“Sure enough, I still can’t fight for the time being.”

Ryo Huangse was too unexpected for everyone.

He offered to single the ball and within seconds, he shoved the ball into the hands of his teammates in the box.

Because through the simulation of the brain again and again, no matter what way, he only got the answer to defeat.

Direct shots are blocked, breakthroughs get caught in grapples, and finally they are taken to the mirror and then tackled.

It’s not really invincible.

The conditions for its launch require constant interaction with the opponent, from attack and defense to force false information into the opponent’s five senses.

Finally, the effect of confusion is achieved.

If both sides stand still, or break through in one breath, the mirror will be self-defeating.

Of course, it is almost impossible to achieve the second point.

Huang Se has not seen anyone who can “kill” Lan Dye in seconds, and Qingfeng can’t come yet.

“Huh? Actively backed off? “Takao Kazunari was held back so badly that he had a feeling that he couldn’t get up or down.

What did you do if you didn’t take the initiative to ask for the ball just now?

“It’s not that you don’t fight, but you have already lost.” Shintaro Midorima saw the problem deeper.

“In just a few seconds of contact, I am afraid that their brains have had five or even ten more battles.”

“Huangse’s final backwards and choice to pass only proves that he can’t find a way to pry open the blue dye defense in his brain simulation battle.”

His expression looked calm, as always.

But in my heart, I am already thinking differently, what if I face blue dyeing?

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t get by, I don’t remember that there was only Huangse on this team!” Takeuchi Yuan gritted his teeth too secretly.

I saw that Yuzhu Chun was not disappointed after receiving the ball, and immediately squeezed Akagi with his body, leaned on a little space and forced the board to hit.


“Don’t be proud of the fish pillar, the game has just begun.” Takeshi Akagi is not affected.

This man obviously has the strength of the national level, but was pitted by Xiangbei teammates and could not enter the round-robin for two years.

In the round of Xiangbei, Lan Ran continued to hold the ball.

As always, with the same singles tactics, as long as Hai Chang does not make adjustments for a day, he will continue to play like this.


The world in front of Huangse shattered like glass again.

This is why the mirror does not seem to be incomprehensible, but it is very unsolvable.

Especially when Lan Ran is in the offensive end.

If you don’t move, he can pass you in one breath, and the super explosive power makes defending him even half a beat slower enough to be fatal.

But if he moves, he will involuntarily be taken to the mirror by him.

No one in this world can freely manipulate the five senses and six senses.

Lan Ran entered the sea forbidden area in one breath, and Akagi stuck the fish column in advance.

Lan Ran scored two points with an unimpeded layup.

Personal victory or defeat, Akagi Takeshi has long not cared.

He now has only one goal, to win this game and reach the national competition.

In order to achieve this goal, he did not hesitate to contract all the dirty work.

“Xiao Zhen, have you also been deceived by his mirror flower Shuiyue~?”


Shintaro Midorima shook his head truthfully.

In fact, their understanding of the mirror is not thorough enough, and many of them are their own guesses.

In the long time with the blue dye, see with the eyes, and finally analyze the principle of the mirror.

Is the blue dye already all the mirrors?

No one knows, because when he was in middle school, he didn’t rely much on Kagamihua Shuiyue’s ability.

Pure personal strength is enough to defeat the opponent.

Whether it is the five generals without a crown, or Eiji Sawakita, who is the strongest number two.

“Maybe today I can see the other side of the mirror.”

This was the purpose of his coming to Kanagawa from Akita Prefecture to travel thousands of miles.

Last time, Makoto failed to force the strongest blue dye, maybe Huangse and Kaizune could do it.

On the court, it was Hai Chang’s turn to attack.

Once again, Huangse took the initiative to ask for the ball in full view, but after a few tentative steps, he distributed the ball to his teammates again before he noticed that something was wrong.

“Without us, you haven’t even forgotten how to win.”

What is this kid trying to do?

Lan Ran was a little concerned about his previous words.

Can’t win for the time being!

Meaning, can we just wait a minute?

“Want to know? I don’t tell you. ”

Ryota Huangse smiled happily and felt a sense of accomplishment that he had won once.

It seems that something is really being prepared. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I hope you will be ready in time, not when you finish.

“I won’t wait for you where you are, Huangse.”

During the conversation, the ball that Huangse divided was received by Yukio Kasamatsu.

After reorganizing, he divided the ball into the hands of Yutaka Moriyama, and finally shot the iron under the tireless pursuit of Mitsui Shou.

“It doesn’t matter if you lose it, we still fish the pillar and Hayakawa!”

Moriyama Yutaka was extremely decisive because the two inner lines of the team gave him the power to be presumptuous.



The moment the basketball basket popped out, Yuzhu and Hayakawa Mitsuhiro judged the basketball landing point and jumped high with a roar.

But at the moment when Kaizuki thought that the rebound was in hand, Sakuragi pulled the onion dryly, and after accumulating his strength, he jumped up.

Sakuragi, who burst out with all his strength, bounced faster than Hayakawa Mitsuyō.

The height makes up for the gap of 2.02 meters in the pure fish column.

He fished the ball back in a pinch-hit between the two.

Quite a rebounding idiot!

He landed heavily on the ground, and the floor was stepped on as if shaking.

“The basket in Xiangbei is guarded by me!”

This guy.

Many people were surprised that Haichang’s two strong inner linemen could not grab Sakuragi Hanamichi.

“Where did this guy come from, how come I’ve never seen it before?”

Of the ten players present, many of them have been famous for a long time.

Miracle (Money’s) generation two aside, Mitsui Shou, Akagi Tsuken, Jun Usuju, Yukio Kasamatsu, Hayakawa Mitsuhiro, Rukawa Kaede ….

All of them are good players at the national level, and when some middle schools are in high school, they are already talented players all over the country.

Who knew that this red-haired monkey who suddenly appeared was so sharp that he protected the rebound in the middle of Hai Chang’s two.

Maybe after today, the name Sakuragi Hanamichi will also be known throughout the country!

“Back to defense!” Yukio Kasamatsu immediately returned to defense.

He and Moriyama Yutaka ran all the way, and finally formed a double defense at the top of the three-point line arc to block in front of Lan Ran.

And then……


They were taken to the mirror by Lan Ran, and when they came back to their senses, they bumped into each other and fell to the ground left and right.

Lan Ran stayed in place at the moment, knowing that the two of them gave way by themselves, before accelerating through the middle to go to the rules.

“Don’t be so polite, we’re rivals.”

This monster!.

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