“If you don’t even try, what the hell does that guy want?”

“Maybe it’s surrender?”

“How is it possible, that kind of look is not to accept the look of failure.”

On the northern side of Xiangbei, Akagi also got the technical statistics of the first section~.

When they saw that Ryota Huangse didn’t make a single shot in the first quarter, they were very surprised.

It is inconceivable that a team’s ace does not shoot once in a whole quarter, and is only responsible for slipping the blue dye away.

Can you imagine that Jordan doesn’t score in a quarter?

“I guess I’m thinking about something bad.” Blue dye wiped sweat.

What do you think I’m best at!

This is Huangse’s conversation with him in the first section.

The golden retriever thought that his mouth was tight, but in fact he had already been exposed.

Isn’t what he is best at imitating or learning?

“You know?”

“Probably trying to imitate one of us.”

Lan Ran’s expression was exactly as Huang Se predicted.

Seems a little interested.

The rest were surprised that Ryota Huangse was at the end of Generation of Miracles because he could not imitate players of the level of Generation of Miracles.

Those few geniuses of the Miracle Generation, outstanding ball skills are one thing.

On the other hand, what makes Huangse really imitate is their physical talent.

Now Lan Ran said that he was trying to imitate the Miracle Generation, which was beyond everyone’s expectations.

“Rukawa-san, let’s take a break in the second quarter.”


Liuchuan Feng looked at Coach Anzai puzzled, but the latter smiled “oh he”.

Old Riddler.

The second quarter began quickly.

Shintaro Midorima and Kazunari Takao soon discovered that the Shonobi lineup had changed.

Ryota Miyagi replaced Kaede Rukawa and Lan Ran was placed as the No. 3 small forward.

“Xiangbei, what do you want to do?”

“Defend Yukio Kasamatsu with a similar height Ryota Miyagi?”

There was a lot of talk.

“It’s not such a simple reason, I’m afraid it has seen through our intentions.” Takeuchi Gentai turned his head.

In his eyes, Coach Anzai sat calmly on the bench, watching his disciples running on the field intently.

“You want to save Lan Dye’s physical strength, Coach Anzai.”

Miyagi Ryota replaced Shonbei’s ball work, and the distance that Lan Ran needed to run should be reduced by at least half by half.

He doesn’t need to tear open Huangse’s defense again and again, and can choose to cut or shoot.

There are drawbacks, and it is impossible for Miyagi Ryota to replace the role of indigo dyeing.

His deterrent power with the ball is far less than that of Lan Ran.

But this also has the advantage of greatly reducing the time for Huangse to complete the imitation.

The members of Kaito’s team did not see it so clearly, and guessed that it may be that Kaede Rukawa defended Kasamatsu Yukio and changed people because of their poor results.

The first attack in the second quarter, Hai Chang’s possession.

Yukio Kasamatsu looked at Miyagi Ryota, who was shorter than himself, and did not be polite to the other party, and pulled away to fight singles.

He used his speed as usual to get rid of it, but unexpectedly Miyagi Ryota followed him close and was not thrown off at all.

In the eyes of the audience, the point guards on both sides are like dancing, and the figures are constantly staggered between the electric light and flint.

Afternoon, beach, court…. And the older brother.

That’s pretty much all Miyagi Ryota versus basketball.

But his brother will not return, forever dripping in their homeland, the sea of Okinawa jutting out.

Miyagi Ryota only remembers that his brother had a dream to defeat the mountain king.

Now, his brother’s dream has become his dream.

Yukio Kasamatsu only felt that what was in front of him was very difficult, hanging on him like a sloth.

After trying many times without a chance, he forcibly created an opportunity, forcibly ate Miyagi with his body, and then stopped strikingly.

That knows, the moment the ball was collected, Miyagi chased after him again and cut off the basketball with a slap.

Yukio Kasamatsu didn’t even have a chance to strike.

In the blink of an eye, the attack and defense were switched, and Xiangbei instigated a rapid counterattack.

Miyagi Yoshida took the lead to the other side of the basket, and Yukio Kasamatsu chased after him.

Two extremely fast defenders crossed the half.

But there are two people who are faster than both of them.

It’s Ranja and Huangse!

The speed at which they erupted without the ball made both short men helpless.

Miyagi “sighed” and smashed the ball forward hard.

He believes that Lan Dye will be able to catch up.

Sure enough, Lan Ran saw Miyagi pass, and with an acceleration, he rushed over, crossed the free throw line and grabbed the basketball and jumped. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Don’t think about it, little blue dye.” Huangse roared and jumped, his arms raised and firmly blocked between the basketball and the basket.

0 for flowers 0

In a trance, he saw the afterglow from the corner of Lan Ran’s eyes sweep across the three-point line.

Could it be.

He couldn’t help but look sideways, but found that there was nothing empty, and there was no one.

Lan Ran, on the other hand, took advantage of this opportunity to pull the ball through Huangse’s armpit and pick the basket to score.

“Damn, deceived again!” Huangse gritted his teeth secretly.

It’s so torturous.

It’s really torture.

Lan Ran is famous for his superb feints, but knowing that he is good at feints, you can’t overcome your instincts.

He can always stimulate your five senses and make him act involuntarily.

Then he grabbed the opportunity to score!

“Score again.”

“What a relaxed look.”

“It is worthy of that blue dye, even if he is also a member of the Miracle Generation, that Huangse is not his opponent.”

The audience only saw that Lan Ran beat Huangse again to score.

But for the sea that the default is not able to challenge the blue dyeing at this stage.

At the moment, the most difficult thing for them to accept is Miyagi Ryota, who has just played.

The short guard who was less than 1.7 meters had just cut off Yukio Kasamatsu’s shot.

This is troublesome.

Losing Huangse’s firepower, Kaijo’s attack was inefficient.

If Yukio Kasamatsu was entangled by that Miyagi Ryoda again, the firepower would drop another notch.

At that point, the difference will not be as simple as the single digits it is now.

“How did the ball get into that number 7?” Erno muttered.

She saw Lan Ran playing, so she didn’t want to watch Miyagi Ryota.

“To say that you are ball blind is ball blindness, Xiaolan first played the number one position, it was the possibility that Platinum coach saw him.”

“But in fact, the most powerful thing about Xiaolan is always the attack, and the seniors of Miyagi share the work of controlling the ball, so that Xiaolan can go all out to attack.”

Erno became angry, “Huh? Think that if you understand the penalty, it’s not a little green tea, and then I’ll tear your mouth with nonsense. ”

Little Peach didn’t hesitate, “I’m afraid of you, I can’t even understand the ball, and I prefer to look at the face of the little slut than watching the ball.” ”

“I just like the blue dyed face, you brag!”

“No shame…”

The Blue Dye Legion and the four little ones did not dare to interject at all.

They suddenly felt that the outside court seemed to be more exciting than the game on the field.

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