“This monster, even Huangse, is not so difficult.”

Moriyama Yutaka sincerely felt that the invincible aura emanating from Lan Ran’s body, just looking at him would cause pressure.

“Didn’t you know this kind of thing for a long time.” Yukio Kasamatsu immediately stood up, “Give him a ball right away!” ”

Ignoring Lan Dye’s provocation, Yukio Kasamatsu quickly passed the half-time after receiving the ball.

The person in charge of guarding him is Kaede Rukawa, a super newcomer in the middle school era, who has the upper hand in height and weight.

Yukio Kasamatsu is not afraid, giving full play to the advantage of small and big, turning around after a false sudden turn and stopping jumpers, tenaciously helping Kaizune to bite the score.

Official sources record that he has a speed second only to Generation Miracles.

This means that of 10 players on the pitch, he can rank third in speed!


“What a reliable child.”

Coach Anzai was uncharacteristically not drinking tea on the bench today.

This level of competition is enough to make the white-haired fat Buddha a little more serious.

The audience seats in the south boiled again, and the word “Haichang” was repeated by them again and again.

“The captain of Haichang, so powerful, so easily completed the shot in front of Rukawa-san.” Yihua was amazed again.

This ball-blind 920 is the first time I’ve seen such a textbook little big fight.

“Which side the hell are you, stupid Yihua!” Erno immediately glared over, and the sisters had no face.

“Hahahaha~” Yihua laughed dryly, and made the shape of a horn with both hands, “Xiangbei, come on!” ”

That’s pretty much it!

Four-leaf few small tactical leanback.

Afraid that Ernai who can’t get married is so scary!

During the conversation, Xiangbei scored another goal under the combing of blue dyeing.

The hot-blooded man got up and down and hit a steady three-pointer.

Since receiving restorative training from Keita Aida, he can clearly feel it.

“It’s really not giving in to each other, but it seems that the situation is still on the side of Xiangbei.”

Although the score has not yet been pulled away, it is only bitten by Hai Chang.

But Takao and Cheng can still clearly feel that Xiangbei plays much easier than Haichang.

Because Hai Chang has not yet found a way to restrict indigo dyeing.

Xiangbei has been playing superstar tactics, breaking through to attract the defense and scoring the ball.

Every time he attacked, Xiangbei got a great opportunity to attack.

On the other hand, Hai Chang also has a lot of wonderful goals, but most of them are scored against defense.

Under the trade-off, sooner or later the game will completely enter the rhythm of Xiangbei.

Of course, Genta Takeuchi can see the disadvantages of the team, but he does not have a good way to break the drama.

That’s the value of Miracle Generation!

It can also be said to be the value of a star!

One person can lead the whole team to attack, some with points, others with passing.

And Lan Ran, he can score and pass the ball.

Such players are the most incomprehensible, and it is not easy to target.

In the past, when he was in Diguang, Bai Jin Genzo still had to worry about how to crack the opponent’s contraction defense because Lan Ran did not hit the shot.

The current Coach Anzai does not need it, and Lan Ran has become weak and has become weak.


With a whistle, the first quarter was over.

The battle between the two sides was 28:21, and Haichang was 7 points behind Xiangbei.

The spectators just felt that time was passing so quickly, because they were watching the game seriously.

On Hai Chang’s bench, the bench instinctively got up and left the position to the main player. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Genta Takeuchi noticed that the sweat rate of the main players was higher than usual.

This means that the pressure on them by Xiangbei is not as small as the score seems.

However, he was already very satisfied.

In this quarter, the starting five players played the full game, Uiju had 8 points and 4 (ADEJ) rebounds, Yukio Kasamatsu had 7 points and 3 assists, Yutaka Moriyama scored 6 points, and the rest did not score.

Ryota Huangse, of the Miracle Generation, did not make a single shot in the entire section, and only the opening block and one assist were on the data bar.

His performance disappointed many people.

Because Lan Ran scored 9 points, 4 attacks, 2 steals, 1 block and 1 rebound in a single quarter, filling the data column.

The people of Haichang did not care, and looked at him when they were resting.

“Can it be done, Huangse.”

“The first phase is complete.”

Ryota Huangse only feels that his brain is a little confused now, and he has thought too much in a short time.

Everyone says his weakness is that he doesn’t have his own weapon.

Ryo Huangse wanted them to see if they had exclusive weapons!

He wants to imitate the strongest blue dye in his mind!

When he said this decision, Yukio Kasamatsu and the other members of the Kaiju team were stunned.

Because Huangse’s imitation can only be aimed at players under the Miracle Generation.

Genta Takeuchi believed he could do it, after all, learning itself is the best ability!

“In other words, you need more time, right?”

“Sorry, I still need the efforts of the seniors.”

“Don’t apologize to me idiot.”

Yukio Kasamatsu slapped him.

Huang Se didn’t need to apologize to anyone, and his efforts during this time were in everyone’s eyes.

In addition to training, he watches Lan Dye matches almost all the time.

The fighting spirit to win even desperately is no worse than any of them.

Only in this way did he become Hai Chang’s trump card!

“However, I don’t know if the monster on the other side noticed it.”

“If he wants to take the opportunity to open the score, it’s really a very troublesome thing.”

Yutaka Moriyama voiced his concerns.

“Little Lan Ran, don’t worry, just know that there will be no special moves.” Ryota Huangse reassured them.


“If the opponent is strong enough, he will be happier.”

He’s the number one fan of Blue.

Therefore, he knew very well that Lan Ran was not the kind of person who would retreat when he encountered a strong enemy.

Rather, he is pursuing an opponent who is originally a strong fighter.

“Oh, it’s really a great interest.” Yukio Kasamatsu turned his head unpleasantly.

Players like them, just winning is hard.

Lan Ran is good, afraid that the opponent is not strong enough.

The meaning of the existence of this genius is specifically to fight them, right? .

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