
At half-time, Xiangbei’s lead extended to 40 points.

One of Kanagawa’s strongest teams, Xiangyang lost by 40 points to Shonbei at halftime.

This basically declares that the game is over.

The huge score difference made the entire Xiangyang lifeless.

Especially Kenji Fujima, as the core and manager of the team, he was shot 12 of 13 by Lan Dye in this half.

I shot 0 of 5 and didn’t get a point.

The biggest damage that Lan Ran gave them was not in his 26 points at halftime, but in his eight steals and two blocks against Kenji Fujima.

Both the offensive and defensive ends burst Fujima, leaving him without even the courage to shoot.

Lan Ran played the first half, scoring 26 points, 13 assists, 10 steals, 3 steals and 2 blocks.

The triple double in the half also indicates that the strength gap between Xiangyang and Xiangbei is huge.

Indigo dyeing still has spare energy to brush experience.

In the second half, the five players on the Shonhoku field were: Ryota Miyagi, Shou Mitsui, Lan Ran, Hanamichi Sakuragi and Takeshen Akagi.

This lineup, Coach Anzai screwed up in the second quarter.

There are three points, and there are breakthroughs, and Miyagi’s love is short and dead to cure Xiangyang’s black and hard, making the other party difficult to care about.

And in the third quarter, with the consumption of physical energy, the big men of Xiangyang were even more breathless by Miyagi Ryota.

When holding a huge lead, Xiangbei pursued more offensive efficiency.

This kind of play became the last straw that crushed Xiangyang.

Time is ticking by minute, but the score does not mean to be imminent.

Kenji Fujima, who refused to give up, began to play impatiently and took the initiative to increase the pace of the game.

He grabbed time, grabbed 743 three-pointers, no longer put the ball inside every ball, and took advantage of the advantages of the four elders to play efficiently.

This is undoubtedly the way to death.

The main thing in this game in Xiangbei is to quickly counterattack, and the vine Allah moves to speed up, but let Xiangbei’s athletic ability play out.

“Has it been swallowed up by a huge point difference.”

However, when the third quarter ended, Xiangbei’s lead extended to 50 points!

They played many rounds in this section because they were rushing for time.

In contrast, Xiangbei also got more opportunities to counterattack.

Xiangyang is no longer able to return to the sky.

In the fourth quarter, Lan Ran volunteered to stay on the field.

Seeing him, Xiangyang, who had been scared for a long time, did not have the confidence to win at all, but fought as hard as ever.

For Xiangyang at this moment, victory has long had nothing to do with them.

These junior players just want to enjoy their last game of high school.


At the end of the game, Shonbei finally slaughtered Kanagawa’s Haoqiang Xiangyang by 62 points.

After the game, the five tigers of Xiangyang wept.

Not because they lost badly, but because it was their last year.

Full of regrets.

“It was us Xiangyang who lost, there is no doubt about it!”

Kenji Fujima stretched out his hand and showed his demeanor.

But his eye sockets were filled with a curtain of water as early as the adcc, and his mood was not as light as he said.

“It’s nice to play with you.” Lan Ran also stretched out his hand and held it hard with Fuji Zhen.

Kazushi Hasegawa also found Mitsui Shou, but still did not recognize his opponent.

Although Mitsui scored the team’s second-highest 26 points today, Hasegawa’s pre-game rhetoric that he scored no more than five points was in vain.

But in his opinion, it is not how good Mitsui Shou is, but because they have blue dyeing.

This initial awakener of the miracle generation is the reason for Xiangyang’s defeat!

“Winter Cup, we will be back.”

“Whatever you want.”

Mitsui Shou’s vision has long changed, and what he sees now is the miracle generation, the team that Lan dyed those former teammates were in!

“Let’s go, next, it’s our match with Xiangbei.”

At the end of the game, Yukio Kasamatsu led the team off the field.

He didn’t want to leave high school with regrets like Fujima.

“Next game, I must win!”

Little blue dye…

Huang Se Ryotai took a deep look at Lan Ran, and finally his gaze swept over the Xiangyang player whose face was full of tears.

He did not say a word, silently followed the team and left.

“Sure enough, Xiangbei won in the end.”

“At this moment, Hai Chang is about to meet Xiangbei.”

“Civil War of the Miracle Generation!”


The match between Xiangbei and Xiangyang is over, but an even bigger storm is brewing. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

A: The only qualifying place.

Xiangbei vs. Haichang.

Miracle Generation VS Miracle Generation!

The most anticipated match for fans is about to break out in Kanagawa.

Return to Xiangbei.

The imaginary excitement was not seen, and the atmosphere of the entire basketball department was extremely dignified.

Because tomorrow, they will have to compete with Hai Chang for the only group qualification right.

Win, one of the two qualifying places in the national competition, Xiangbei basically pocketed.

And if they lose, for Takeshi Akagi and Mitsui Shou, there will be no next year.

To be honest, compared to fighting hard with Hai Chang in the group stage now,

Takeshi Akagi: They prefer that the match take place in a round-robin tournament.

The longer they played with Lan Ran, the more they understood the meaning of the four words Miracle Generation.

No one dares to say that they can win 100%.

Nervousness pervaded the entire Xiangbei basketball department.

The other side.

Haichang’s basketball department is also not as calm as usual.

After the basketball club activity time was over, Kasamatsu Yukio asked everyone to go back first and stay alone in the basketball club to clean up.

“I’ll help you too, Kasamatsu-senpai.”

“You don’t have to, go back with me Ace, save all your physical strength for tomorrow’s game.”

Ryota Huangse didn’t take a few steps when he was caught by teammate Yutaka Moriyama and pulled out of the basketball club.

“Moriyama-senpai, why don’t you let me stay and help?”

“Now, you can leave Kasamatsu alone for a while.”


Huang Se Ryo didn’t understand, and the rest of the staff were all silent.

After a while, Moriyama Yutaka sorted out his emotions and said.

“Last year’s national competition was the strongest in our history.

The audience, the newspapers and even the TV stations, almost everyone at the time, thought that we could win the championship. ”

“And then?”

“We went to the national competition and lost the first game.”

Moriyama Yutaka shook his head, and the rest also showed an unwilling face.

This is not surprising Ryota Huangse, last year’s national competition champion did not belong to Haichang.

But he didn’t expect to lose the first game….

‘The game was scorching, only one point behind the opponent, and with just over one minute to go, we had plenty of time to play an attack.

“Did you say…” Thinking of Yukio Kasamatsu’s abnormality, Huangse thought of some possibility.

“Just what you think.” Moriyama Yutaka sighed, “In Kaizuki’s most crucial attack, Kasamatsu made a mistake in passing the ball, and the ball was passed by him to the opponent.

The other party used Kasamatsu’s things to fight back! That goal also ended our national tour. ”

How so!

Ryota Huangse gasped.

With what he knew about Yukio Kasamatsu, the captain with excessive self-esteem would never be able to forgive himself.

The air suddenly became a little heavier.

Yu Zhuchun continued, “Of course, he refused to forgive himself, and took the initiative to apply to the coach to withdraw from the department after the game. ”

“Really fake?”

“It’s true, but the coach refused, and made him the captain of Hai Chang’s new team.”

“So, before tomorrow’s game against Xiangbei, let him calm down properly.”

PS: The fifth more, the brothers are very powerful, I can’t lag behind, please book it all!!!

Thanks bea… Thanks to 18573: Thanks to the Buddha’s Trace, Vera Crimson, Shallow Dream, Galaxy Sigh, Crazy or Fair, Zed, 9235.., 18573.., 15236.., Ordinary People, Hermanlam13569…

Thank you brothers for the flowers, evaluation votes, thank you very much!.

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