rebounding and blocking, were contracted by the King Kong brothers.

The two guys Akagi and Sakuragi are now like crazy flies once someone kills the Xiangbei forbidden area.

The two idiots here always look like “dominating the basket is equal to dominating the court”.

The rebounds were fierce and hard.

“Let’s score a little bit lower, and make more balls for your teammates.”

20 assists is a thousand experience, 30 is one thousand five, steals try to brush 20, there are also two thousand experience, here there is three thousand five experience, plus two thousand victory guarantee, it is five thousand five.

Score him 30 points, 600 points, block 4,400 points, and hold up 6500 in a single game!

There are four more games in the group stage, three round-robin games, and ideally, a county tryout can earn 45,000 experience.

In the national competition, the guarantee experience is improved, and there is hope to be promoted before the final.

Open brush!

It’s not useful to calculate it, it’s better to work harder to brush the data.

Therefore, on the second match day of the trials, Xiangbei created a terrible human tragedy.

Their opponent today is Takahata.

A team that was played by Xiangbei in the original book with a single high score of more than 150 games.

Xiangyang’s four-eyed boy also threatened that if they changed to Xiangyang, they could get 200 points.

The simple translation is that this is a good tool for a fish-belly team to brush up on experience.

Blue dye has been incarnated as a tool man since the first verse.

As long as his teammate has a chance, even if he has a better chance of attacking, Lan Ran will not hesitate to distribute the ball to his teammate.

What’s more, many times he has already hit the basket.

In the face of an unguarded basket, he will “selflessly” distribute the ball to Akagi or Sakuragi.

The next fast attack is the old mode, first brush a board and then score, see the head coach of Takahata is a burst of eyelids.

But this is not the most outrageous.

Facing the ultimate fish belly like Takahata, Lan Ran fought as if he was facing Nakshan.

The defensive pressure on the opponent can be felt by the audience more than ten meters away.

This kind of frenzied behavior finally created a blue dye to brush a piece of heavenly thunder and slash data.

37 points, 33 assists, 21 steals, 6 rebounds and 4 blocks!

0 for flowers 0

Double 30 plus another 20+ Takahata coach was once angry with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in the process of watching the game.

I almost threw my hands away on the spot!

Of course, Lan Dye is not concerned with something as superficial as the difference, he is concerned with his own experience.


7190 experience!

“My fucking mother’s really is not reading material, after so long the greatest experience in theory, in the end it is not as much as it has been brushed out by itself!”

Looking at this single experience, Lan Ran was in a good mood.

He is already starting to think about who his next opponent will be!

“What? 167:38? Shonhoku won Takahata by 129 points? ”

Whoever pays the most attention to the team in Xiangbei at this moment, it must be Haichang.

Because as long as the two teams keep winning, in the end, they will have to fight hard for the only group qualification place with bayonets.

Winning by 129 points in a single game, Hai Chang regarded it as a declaration of war on itself by Xiangbei.

“129 points, hmph, Xiangbei can do it, we can do the same in Haichang.”

Yukio Kasamatsu does not flinch at this time.

So in the next game in the same group, Hai Chang scored 170 points in a single game, while also winning by 130 points.

Within one day, it refreshed the record of Kanagawa’s highest single-game score that was only played by Xiangbei not long ago, and responded strongly!

“170 points per game?”

“Hey, is the sea often crazy.”

“It should be said that Xiangbei and Hai are often crazy, one wins 129 points in a single game and one wins 130 points in a single game, completely not giving the opponent a way to live.”

“Who let the two teams be put in the same group, there is no way back for either team.”

“Now there is a good show, the head-on collision of the miracle generation!”

“I’m really looking forward to it!”

The madness of Xiangbei and Haichang completely stimulated the audience and aroused the fans’ emotions for the upcoming Armageddon to the greatest extent.

If it was a round-robin game, these fans wouldn’t be so excited.

Because even if two teams lose a game, they still have a chance to qualify.

But the group stage is different, both sides have no way back, and can only compete for the only group qualification spot.

It’s brutal and exciting!

The two teams are destined to set off a bloody storm in Group A.

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