“It’s really unlucky, I met you first, Little Blue Ran.”

In the middle circle, the members of Xiangbei and Haichang looked at each other across a line.

“This is the first time we’ve come face to face in this way on the pitch.”

Ryota Huangse crossed his waist with his hands, pretending to look at Lan Ran easily.

A man who can be said to indirectly lead himself to the path of basketball.

“I had a dream before, and in my dream I defeated Little Blue Ran.”

“Although I found out it was a dream, I was really happy at the time.”

No one knows how much he wants to defeat Lan Ran.

No one knows how much he admires the man in front of him who acts strongly and decisively.

It was only in the Miracle Generation that everyone could awaken, and he had the courage to challenge.

Just like Daiki Aomine, he was not less pestered to single out.

Only “530” blue dyeing will never take the initiative to challenge.

Lan Dye is the strongest in his eyes and the player he wants to be the most.

“Huangse.” Lan Ran looked at the golden retriever in front of him and said softly, “Longing is the most distant emotion from understanding.” ”

Far from understanding the most distant feelings… Is it.

You really are the most handsome player, little blue dye!


Under the expectation of everyone, as the referee’s whistle blew, the life and death battle between Xiangbei and Haichang officially began.

A total of ten players from both sides were seated.

The starting list of both sides, from No. 1 to No. 5:

Kaizuki: Yukio Kasamatsu, Yutaka Moriyama, Ryota Huangse, Mitsuhiro Hayakawa, Jun Usugi.

Shonobei: Blue dye, Mitsui Shou, Rukawa Kaede, Sakuragi Hanamichi, Akagi Goken.

In the scrum session, the people in charge of the scrum on both sides are not two centers, but Sakuragi Hanamichi and Hayakawa Mihiro.



The moment the basketball lifted into the air to the commanding height, Sakuragi jumped high for the first time.

However, he unexpectedly lost to Hayakawa Mitsuhiro, a 1.85-meter-tall power forward who actually beat 1.89 meters Sakuragi Hanamichi on the ball.

“Sakuragi actually lost the scrum?”

“What is he doing!”

Er Nai is very dissatisfied, this is a life and death battle in northern Xiangbei, how can you drop the chain at this time?

After complaining, a sentence suddenly floated in his ears, “Hayakawa-senpai’s bouncing height is not as high as Sakuragi-san.”

However, his bouncing speed is second to none in the country, and laymen who do not understand the ball should not complain casually. ”


The old lady who doesn’t know if she’s alive or dead?

Erno glanced sideways and saw the little peach.

The other party did not unsurprisingly look at himself with a disdainful face.

Erno recognized her and said, “It’s you, I always follow the blue-dyed little green tea when I was in junior high school!” ”

Little green tea?!

Little Peach’s face darkened visibly with the naked eye.

Er Nai was not afraid, and stared back without flinching.

What is she not green tea?

Pretending to look natural all day, the result is an intelligence gathering expert, I’m afraid it’s all black when it is cut!

“My green tea?” Little Peach was furious, “That’s also a hundred times better than you.” ”

“It’s unbelievable, you ran to Xiaolan’s house without shame to scratch your head, how old are you, little slut, I’m afraid I won’t be able to marry myself!”

I grass?

She even knows this!?

Er Nai’s face turned red as soon as he rubbed the ground, and he didn’t know how to refute it for a while.

A few sisters and the blue dye legion look lively is not a big deal, where to judge the head.

“Sure enough, the belly is Heike Tsundere, and Er Nai is not an opponent at all!”

“Back to defense!”

Losing the scrum in the opening game, Lan Ran immediately shouted and retreated.

The Xiangbei team members did so.

They don’t know when they started to prefer to follow Lan Ran’s command on the court.

If Coach Anzai is the head coach off the field, then Lan Ran is the commander on the field.

When Yukio Kasamatsu saw it, he didn’t retreat and attacked quickly, and compared two fingers to the sky.

When Ryota Huangse saw it, he immediately ran to the bottom corner without the ball, and Lan Ran quickly followed.

In the civil war of the Miracle Generation, it is difficult for the rest of the people to intervene, even Sakuragi is not qualified enough.

However, the basketball was not divided into the hands of Ryota Huangse.

At the moment when Lan Ran was slipped away, Yukio Kasamatsu hit the ground and split the ball into the hands of Jun Uzuki on the inside. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Fish column!”

“Let’s fight it, Akagi!”

The two big men faced each other in the first round, and the stadium was immediately full of passion.

The fish pillar of the sea, the akagi of northern Shonan.

These are two of Kanagawa’s best centers.

But unlike Akagi, Jun Uzu is not that genius type of player0…

In his first year of high school, his skills are rough and his personality is easy to be impatient, even if he is a substitute, he will often be expelled for irrational behavior.

But it is such a center with rough technology, and at first glance it is considered by Genta Takeuchi to be an important puzzle piece for Hai Chang to dominate the country.

Because Yuzhu’s physical static talent is too good, his height of 2.02 meters and weight of 90 kilograms are better than Takeshi Akagi.

With a “bang”, the gorilla and the monkey boss collided together in the first round.

Both of them are strong center forwards, so the picture is quite explosive as soon as they touch, and the bulging muscles make people shudder, as if steel is colliding.

“So strong!”

This game did not disappoint, there was no temptation at all, and it came up as a big fight.

In the end, it was the fish pillar tonnage height that prevailed, and both hands dunked to score and set the scoring for the team.

“Even the gorillas lost!”

In the audience, Erno and Little Peach had already stopped.

Before Xiangbei won too easily, giving them the illusion that Xiangbei was invincible.

Now that they meet the real national giants, they are not used to the big gap for a while.

“Of course, Uobashi-senpai is the tallest and strongest center in Kanagawa.”

“From the moment he entered Kaijo, he was handpicked by Coach Genta Takeuchi as the pillar of Haizuo’s inner line for the next two years.”

“In addition, the senior of the fish column has 3.8 reasons that must not be lost.”

Don’t think this match will end easily, Akagi.

After the fish column scored, there was no slightest smugness, but the eyes were more aggressive.

Unlike Takeshi Akagi, this year is the last year of Yuzhu’s innocence.

His father didn’t support him playing basketball, regardless of the outcome.

At the end of the year, he will have to go home and inherit the family sushi restaurant.

There is no college basketball, and high school is the last year of his basketball career!

A curtain call in the true sense of the word.

Jun Uiju or Yukio Kasamatsu or not.

The two third-grade seniors came up and showed their fighting spirit to win.

For a time, Hai Chang’s overall momentum was very terrifying.

They didn’t come to play, they came to fight!.

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