
This is something valuable that Yukio Kasamatsu got from Gentai Takeuchi.

Genta Takeuchi’s business ability aside, he is always patient with his own players.

This may have something to do with the fact that he will choose Huangse.

Yukio Kasamatsu is sincerely grateful to his coach for giving him the opportunity to renew.

So, what he needs to do is very simple.

Use victories to repay the trust of coaches and teammates.

“Definitely win!”

Yukio Kasamatsu murderously hit the 200th mid-range shot ~.

Day 2.

The arena of the game.

At this moment, there are still five hours before Haichang vs Xiangbei.

This civil war of the miracle generation was arranged by the organizers without hesitation in today’s finale.

But at the moment, there are still more than 2 hours before the start of the game, but the stadium is still full and full of people.

“Wow, a lot of people, are they all coming to see our game?”

“How can it be to come to see us, these fans are all coming to Xiangbei and the sea.”

“Generation of miracles!”

On the pitch, neither side expected that there would be so many fans coming to watch today.

In the group stage, there are already a thousand fans on the scene.

Only a giant like Haichang can attract the attention of fans.

And today, every audience seat is filled with fans, on.

The number of fans is conservatively estimated to be tens of thousands, which is already the size of the finals of the national competition!

Naturally, it is impossible to cause this scene, but today’s finale battle.

Haichang VS Xiangbei!

“I’m afraid that in the eyes of these audiences, we have become an appetizer before the main course comes up.”

No player is upset about it.

Because even they desperately want to see the civil war of the Miracle Generation.

Those few talented players who swept the national middle school for three years will not be like the youth sports report.

It will detonate the entire high school basketball world, and even the college basketball world after that!

There is still a long time to go.

Xiangbei Zhong is still preparing at school at this moment.

It is worth mentioning that Sakuragi Hanamichi, a guy who is usually out of tune, and even has a brain problem in the eyes of some people.

Today it is extraordinarily serious and serious.

“Is this guy serious with a serious expression?”

“Gorilla, it won’t be your sister who gave him PUA, right?”

“Hey, the number one of the legion, what’s going on with this guy Sakuragi.”

Mitsui Shou lightly elbowed the blue dye.

He was beaten by Yohei Mito without parrying.

Therefore, he was very curious about this legion boss Lan Ran, who could fight the most.

How good can he fight?

Hanamiya really said very confidently: “Generally, that is, the level of one elbow that me into the hospital for half a year.” ”

“Probably his father will come to the scene to cheer him on.”

Indigo is neatly dressed and ready to go.

There are not many people in the world who can make Sakuragi show this expression.

He saw it when he was in the first year of junior high school, and this guy apologized to himself with the exact same expression as this. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That year, he was slapped by his disappointed father.

From then on, Sakuragi Hanamichi stopped doing nonsense and played basketball with Lan Ran.

In fact, Lan Dye guessed about the same.

When the Shonobei crowd called the bus to the competition site, Sakuragi told Lan Ran why.

His father called him in the morning and said, “I’ll wait for you in Tokyo and watch you play every game, Sakuragi!” ”

This is an invisible encouragement.

Defeating Haizune and entering the national competition filled Sakuragi’s heart at the moment.

Even Haruko Akagi, who he loved, was temporarily thrown aside by him.


After a whistle, the entire stadium erupted into earth-shaking cheers.

Not because of how wonderful this game is, but because, after this game, it will be followed by the battle between Xiangbei and Haichang.

“Here, it’s Haichang, which one is the Miracle Generation?”

“The blond hair is that when I see him playing in middle school, no matter what it is, as long as I watch a ball, I will be hailed as a super genius whose talent may still be above the rest of the Miracle Generation.”

0 ask for flowers

“The people of Xiangbei have also come out, such a strong aura, I really didn’t expect that the fish belly two years ago could actually threaten Haichang’s status this year.”

“After all, they recruited a miracle generation this year, or the blue dye.”

Walked from the tunnel onto the pitch and prepared on the bench.

Even if the game has not yet begun, just seeing the two teams step into the crowd is enough to make the long-awaited live audience boil.

As Yayoi Aida, who has been closely following Lan Ran since the junior high school period.

As early as before the match, I wrote an article with the title “The strongest of the present vs. the strongest of the future”.

The content inside clearly records the brilliant achievements of Lan Dye, as well as Ryota Huangse’s incredible learning ability.

Kokusai only came into contact with basketball and was reused by the head coach in the first year.

It is worth mentioning that she also mentioned in it that the opportunity for Ryota Huangse to get in touch with basketball seems to be related to blue dyeing.

It’s different from a boiling scene.

Whether it was Xiangbei or Haichang, after entering the court, he warmed up without saying a word.

They know each other the difference between losing this game and winning this game.

In Kanagawa, there will be no stronger team than them.

So the person who wins this match is equivalent to winning the No. 1 seed in Kanagawa!

The right to qualify for the national competition.

Nino came to the scene today and took leave for the strange reason of “getting lost in the path of life”.

Naturally, there were four other little ones who came with her.

“Ernai, let’s all take time off to watch the game, dad will be angry, right?”

“I don’t care so much, if I’m afraid that my father will be angry, why do you have to take leave with me?”

“Because we’re quintuplets!”

“Let’s go, the game seems to be starting.”

Hearing the loud cheers coming from the arena, the quintuplets accelerated towards the arena.

And when he walked into the stadium, Hai Chang and ten players from both sides of Xiangbei had already arrived at the middle line, as if looking at each other across the Chu-Han border.

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