Offensive and defensive conversion, sea often attack.

Yukio Kasamatsu naturally does not back down because he loses a goal.

Once again, he beat Miyagi with the ball.

This time, he did not give Miyagi Ryota another chance, and quickly shot after a sharp stop.

Then, the basketball hit the front with a “pop”.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t cast it, we still have Uozhu and Hayakawa!”

As soon as he thought about it, the fish pillar immediately stuck in Sakuragi’s position, preventing him from jumping too easily, and helped Hayakawa Mitsuhiro take off the rebound.


“If it’s noisy, don’t shout during the game!”

Yukio Kasamatsu cursed, and had already taken the lead in the empty cut to answer.


He didn’t let the opportunity slip out of his hands again this time, and hit the shot steadily.

The difference is back to 7 points again!


“Well done!”

The sea generals shouted one after another, shaking their fists vigorously.

Before Huangse’s model “727” was completed, every offensive round of Kai Chang was extremely important.

Every penny is worth a thousand dollars.

Because, if Huangse’s imitation is completed, and they are already too far behind.

At that time, even if Huangse can defeat Lan Ran, Haizuku has no chance of victory.

Turning his head, Lan Ran hit a super difficult back-up three-point shot against Huangse’s defense.

This kind of ball is the most demoralizing.

I finally grabbed the rebound desperately to score 2 points.

As a result, people turn their heads and throw in a three-pointer, and the gap in their hearts will be large.

Yukio Kasamatsu is not discouraged.

“Isn’t it just a three-pointer, we often shoot.”

He snorted and gestured towards the sky.

In the next second, Jun Yuzhu pulled up to a high position with Hayakawa Mitsumi to cover him.

Double cover!

Miyagi Ryota was not given a chance to pursue the defense at all, and when he bypassed the first cover of Jun Uzuki, he immediately ran into Hayakawa Mitsuhiro.

At this moment, there are only two left in the restricted area, Akagi and Sakuragi.

A great mid-range opportunity.

Mitsui Shou gritted his teeth, there was no way, he could only leave the defenders around him to help him defend.

As everyone knows, Yukio Kasamatsu waited for him to assist in defense, and he should have thrown a pass in mid-air and distributed the ball into the hands of Yutaka Moriyama.

The latter threw the ball into the basket in an extremely bizarre position.

How weird?

Lan Ran felt like he was splashing water, and the basketball he threw didn’t have any rotation, from bottom to top, like a big loop.


Hai Chang hit a three-point shot and tenaciously bit the difference to single digits.

“Yo what!”

Jun Yuzhu and Hayakawa Mitsuhiro roared loudly, and Kaizuki’s morale was still strong and he was not hit.


Looking at his teammates who were yelling one after another, the blood on Huangse’s body involuntarily warmed up.


The mid-game was over, with Xiangbei leading Haichang by 13 points at half 55:42.

“Damn, I didn’t bite the difference in single digits in the end.”

Yukio Kasamatsu gasped.

Losing the firepower point of Huangse, he encountered the key care of Xiangbei in this game.

So much so that the final attack in the second quarter made a three-shot.

“It’s already okay, senior.”


The Kaizuki dressing room, which was originally a little noisy, was instantly quiet because of Huangse’s words.

Hayakawa looked at him with glowing eyes, asking the question they all wanted to know.

“Huangse, your imitation is complete?”

“Sort of, but you have to practice it.”

The substitution adjustment in the second quarter of Xiangbei greatly reduced his imitation efficiency.

Originally, it could have been completed in the middle of the second section and tried to imitate.

It was not completely completed by the end of the field.

Huangse is still not absolutely sure.

Just looking at the teammates who are desperately biting the score and just want to buy themselves time..

“I really can’t continue to watch without doing anything like this!” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now, not the time to hesitate!


Shintaro Midorima and Kazunari Takao walked to the kiosk to buy a drink.

Walking on the road, Takao Kazunari couldn’t help but be curious and asked, “Xiao Zhen, that teammate of yours, is he really going to do nothing and just wait for the game to end?” ”

“How is it possible.” Shintaro Midorima didn’t want to deny it.

None of the miracle generations he knows will embrace failure with open hands!

“But he didn’t challenge Lan Dye for two whole quarters.”

“Maybe you’re preparing something.”

He had some guesses in his mind, but he wasn’t quite sure.

But he believes that when Huangse is ready, he will not hesitate to challenge Lan Ran.

This game is far from over!

The other side.

Lan Ran also took advantage of the break to come to the vending machine and asked for energy drinks.

I didn’t hurry back to go back, I found a place under the table, looked into the distance, and enjoyed the hot summer breeze.

“Why don’t you get here by yourself without preparing tactics for the second half?”

At this time, Erno came over, and with her came Little Peach 0…

The two women actually got together.

“Why did you come together?”

Hum! X2

The two girls were silent, one left and one right sitting next to him, looking at each other through the blue dye, as if electricity was flashing.

But he didn’t quarrel anymore, not wanting Lan Ran to be distracted by trivial matters.

“Xiaolan, aren’t you worried at all?” Little Peach saw that he was still in the mood to see the scenery, and couldn’t help but remind, “Xiaohuang, he may…”

“I know, he’s imitating me.” Lan Ran interrupted her and said, “But he can’t win anymore.” ”


May and Erno were stunned at the same time.

From the blue dyed face, they only saw calm, and a trace of pity?

Then he stood up, “Let’s go, I’m going back to prepare for the second half.” ”

Halftime passed quickly.

The audience also quickly returned to their seats.

Erno and May also returned with a puzzled look at this time, there was the Blue Dye Legion, and no one dared to grab their seats.

The players from both teams walked out of the tunnel again.

May noticed that Huangse’s eyes were already different from the previous half.

He looked at Lan Ran not far away.

But Lan Ran was the same as just now, and his expression was calm and a little scary.


The game begins.

Ryota Miyagi was once again replaced by Kaede Rukawa.

Lan Ran regained possession of the ball.

In the first attack of the third 1.6th quarter, Lan Ran started a single against Huangse.

“Step back after big stride, cross dribbling, observe teammate position, change direction and break through.”

This guy…..

Lan Ran has already entered the Haichang penalty area at this moment, changing hands and scoring a layup under the cover of Yuzhuchun.

When passing by Huangse’s side, I heard him muttering non-stop.

It was the action he had used to break through just now, including his eyes.

Then, he reached out again on the offensive end and asked for the basketball from Yukio Kasamatsu.

People thought he would hold the ball for a few seconds and then redistribute it.

But Lan Ran heard him say: “Longing is indeed the farthest distance from understanding, just blindly worshiping, it can’t surpass you, little Lan Ran!” ”


“If the opponent is yourself, can you still defeat yourself?”

PS: The body is a little uncomfortable, the fourth is a little more nightly!.

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